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Sailing Boats.


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Hi all I don't know what the rules are for them Sailing Boats but today I encounter theses Sailing just past Ranworth Broads there was one Sailing on the Right going down but there was another one sailing on the Left pushing this Herbert Wood Boat that end up the Bank as I had to do an Emergency stop and another One Behind me did as well as the sailing Boat did not even try to steer away a bit as there was wind in there sails today as to the other one was doing fine I don't know what the hell thIs Sailing Boat was doing but succeed in laughing at us that's not funny doing this and No Direction was given to us Boaters on what Directions we Boaters to do ? I believe these are  bad Sailing skippers as to some Good Sailing ones on the Broads.





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From one Andrew to another. I know many sailing folk. Sailed in cruiser races on Wroxham, sailed in regattas, Wroxham, Oulton, Barton, Coldham Hall, Down River races on the Yare and Bure. Raced at the Frostbite's in Thorpe St Andrew. Sailed in half deckers with the grandchildren frequently in the last few years. Like most of the forum members I have cruised in motor cruises all over the North and South rivers.

Sure there have been moments, on both sides. But never malicious laughter at misfortune and I am sorry that you have experienced such an awful situation.


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the other year at the beccles wooden boat show we encountered a sailor (ie one who sails a boat), who seemed to enjoy making life difficult for every other river user that wasnt on a sailboat, even to the point of changing tack mid river as soon as a boat started to go through behind him, then aiming at the mid section of the overtaking boat shouting give way to sail. He did come unstuck when he tried to perform a similar manouver with a pair of boats side along towing as he yelled for them to slow down as he had right of way, the towing boat slowed, but the towed boat carried on forward nearly sideswiping his yacht, of course because it was towing and thus restricted in its manouverability he didnt have right of way at all.

in all walks of life some people just seem to want to be obnoxious, I just let them get on with it and ignore them as best I can

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Thankfully obnoxious sailors are a rarity in my experience. They may well take the "wrong" side of the channel to get the best wind and that's fine. My only complaint as a motor boater is I wish more of them would help themselves and others by giving clear signals as to where to pass, especially when tacking.

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I encountered the same sailing boats today as I was approaching the staithe  at Ranworth, there was a group of six of them, one of whom seemed to constantly aim for approaching boats causing them to take avoidance measures , the rest of their “flotilla” were sailing responsibly .

Unfortunately I was unable to make a note of their licence number if I had have been able to I would have contacted either the BA or Broadsbeat as their behaviour was nothing short of dangerous .

The majority of sailing boats we see afloat we find to be courteous, responsible and a pleasure to watch , sadly there seems, just like some cruiser helms , to be a few bl***y idiots they take joy at causing distress and panic to others .

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Broads type sailing boats, or boats you might find anywhere?

Well I just had a look at Horning sailing clubs timetable and it wasn't them, as they were on Black Horse broad for their Autumn regatta.

I suspect it might be outsiders in hire sailing boats or an outsider group in their own boats.. insisting on Sail over steam.. As I don't know of any other broads club that sails down that way.

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Once you are being pushed into shallow water they lose any right of way they may have had and will be taken to task if they hit you and will have to rely on their own insurance, you are then 'constrained by draught' and they have lots of space and the obligation to avoid a collision over rules any other colregs (which the bylaws are mostly based on), you also have first responsibility to the safety of your crew and vessel which means not running up the bank.

Which side they pass on doesn't really matter, I've been know to go to totally the wrong side of the river if it's clear and a raggie has good wind and a good run.

If in doubt video the tw*ts and send it to the BA with date/time/place.

Sail before power only works in certain situations, and the sodding safety boats passing moored boats on the plane are only speed exempt if they are actually rescuing people. (I might get corrected here but it's bl**dy anti social)

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7 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

Once you are being pushed into shallow water they lose any right of way they may have had and will be taken to task if they hit you and will have to rely on their own insurance, you are then 'constrained by draught' and they have lots of space and the obligation to avoid a collision over rules any other colregs (which the bylaws are mostly based on), you also have first responsibility to the safety of your crew and vessel which means not running up the bank.


Actually since the motor boats had clear deep water one side then constrained by draught does not apply.

And Neither do Colregs


One of the biggest problems is that New motor boaters don't realise when they are not being pushed into the side.

if there is a sailing boat heading for the boats side  and you are already going along the bank (generally within 6ft ) then don't turn into the bank the sailing boat will turn away when he gets close he doesn't want to break his boat.. 

If however he is tacking in front of you then it's your responsibility to stop.

 if he is heading towards you and there is clear water in the middle of the river then you should move out to the middle.. if there isn't, then just stop and let him sort himself out as to where he goes.


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3 hours ago, TheQ said:

Actually since the motor boats had clear deep water one side then constrained by draught does not apply.

But if tucking over to the side of the channel and a sailie is in that deep water hurtling towards you it's not clear water is it, boats don't just stop dead and Andrew was on a hire boat so should be assumed inexperienced until the sailies know better, the OP was referring to boats deliberately trying to scare crews.

You are giving an example where the sailie is doing what most do, he is giving an example of what they should never be doing.

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2 hours ago, Smoggy said:

But if tucking over to the side of the channel and a sailie is in that deep water hurtling towards you it's not clear water is it, boats don't just stop dead and Andrew was on a hire boat so should be assumed inexperienced until the sailies know better, the OP was referring to boats deliberately trying to scare crews.

You are giving an example where the sailie is doing what most do, he is giving an example of what they should never be doing.

Err Andrew said they were sailing along the right and left .. not out in the clear water...

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