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The position of the jet stream dictates ALL of our weather.

It is the dividing line between 2 air masses, the friction between these 2 air masses causes the 2 to rub together and cause cyclonic disturbances or low pressure cells giving us our cyclonic or stream of low pressure systems that dictate our weather patterns.

Jet stream higher latitudes more anti cyclonic weather patterns or if you like the Azores high bulging up and giving us nice weather. Jet stream more Southerly and anti cyclonic Arctic air causing freezing Russian blasts. 

Anything in between causes our typical cyclonic weather patterns of low pressure followed by a bit of high followed by a cyclonic or low pressure system etc etc etc.

In answer to Ex Surveyor s question.

A combination of persistent high pressure, lots of or lack of rain, a very low pressure or the combination of either southerly or northerly winds can affect the tidal patterns of our Broads. 

When I worked out of Great Yarmouth to obtain my Pilotage Exemption I was posed the question, "Is there a scenario where the tide is visually ebbing but the tidal gauge is rising" . The correct answer is yes and it does so regularly.

I used to be able to predict the scenario when tides were either higher than normal or lower than normal at GTY.

I worked for 23 years as a Pilot on The Thames and had no idea when the tides were going to be earlier or later than prediction. Even when our sophisticated software took and refined the tidal harmonics from the Met Office.

I came to the conclusion that the best way to say when high or low water slack was Is to look out of the window.

This was highlighted when I and a colleague brought in at that time the deepest draft ship ever into London Gateway Port. At 15.8m she had to come in at or near high water and we were discussing on the approach to the berth if the tide had changed or not as our plan was to swing the ship on the last of the flood.

Of course we were looking at our very sophisticated navigation system that we carried for these large ships and the Captain asked us how we knew which way the tide was running. We pointed out the Tugs moored to mooring buoys and had they swung yet.

Bit of a lecture but hope it helps.😋

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So as you can see it all depends!

Generally, if you can apply it to tides,  a deep low over Scotland and a strong southerly or south westerly will tend to push the tide away from the bottom of the North Sea and I would guess thats whats happening. As to how much, well look out of a window!

I remember the storm of 1987, you know the famous Michael Fish one, the tide never came in that day at all!!!!!

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2 hours ago, marshman said:

I remember the storm of 1987, you know the famous Michael Fish one, the tide never came in that day at all!!!!!

Poor old Fishy still gets grief over that but when he said "there is no hurricane" he was absolutely right, hurricane force winds maybe but not a hurricane, must have been 15 years later they finally worked out what happened and gave the phemonenon a name.

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