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41 minutes ago, EastCoastIPA said:

Which one? Eurosceptics have been using sound bites like this for years to further their cause, but it is meaningless unless you state an example of the regulation. Remember the famous ban on curved bananas, again a proven Euromyth.

Why do you keep asking everybody to prove things just because you don`t like the answer?. That`s almost like demanding a second vote because you don`t like the result of the first?. I think we`ve all heard that somewhere else?.

I`m NOT going to prove ANYTHING to YOU or anybody else for that matter, if you don`t believe it, fine, but trying to make others disbelieve something just because you don`t like it (and possibly CAN`T prove your own theory either?) is totally wrong.

But to justify my comments (just this once), i was actually told that by members of the farming community i knew when i lived in Kent, plus i`ve seen countless apple and potato mountains myself, and when asked why they could`nt sell them, or even worse give them to countries with starving people, those very same farmers said it was eu regulations.

Happy now?.

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27 minutes ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

Why do you keep asking everybody to prove things just because you don`t like the answer?. That`s almost like demanding a second vote because you don`t like the result of the first?. I think we`ve all heard that somewhere else?.

I`m NOT going to prove ANYTHING to YOU or anybody else for that matter, if you don`t believe it, fine, but trying to make others disbelieve something just because you don`t like it (and possibly CAN`T prove your own theory either?) is totally wrong.

But to justify my comments (just this once), i was actually told that by members of the farming community i knew when i lived in Kent, plus i`ve seen countless apple and potato mountains myself, and when asked why they could`nt sell them, or even worse give them to countries with starving people, those very same farmers said it was eu regulations.

Happy now?.

I didn't say anything about not liking the answer, that is just an assumption, but it is in my nature not to blindly accept something just because someone repeats something they have heard. Chinese whispers and all that. I'm also not trying to make others disbelieve you, others are able to make their own judgement based on facts, hearsay or their own opinions.

To move on to your last point, the farmers said it was EU regulations! I don't doubt that may have been what you were told, however it holds absolutely no weight by them using the blanket, EU regulations response, unless they point out which EU regulation is actually preventing them from selling the produce. It is a fact that the EU scrapped controversial rules in 2008 that prevented the sale of fruit and vegetables based upon their odd shape or size. They do have to be correctly classed and labelled, and it is this classification that has meant that supermarkets do not buy certain grades of fruit and vegetables because they mistakenly believed that their customers did not want them. After much research and listening to their customers the supermarkets are reversing that decision. Take Morrisons "Wonky" fruit and vegetable range. Plainly there is not an EU regulation forbidding their sale, just the correct labelling and classification of the product. It took nearly 10 years for Morrisons to stop believing the rhetoric and listen to what their customers actually wanted, but their was no EU regulation during that time that stopped them from selling appropriately labelled "Wonky" fruit and vegetables. Now you don't have to believe what I have just said, and you may still choose to believe the farmer you spoke to, or you could do your own research and seek out the truth yourself.

Too many people blindly repeat what they have been told without questioning for them self whether what they have been told is actually true or fact. The politicians and the press use this method no end to further their own goals. It's very much like the myth about conkers being banned due to health and safety. It has nothing to do with health and safety rules, but much more to do with the compensation culture in this country. It is far easier for the school to turn around and use health and safety as the scape goat, when it isn't. Before anyone claims otherwise, show me the H+S rule banning the playing of conkers at school!!!!

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2 hours ago, EastCoastIPA said:

One thing worth bearing in mind however, is that it is not actually illegal to drink, or eat when driving. That's off course assuming the driver hadn't actually used the drive through for the other occupants of the car. Coffee can also take a long time to cool down to a drinkable temperature, so it's also possible that the driver has pulled over and stopped somewhere by the time they drink there coffee, although I still go back to the point that it is not illegal to drink when driving anyway, other than alcohol off course.


ECIPA no where in law states that you may not consume Alcohol behind the wheel. Only that you may not drive a vehicle whilst over the magic 35 mg per 100ml

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On 23/07/2019 at 17:02, grendel said:

next thing you know shops will be wrapping your purchases in brown paper and string (eminently reuseable if you dont tear it) just like they used to years ago, I can still remember all of my school books had to be covered at the beginning of the new year, as soon as you got them, in brown paper, then write your name and the book subject on the front, just think if everything hadnt been wrapped in brown paper, we would have had to buy some. nowadays the only free brown paper comes all scrumpled up in Amazon Boxes, it takes ages to straighten it out and roll it up..

Bloody Hell Grendel, You're that old ?  :default_norty::default_biggrin::default_gbxhmm:

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