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Springer’s Retreat On The Rivers


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On 23/05/2024 at 16:08, kpnut said:


Just for the record, I think they were probably speedwell. Said I was no good at identification. 

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Saturday 25th May - was a VERY wet day!

I was moored at Ranworth Island, among fellow bathtub owners for a very enjoyable meet. Thank goodness for the gazebos which allowed the social proceedings to continue, and very social it was too. 

The ground is very spongy, it sort of bounces up and down. Not so much goose poo as I’d feared and what there was we cleared before letting the dogs off the boats. Mine for one is rather partial to a snack.  

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20 minutes ago, kpnut said:


The ground is very spongy, it sort of bounces up and down. Not so much goose poo as I’d feared and what there was we cleared before letting the dogs off the boats. Mine for one is rather partial to a snack.  

Worse still would be a dead rotting goose or similar. My Bull Terrier loves a good roll if he can find one. Its bad enough with the fox poo in our garden :default_icon_mad:

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3 minutes ago, Norfolkangler said:

Worse still would be a dead rotting goose or similar. My Bull Terrier loves a good roll if he can find one. Its bad enough with the fox poo in our garden :default_icon_mad:

There wasn’t an Uggghh button to press. 

Thankfully rolling in stuff is not one of Finlay’s habits. One of my previous dogs loved to. Fox poo is rank. 

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32 minutes ago, kpnut said:

Wroxham has just had an enormous thundery downpour. But I see blue sky again now. 

We've had the same here all day. There's probably a few more showers headed your way.

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I went under Wroxham bridge, as life was going to be a lot easier doing the food shop for my friends turning up tomorrow  by mooring in Wroxham rather than catching the bus from Salhouse, but Neil’s comment on Rosie’s thread about the recent (ongoing) rain etc is spot-on. I’m keeping a very close eye on the height gauge and if necessary, will go through the other way at dusk tonight rather than waiting for tomorrow when my guests arrive. Hopefully they’re not going to have a limited few days just visiting Coltishall! 
And I’d have to stay on longer than anticipated (not that I’d complain about that, good excuse not to go home). 

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It has certainly been a very wet couple of days. Seemed to rain for most of the day yesterday and then we were treated to a lot of torrential downpours this afternoon after showery rain this morning. I hope your week goes to plan Kate. 🤞

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7 hours ago, Broads01 said:

You were unlucky to have rain all day yesterday. I drove back from Reading to South Wales and saw zero rain until 8pm.

And now I’m dreading looking out at the height gauge! 
I might just have to go with whatever I find and do a bit of lateral thinking about later in the week! Oops. 

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The height gauge at 7.45  was struggling to show 6’4”, low tide at 10.30ish so I reckoned it’d have dropped a bit more. But by 9.45 it was still showing the same, with boats beginning to fill the moorings having come down from Coltishall. So I rang the pilot to ask was he taking hire boats through. His reply was ‘I’ll be aiming to, with plenty of people ballast on board’.

I watched him do a few and looked up their heights and widths in my old Richo’s brochure and decided I’d give it a go. 

The lowest I’ve ever done it before was with the water at the bottom of the 6’6” line, so with it being only just below the 6’3” line it was a bit hairy, I gritted my teeth for what good that would do and through I went! Phew. 

I’ll be meeting my friends off the bus at Salhouse, which was always plan B anyway. Now I just need to let them know. 

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21 minutes ago, kpnut said:


I watched him do a few and looked up their heights and widths in my old Richo’s brochure and decided I’d give it a go. 

The lowest I’ve ever done it before was with the water at the bottom of the 6’6” line, so with it being only just below the 6’3” line it was a bit hairy, I gritted my teeth for what good that would do and through I went! Phew. 


Well done!!

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And of course I’m now pondering as to whether the level would have stayed like that even at high tide this afternoon.
Perhaps with all the rain bringing high amounts of water downstream, the tide has no effect at all, with the level dictated solely by the flow going downstream. 

Does anyone know as it’d be useful for the future in periods of heavy rain. 

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Watch some other boats like mine first, and decide it was ok. 😂

I was told not to be timid as they’d gone through weighed down with people and I only had me and Finlay. So I needed to dig in a bit. 

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Mission pick-up complete.
It started raining just as I had to set out to the Salhouse bus stop, but it didn’t last long. The bus was late but it allowed me a few minutes to just sit and watch the world go by, not that there was much going on. 

Salhouse Broad was very busy with folk enjoying themselves this afternoon. There were lots of day boats, plus the carpark was full. 

The littl’un did a good job of walking back to the boat with a rucsac of his favourite possessions on his back and was very excited to get on board. We’ve already had a change of clothes from all the mud at Salhouse. 

After a visit to the play area, he was eager to get underway and we ended up at Horning church mooring, with him driving all the way, most competently I might add. He very quickly grasped the idea of only making small adjustments to the wheel and looking well ahead, and for a lot of the time, I didn’t have to do anything at all. I negotiated Horning and a few yachts coming towards us, but that was it. 

Duck/goose feeding seems to be a good pastime as does playing with the dog, who thankfully seems extremely tolerant, just rolling on his back  for a tummy tickle and allowing Sam to investigate the pads on his paws.

I’m not sure who is more tired now - child, adults or dog!

And we need the tooth fairy to find us tonight, after rescuing it from going down the plug hole. I’m sure there’s one who patrols the rivers. 

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Oh dear, oh dear. I’m going to have a very disappointed young man in the morning. I have since been told by a kind soul that under 8’s cannot be at the helm, whether supervised or not, under the bylaws. Very happy that we have a private messaging facility on this forum. 

I am very grateful to said person for letting me know as I’d hate to be found doing what I shouldn’t. 
I truly wonder what other bylaws I’ve not adhered to. When I have an hour or so, I’m going to take a close look at them. 

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32 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

If you were sat behind him the whole time and therefore in overall control of the boat how could any bylaws have been broken?

 Byelaw 30 - Navigation by Minors

(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) (3) and (4) no person below the age of 14 years shall be at the helm of a power-driven vessel.

(3) Subject to paragraph (5) a person who has reached the age of 8 years but is below the age of 14 years may be at the helm of a power-driven vessel other than a vessel as described in sub-paragraphs (2) (a) and (b) provided that the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) That person is under the supervision of a person who is in the vessel and who has reached the age of 18 years; and
(b) The person who is providing supervision remains at all times close to the helm so as to be able immediately to take the helm in the event of necessity; and
(c) The person who is providing supervision maintains at all times a proper navigational watch.

So an adult can supervise a child 8-14, but below 8 is not permitted under any circumstances.

God knows who thought that one was a good idea - or why the age needs to be there. The byelaw demands that the adult can access the helm, so I can't see any reason why above or below 8 makes much difference.

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I would say if you are in the seat with control of the throttle and wheel, you are ok, the fact that a small person is standing in front of you doesn't mean he has control.

That is the basis I started my grandchildren on until they were 9.

It wouldn't work with my 15 year old grandson, he is 6'6" now.

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You are in control of the boat he is a look out. My kids did the same he will be so competent and keen to boat. Responsibility and trust given to a child makes a great adult. 

I was on a tractor for hours at that age my old Dad showing me the ropes and the same in the van up the farm track.

By the time he is eight you will be able to cook dinner when he is helming. 

Mum took me for my first boat holiday when I was about 12 and I don't think she drove the boat.

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 


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From the photo I would say you are in full control of the helm, littl’un is just helping.  

I would be extremely surprised if any Ranger gave this situation a 2nd glance so please carry on as you are.  

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