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Hanging Chads.


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And "pregnant Chads"!  Remember them, from a previous US election that ended up in court?

It's 6 AM over there, and here we go again!  At least it will be nice to have something amusingly distracting to watch on the TV news for the rest of the day, rather than all the gloom and doom in Europe!

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4 hours ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

The way it comes across on the news.You would think we are voting. 

Like it or not, what happens over there is of great importance to us over here. Probably more so on this occasion than ever before - certainly in my lifetime anyhow.

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In my previous employ (GPO, PO, BT Dsc DFc and bar) we used to get trayfuls of these. Some bright sparks decided it was fun to tip them over each other. Until one of them ended up at Moorfields A & E to have one removed from his eyeball. Due to the slight concave shape after they'd been punched out, once stuck to an eyeball, they have to be surgically removed. The "misuse" of chads after that was an immediate disciplinary offence.

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A good mate I worked with was getting married, So.

A meeting of minds was arranged, Best man Chief Bridesmaid and all the other bridesmaids, best mates etc.

Now the Bride had requested no confetti at the wedding, she just hated the stuff.

Now one of the bridesmaids just happened to work as a punch card operator (this dates it).

So a plan was hatched. I was to drive his pride and joy a modified 1500GT engined Ford Prefect 100E.

The heater blower we wired to come on with the ignition. All I had to do was flick a secret switch when I parked it,  large bag of chads was already dumped through the inlet to the heater.

You can guess the outcome when he turned on the ignition upon leaving the reception.

Big problem was it took him literally 2 years to get rid of all the chads from the car as they went everywhere.

It also seems the hotel they checked into for the honeymoon night was not too enamoured with them, all over the hallways, dining room and the bedroom.

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Nowhere near as bad as chads but my Austin Healey was filled with the normal "hole-punch" waste as used for ring binders. A mixture of roof down driving and a good Hoover with attachments got most but we never caught then all, they would hide under the seats.

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Oh well, here we still are, 2 days later and no end in sight. The Americans do like to get their money's worth out of these events!

The most astounding thing for me came when he announced his "victory" from the White House, with the band playing "Hail to the Chief" and then walked off again to "Semper Fidelis", which is the regimental march of the U.S.Marine Corps!

Whatever else you may think of him, he has to have credit for "brass neck"!

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