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J.P. He Say!

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Finally, we learnt yesterday that the charity commission had accepted the registration of our new national charity, the 'UK National Parks Foundation'. I look forward to sharing more information about this with you in the future.

was the only line that worried me.

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Just in case folk haven't sorted it:


For the rest of you, my appologies.

In the meantime I have read the details of the UK National Parks Foundation including their charter & purpose. Wow, hardly compatible with the statutory duties of the Broads Authority. Having said that there is nothing contentious I have to change my mind now, sorry and all that sort of thing, I was wrong. I can not see how the Authority can allie itself to this new charity as its purposes differ quite markedly from the Broads Act. I also question the need for two charities campaigning on behalf of national parks and perhaps the Broads. If there is any wisdom within the Authority membership then perhaps someone might burst JP's bubble.

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1 hour ago, grendel said:

if they have found someone to run the shop at acle, and refurbished some of the moorings and taken control of the toilet block, does that mean that have abandoned their short term plans for the visitor centre on the site?

I doubt it. Authority members apparently went to lunch at The Bridge today.

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Why would the BA need to be setting up a Charity?

Is this a normal thing? Or just another hair brained scheme so someone gets their face in the paper? 

At risk of sounding “uncharitable” surely the realm of a charity falls well outside the BA’s remit? 

I’m at a loss most of the time.


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I don't know that the BA has actually set up another charity but it has certainly agreed to accommodate this new one in its Norwich office. I can only guess at Dr Packman's possible motives and involvement with this one.  

I am concerned that this new charity's clearly stated purpose is at odds with the legislative duties of the Broads Authority.

More than that I rather suspect that this new charity will provide a nice little earner, perhaps to a soon to retire redundant CEO. I do wonder at the need for this new charity. I also accept that there is a need watch progress with a cautious eye. A bit more delving I suspect. 

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When in doubt refer to Google so I have, namely tapping in 'UK National Parks Foundation'. I found and was impressed with the American National Parks Foundation but zilch on this latest UK creation. What I did find were the several, existing UK national park's related charities and organisations, all of which the Authority/Packman already appears to be involved with.  It would be interesting to find out what Packman's actual involvement has been in the creation of this latest addition to the NP cause. 

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