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The 2 W's Afloat April 23

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23 minutes ago, Broads01 said:

Sounds like you're enjoying yourself. BTW there are 3 navigable Broads between Ranworth and Wroxham.

This time of the year maybe two Broads? We tried to get into Blackhorse Broad (Hoveton Little Broad) early in the year before now. I gather it opens Easter weekend then closes again and doesn’t open until the Spring Bank Holiday then stays open through to October. . 

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After a good night’s sleep and crumpets for breakfast, we set off for Wroxham at 1000 hrs. Had a bit of a rain shower initially but by the time we arrived at Wroxham, it had stopped. To our disappointment, no moorings were available either at NBD or Barnes Brinkcraft so after executing a perfect 360 degree turn in NBD’s marina, we’re now heading for Ludham Bridge and Stalham! Sun is shining too - bonus!!

Chris and Brenda 

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Woo hoo! As we were cruising past the BA free moorings at Horning, we spotted a free mooring so change of plan, spun (not literally) the boat round and we are now moored up for the day/night with leccy :default_biggrin: never stopped at Horning before so in between the showers we'll have a little explore. I like this itinerary :default_rofl:

Chris and Brenda

horning apr 23.jpg

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I went sailing at Horning yesterday morning, forecast was gentle breeze and some rain.  Managed to finish two races with three up (it was not gentle) and put the boat away without getting the sail wet.  Walked back down the clubhouse and watched the rain clouds piling in!!! Forecast said 2pm 99% chance of rain!!!!  100% it absolutely tipped it down dead on the dot - I can vouch for that!

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Decision time! Do we have a meal in the Swan Inn or the Ferry Inn tonight?? No menu published on the Ferry Inn website so can't compare with the Swan Inn menu :default_sad: not looking for anything special just good old good english food. Any thoughts from anyone who has experience of these pubs?

Chris and Brenda

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We ate in the Ferry a couple of weeks ago, the food was very good, as was the Woodfordes Wherry.

We like the Swan as well, but haven't eaten there for a while.....it is a lot nearer to the staithe though in case of rain?

Whichever you choose.....I hope you enjoy it!

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We’ve eaten in the Swan a few times. You can book a table on the website. Food is fairly standard pub chain fayre these days. I would have chosen it over the Ferry Inn last year but I think the latter may have changed and relaunched since then. Both were ok. 

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It's frustrating that the Ferry website doesn't have a menu or in fact up to date!  They post lots of very nice looking food on their Facebook page but that doesn't always help.  The beer is good though.  Swan food is adequate - but I was very impressed a few weeks ago with the service provided.  However, a few weeks later when my brothers plus sister in law went in, the service wasn't that good or at least providing the correct order wasn't!

The problem is that it is a Monday and as with the world these days, finding a pub serving food on Mondays isn't always that easy or can't be taken for granted. 

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2 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

Ferry does food on a Monday,  I know, I've just had lunch there. 

Not bad, had better, had worse. Menu quite varied.

Sounds good MM, thank you. Think we'll be dining in there tonight then :default_biggrin:

Chris and Brenda

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Seems from google reviews that several people have had a disappointing experience recently at the Swan due to staffing shortages. To be fair, other people were very happy with the food and service. One reviewer said they challenged the £20 mooring fee that they were asked to pay as the sign next to the mooring hadn't been updated and still said £5. They got £15 refunded. That was three weeks ago though. They might have changed the sign by now!

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35 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

I should have said, plenty of mooring space here, and £20 charge is redeemable against food bill. 

Already moored up at the free BA moorings a few meters down and hooked up to the leccy but thank you anyway :default_smile: (Think we'll be in the pub round about 6 ish!)

Chris and Brenda

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14 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

Dammit, I wondered if that was you!!!! 

Stupidly I left my phone on the boat so only now am I reading the posts. 

I was the idiot drinking from a cut glass tankard and eating prawns. 

Hope you enjoyed your meal.

Bless you! Talk about spooky because both Brenda and I thought that was you too but didn't like to find out just in case it wasn't you!! But nice to put a face to the name :default_smile: The meals were excellent  and I informed the staff accordingly.  I did say that next time I'm there and order fish and chips please don't give me half a whale - it was huge!!  Now back on the boat well stuffed and contented!

Chris and Brenda

meal ferry inn.jpg

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Another peaceful night aboard! Departed Horning at 0910 hrs and headed towards Ludham Bridge. Got under the bridge about 30 mins before low tide with 6" to spare. On the way to Ludham Bridge we picked up 3 hitchhikers!! They didn't stay long as we didn't offer them any refreshments :default_biggrin: Barton Broad was a bit breezy and we arrived at Richardsons marina about 12 ish to find that nearly all the quays were full but we managed to find a slot in the furthest quay and I surprised myself by reversing into it without any mishaps or bumps! After we had tied up, a member of Richardsons staff walked past and said he had been watching me come in and commended me on my boat handling skills! I thought to myself "if I had known he was watching me, I'd have made a right pigs ear of it!" So, having made the obligatory walk to Tescos, we now have roast chicken with mixed veg and new potatoes for dinner tonight :default_smile:

Chris and Brenda





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Morning all :default_smile: thinking of paying a visit to Neatishead later this morning. I've read the thread about the grit problem there but would like to visit the White Horse to sample their food and drink :default_biggrin: It's another place that we have never been to so hoping that it's a fairly easy place to moor up!

Chris and Brenda

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Best laid plans of mice and men! After my previous post, we realised that we've still got a fair bit of food on board, some of which is in the fridge, so rather than eat in a pub tonight we decided to carry on down the Ant and we are now moored up just before Ludham Bridge! Cooking on board again tonight but whether we stay here or not is another question :default_rofl: At least I've got a good mobile signal here!

Chris and Brenda


Ludham bridge.JPG

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