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Are Woodies Warmer?


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yes the woodies are somewhat warmer, I have encountered sub zero temperatures while aboard Water Rail, (with no heating) and been comfortable in my sleeping bag, the wood is a slower thermal conductor than fibreglass, so the cold doesnt get through as easily, that aside Marthams boats do have heating, and can be lovely and comfortable (plus you get to enjoy driving an old woodie round the broads, with the added bonus of a cruise above that bridge (i used to do both the first and last day at least part of above the bridge with the last night moored up at deep dyke or white slea.)

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Having spent a lot of time afloat on both biodegradables and Tupperware. My observations would state once warmed through a woodie takes less heat output to keep cosy. Therefore imho woodies In general are warmer. Gaps, leaks and drafts notwithstanding 


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6 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

Having spent a lot of time afloat on both biodegradables and Tupperware. My observations would state once warmed through a woodie takes less heat output to keep cosy. Therefore imho woodies In general are warmer. Gaps, leaks and drafts notwithstanding 


 Not a biased opinion in any shape or form 😂😂


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I wonder if new plastic boats are any better insulated? Sadly, unless Ernie blesses me I'll never find out.

My caravan is 12 years old and the advertising blurb said it is insulated to British Standard something or other so I could theoretically camp in January, hang out a string of pennons and forever after, bore everyone rigid with tales of how I went camping in 4ft of snow. I've just found the foam under the floor as I've fitted an electric mover and had to drill through it.

It's feasable that new boats may have had their internal surfaces sprayed with foam too.

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36 minutes ago, floydraser said:

It's feasable that new boats may have had their internal surfaces sprayed with foam too.

Private canal boats are more likely to be spray foamed during a build but hire yards never used to due to the extra costs as they were mainly for summer hirings. Dont see why GRP boats should be different tbh.

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6 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

But canal boats are likely to be lived in all year round, grp boats are owned by normal folk with houses...

I'm in trouble again....

You get the point that most grp boats are sold for summer use only.

I dont disagree with you, just saying hire yards never used to insulate canal boats if in the main they were summer only use and there are more ex hire canal boats in private hands for living on now so I would expect the same with GRP hire yards building for summer use only regarding insulation. That said  I do know of one GRP new build this year where the buyer asked for an insulation upgrade.

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57 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

In all fairness the average grp boat with a 4kw eberspacher running gets too hot in the depths of winter. 

Yeah the trouble is, as soon as you switch the heating off, all the warmth soon disappears.

Thanks for the replies re woodies, it confirms what I thought I'd read. 

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