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Forward Rudders?

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Today, like many others before it, I have been idley gazing out the window at an old wooden boat. This boat has a pair of rudders(at least they look like rudders!) Mounted quite close to the bow. 

Now, I can imagine why they might be there but does anyone have the full lowdown on such an arrangement, how it works, it's true purpose etc? 


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17 hours ago, Smoggy said:

It was built by the Italian navy and helps it steer when retreating.

Bit like the old Ferret Scout Cars used in the 60s. All pre-select, you had forward and reverse as a stand alone box and then the full gear box. So in theory you could go back as fast as you could advance. Well on Salisbury Plain anyway!

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Forward or canard rudders have been tried many times in sailing, generally they have been a failure.

No great advantage in normal use, but the great disadvantage of your steering gear being the first thing to encounter weed, ropes and hard objects.

When you design a sailing boat you have to balance the centre of effort, I.E. the power from the sails, against the centre of resistance I.E. the keel. Using two rudders one forward and one aft you can balance the boat on them. The keel becomes  much smaller just to support a lead torpedo to keep you upright.  

Such a boat is quite tricky to handle, but they are very rapid in turning.


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22 hours ago, ChrisB said:

Bit like the old Ferret Scout Cars used in the 60s. All pre-select, you had forward and reverse as a stand alone box and then the full gear box. So in theory you could go back as fast as you could advance. Well on Salisbury Plain anyway!

And on Soltau! Been there, done that :default_rofl:


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