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You could but I wouldn't want to. The last few miles are dead boring, the tides through Yarmouth can be the fiercest on the Broads and not to be trifled with - the last time I had to come up against the tide I was almost flat out and made 2 mph over the ground for half an hour! The yacht station is a good 20 minute walk from Regent Rd., Yarmouth's answer to Oxford St. If you're determined to visit moor at Acle Bridge or Stracey Arms and taxi in and out. I've always looked on Yarmouth as a port of passage rather than a destination.

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In answer to LondonGuy’s questions - yes, fairly, yes and yes. Stumpy has laid it out pretty well and his suggestion of a bus, if you really must go to GY, is a good one. The Yacht Station guys will help you moor safely. Personally I would far rather go to Norwich, much more to see and a nicer place to moor. Just avoid Friday and Saturday nights! 

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couldn't  agree with Vanessan more , time of year is important as passage times through Yarmouth may be restricting for your week afloat , there are many threads on here and elsewhere concerning Yarmouth and passage through .

Many of your queries could well be dependant on boat airdraft etc and facilities you require but keep asking we are a friendly lot on here 

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If you're going to Yarmouth to stay, my advice echoes those replies already given. It's not the easiest place to moor up for anyone, let alone a novice, but on the other hand, the quay attendants are very good and knowledgeable. If you ring them, they'll tell you the best time to arrive for ease of mooring. You'll spend the best part of 2 hours getting there and the same coming back. Moor somewhere easier, and cab or train it, would be my advice.

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I think it's tedious to get the train from the Northern Broads to Yarmouth. It's a fair walk to Able station and a change at Norwich from Wroxham.

With regard to everything, I would say that if you want to visit Yarmouth, visit. It has features found nowhere else on the Broads (mind you, some might avoid it for those reasons). As a child, Yarmouth was always a must. As an adult, I'm not so fussed.

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Meant to say that Breydon isn't scary as long as you cross when they recommend you should (again, Yarmouth yacht station will happily advise) and stay between the posts. If Breydon is going to be scary, they close it to hire craft.

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I would suggest that you could watch the YouTube channel Admirals Adventures. Check out The Great Norfolk Broads Adventure IX from July 2019 posted up about 10 months ago. He was on board with a family, crossed Breydon both ways and spent a couple of days in Great Yarmouth. They're quite long videos but I'm sure he spoke about crossing Breydon and how to moor at Great Yarmouth ... and get away again.

Well worth a watch. I've never crossed Breydon myself but am sure that I could do it because I've watched so many other really good videos of other people's crossings. I learn visually and so seeing what other people have done is better than a map for me.

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On 28/09/2020 at 14:11, LondonGuy said:

Summer 2021. probably late June.

I have booked again for next year June 26th

I picked this week as if gives me the most reasonable times to cross Breydon without going 'really silly' early or late enough to struggle getting moored by 4pm (my golden rule)

However, I'm doing the opposite cruise to you South to North!

I find it a bit boring staying in one part so we always do South and North, also it's nice to get the contrast between the two areas

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breydon is fun , remember our big broom boat supreme commander bouncing in the 70s , same boat my experienced father had trouble getting away from acle .  Our bathtubs in recent years always seemed to have it too calm  , stay between the markers and all is fine though the new bridge seems to attack the boat.. Used to moor at smiths crisps at yarmouth in the 70s  and the only time we moored there this decade the old marina /diner was a bit derelict and marked unsafe the following visit.   With a bathtub usually serene gem never any issues with bridges at yarmouth but still tried to follow the handbook best times... liveliest place we found for a weekend was oulton broad , walking into lowestoft on the sunday. (1st year we did thursday there for the powerboats).. can always visit yarmouth after returning the boat as you will be away by 10am usually 


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On 28/09/2020 at 12:55, vanessan said:

Personally I would far rather go to Norwich

Agree with Vanessan, much more to see and do in Norwich, the Cathedral is spectacular. We moor at Wroxham and jump on the train its only 2 stops and is an affordable £6 for an open return, there's a train every hour. A wander around, a few drinks and a bite to eat...good day out. Or on the opposite platform a trip to Sheringham another good day out.

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