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An old service bulletin from the warranty claims of narrowboats using rubbish fuel Wayne, do it before a strip and decoke, be careful though, if you do it on some of the older heaters with side wicks it can disintigreate them, a good thing on the right heater :grin: , a bad thing on the wrong one :oops: .

I am absolutely snowed uned at the moment, why oh why do people not have their heaters serviced in September instead of waiting until they break down in Dec - March and making me work on a Saturday and charging a fortune for it.

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BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR was right this morning. I went to work at 6-30am and it was -10c, and when i came home at noon in the sun, it was still saying 0. It`s been pouring down with rain for the last 4 hours now, but at least it`s not snowing. But then it very rarely does snow down here in "not sunny Dorset".

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Settled even in inner London whilst we were out for dinner last night and the canal outside our gaff is frozen solid, even Limehouse Marina had a sheet of ice yesterday, they do salt grit their pontoons really well though, going to have to put on foul weather gear to go to lunch later if we do indeed go, might just stay in. :?

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While we're on the subject of diesel heaters I was told many years ago to always start and close down on full heat for a few minutes to keep the whatsit clear of carbon... Any truth in this?

Indeed there is John, its very important to keep one's whatsit clear of carbon :naughty: this is somewhat negated for inland users now as all diesel must be ultra low sulphur, the previous high sulphur content in red and poor fuel quality on canals particularly was a large contributory factor in the coking up of the things. It's also well worth having the exhaust CO2 ratio checked at the anual service in July to Sept to make sure they are not running too rich and running them for at least an hour each month even in the summer to keep the fuel in the lines fresh.

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I'm not surprised Gav as you spent a lot of time in warmer climes. I take it you've got shed loads in T St M then?

It wasn't so warm at night time over the winter -14 was the norm in fact...just clear skies and no snow... rained nicely toward the end of feb when we had unbelievable lightning... actually got a photo of the lightning striking one of our radio masts!!

And yes we had about 6 " last night, with some fab drifts! The port was closed for the best part of the night and morning too!! Just been over to Shotley, very dark and dim... nice slippy roads - all good!!!

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We had a light dusting first thing this morning (about 4-5.00am) which got to about an inch deep, and then melted before breakfast time. Just after lunch, we had blue skies, and it was all dry again, but it was bloody cold, and still is :lol::lol:

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The media were broadcasting that last night/this morning was the coldest of the year so far?. Last Saturday, we had -10c here, while the airport reported -12c at 5-00am. This morning at 6-00am (when i went to work :yawn::yawn: ) it was only -7c. Somebody got it wrong again :lol::lol: .

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