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Silly question


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I have noticed recently the increasing number of questions being asked starting with terms similar to,

"I'm sure that this is a daft question but..."

May I possibly be allowed to give some examples of some very sensible questions that the askers worried might be thought "silly".

They were about ropes (very important) whether fish caught on the broads may be eaten, also very important, especially if you are the fish, and charging things from the boat battery. There are of course many many others.

Somehow this forum needs to get across to the newer members that no question about boats or boating is silly and I find myself wondering how many questions are not being asked for the risk of being thought as such.

Boating as such is not a high risk pastime but every question that is asked and answered lowers that risk level still further (unless they listen to my answers!)


So my (not) silly question


How can the forum best put that across?

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......How can the forum best put that across?


It already does MM. :)


I don't think I've ever seen anything other than polite and friendly replies to self-alleged "daft" questions on here from "newbies".


Everyone realises that we all acquired our own knowledge gradually....

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I asked one of these questions and the forum members replied with good informative answers. I didn't think my question was silly from my point of view but to someone who has been in or around the boating world for years it may have seemed that way.

The point I want to make for any new members that may read this is that I have learned very quickly that the forum members here are a really welcoming and helpful group of guys and gals.

Can I just say here a now a HUGE thank you to all who have commented and helped Deb and myself out with answers since we left the 'other lot' and joined NBN.

I promise I will never start a question with 'this may be a silly question, but' ever again. Although I will expect to be told that I'm a silly sod or an idiot should my words or actions warrant such a response ;)


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Ageed Strowager, but John is right, novices need to ask questions that they suspect have obvious answers to experienced boaters, and this may put them off asking. The point is that most boaters love sharing boating knowledge, it's one of the lovely things about the activity. So fire away and forget the apologies.

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bring all the sily question and ask away i say .............................................



if yer want to hear my little experince and dont want people like  me to ans it on here yuo can phone me emial me etc 


and i,m always willing to ans in my best sacrki ways and to the point ......



my views are based on my own meaderings across the boating world i  live and work in............................ 



silly or not thar  are  several real poeple on her ew ho own work and use the broads as a living and our not arm chair advisers 



so ask away i say ......................................

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We all have had to learn at some time, be it boating on the Norfolk Broads or other waterways, at work or at play. There is no such thing as a silly question, at times there can be silly or comical answers to any question.

Please always ask away with those questions if encourages debate and the sharing of knowledge.



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I don't know! I go to the boat to do a bit of work and when I get back, I start reading about silly questions and Maurice goes right off topic, and I always thought he was Captain Sensible, you lot are trying to do me out of a job!! a silly question to me is when you trotting along with all your fishing gear and some bright spark says! are you going fishing then? No you twonk! i'm going to a Cricket match, I have had many examples of silly questions like that, but when someone is asking advice there's no such thing as a silly question, 




PS I don't know how much longer I can keep this being sensible up, it's only been a few hours and I'm really struggling,,,

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Oh dearie me Frank, as a certain ex tennis player often said and I quote..."You cannot be serious!" I blame this new floating soon to be "Gin" palace you purchased, that has you going senile, sorry, sensible. After a few more days putting your new craft to right, I am sure you will be your "old self" again :naughty:


cheers Iain

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