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Links To The Edp

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I don't know if I'm alone in this but if I open a link to a newspaper, especially the EDP, this tired old laptop of mine really struggles. It is my belief that it's all the Ads and similar that pay for people to read the on-line version of the EDP actually in my case, render it unreadable. I waited for 20 minutes or more when trying to load the link in the "BA gets slated" thread, but it locked my computer out for quite a while.

Is anybody else having this problem? 

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You really should update that IBM 286, MM. I know you loved your Commodore, but you had to get rid of that last year. So bite the bullet and lash out on something from the 20th century. There's a nice Pentium down at the council recycling depot. I could pick it up for you, if you like?

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9 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

Is anybody else having this problem? 

Yes! Not quite to the extent it locks the machine, but It's the same with the several other click bait websites.... I mean local newspapers I look at from time to time. I'm convinced it's all the advertising and link too. 

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I'm sat here on a fairly new pc (though this one doesn't have a solid state drive many of them do). The internet connection is fibre to the building..

The EDP is still slow to load as are all the newspapers, it's the fact they load all their adverts with pictures that are often moving...

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15 minutes ago, TheQ said:

I'm sat here on a fairly new pc (though this one doesn't have a solid state drive many of them do). The internet connection is fibre to the building..

The EDP is still slow to load as are all the newspapers, it's the fact they load all their adverts with pictures that are often moving...

Agreed. We recently moved to fibre broadband, downloads are faster but the associated adverts etc really do slow things. 

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