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My First Holiday On The Broads


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Just noticed the date, and that it's 48 years ago to the day, that we spent our first holiday on the Broads, aboard Sanderling 4, from Sandersons in Reedham. Because it was the first time, I remember much of the detail (can't say the same for all subsequent holidays). Doreen and I travelled down by train from Leeds, with changes at Selby, Peterborough and Norwich, before arriving at Reedham. We got off and walked to the entrance, looking for the taxi rank, to get us to the boatyard. Mmm. there wasn't one, and just as I was starting to wonder where I could get a horse, in this one horse town, a chap in a car, asked if we were heading for the river. We were, and he gave us a lift down to Sandersons. As we approached, I could see all the Sanderlings sitting proud on the quayside. They were 20 foot long, but looked huge.....and so decadent. My heart leapt as I saw it. 

I had planned our first night would be at Yarmouth Yacht Station. The boat owner suggested somewhere else might be more suitable for the first night, but I knew best!!! I'd already checked the tide tables, and it seemed the Port of Yarmouth Haven Commissioners had already made the necessary arrangements for us, as slack water was at 4pm. We made our way down, arriving at the unattended Yacht Station (it was the 3rd March remember) with the tide flowing in. I got onshore with the fore rope, only to be surprised to see the boat swinging out and around because of the tide. Do you know, I remember Doreen and I bursting into laughter at how we had messed that part up (while learning a valuable lesson). I can honestly say, that subsequent to that, we have never burst into laughter at such unexpected events. The laughter being replaced now with looks of anguish. Funny how things change once you lose your Broads innocence! Anyway, that was as bad as it got. I got my Breydon fear over with very early in my holiday history, and am thankful for it. 

As i remember, the route we took was as follows:

Saturday: Reedham to Yarmouth
Sunday: Yarmouth to Acle to Wroxham 
Monday: Wroxham to Neatishead to Upton Dyke*
Tuesday Upton Dyke to Yarmouth
Wednesday Yarmuth to St Olaves to Oulton Broad
Thursday: Oulton Broad to Langley Dyke to Brundall**
Friday Brundall to Rockland to Reedham
Saturday Home James!

*We were aiming for Acle, but underestimated how quickly it got dark. We took the wrong turning (down the Thurne) in our rush to get to Acle. Realised, turned around and ended up at the end of a dyke - any dyke - in the almost pitch black, and in driving wind and rain. I remember the trouble trying to use rhond anchors for the first time, being sure they would hold the boat in the wind, and getting thoroughly soaked into the bargain. We stayed onboard all night, listening to the howling wind and beating rain, thinking we were in the middle of nowhere. The next morning, a stroll down the dyke, and a little further on revealed the middle of nowhere was actually Upton Dyke.....with a pub a short stroll away. 

We moored in Brundall, outside the Riverside Stores, which wasn't open so wasn't encouraged to move on. We visited the Yare for the first time,which to this day, is the only pub I have returned to on every Broads visit. Quite like the place. 

So that's my memories of our first time on the Broads. It was quite an adventure. What's yours? 
(The images of sanerling are not all from 1973. We hired her again a couple of times more in text few years)






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1 minute ago, andyg said:

Great little boats the Hampton sedan model is very similar in appearance to my eye. Good memories for you. 

Yes Andy, the Hampton does seem very similar. Of course, it was 25ft 6in long, much more spacious than the Sanderling's 20ft.

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Being able to cruise along with your head out the hatch was the best part of these boats. It meant you could see above the reeds and get the fresh air, without getting cold. I can remember getting looks of incredulity as we cruised down Lime Kiln Dyke towards Neatishead, with me holding an umbrella above my exposed head. 

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21 hours ago, andyg said:

Great little boats the Hampton sedan model is very similar in appearance to my eye. Good memories for you. 

My thoughts exactly I've got the mark 4,and like DavidH I also Hired from Sanderson's in 1978  (Lady Ursula)

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What a lovely looking boat Sanderling was, David. Did they fit under Wroxham Bridge? I'm not a woodies expert by any stretch but I'd have thought it was an unusual design for the time. There are modern day equivalents like the Broom 29 but they're all much higher air draft. Sanderling looks such a neat package.

Your photos made me think back to my being my 10 year old self devouring brochures in the early 80's. It made me remember the Sandpiper class which was such a striking boat. With Sandersons finishing now it's the end of what was once an innovative boatyard.


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Yes it did fit under Wroxham Bridge Simon, as I can remember mooring outside the Kings Head. I was clearly fearless in those days, because I don't remember anything about the journey under. I always thought Sanderling was ahead of it's time, in that it extended the cockpit area you might find in an aft drive boat, into the saloon with it's hard top. Being "fully encased" meant is was a warm boat for winter cruising. We hired it three time, March, April and November. The latter was so late, we were able to go into Hoseasons offices at Oulton Broad, and pick up the next year's brochure - hot off the press.

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