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Insurance . Why i will use no one else other than Edward William

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If you tax your car on line, a check is made with a data base. If you tax it in one of the several thousand Post Offices scattered around the country, you have to produce the certificate........


When I taxed my car last year, even the post office didn't want to see the insurance or MOT test certificates, they said their check was now online as well.


Mind you, I haven't tried it this year, because now that the discs have been abolished, I do the whole thing on line as well now.


I quite agree that the BA shouldn't be reproached for being careful with our money on this.


The introduction of online toll renewal must save a great deal of money in overheads, as well as being much more convenient for many toll payers.


I wonder how much proof a printed insurance certificate is these days too, no holograms or even watermarks, so easy to forge on a simple computer printer with photoshop. My bona-fide one is actually supplied to me as a PDF that I print myself.


The only real solution is for the insurance companies to make their records accessible to the BA electronically, like the DVLA do. They could tie in the BSS certificates too.

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Perhaps the burglars got fed up of waiting for a pump out and decided to help themselves as the so called shop is always closed anyway  :)

Maybe if you patronised the shop more often it would be open  when you want it  :)   ive actually been working on shop business all over the winter rather than sitting non productively waiting for non existant winter clients once in a blue moon  and actually from easter we are open 7 days a week  until november  no weekends off no bank holidays off . can you say that ? i think we can take time off when we want it as youre not paying my wages!



Kindly do this type of chat please by PM. Ta muchly :)



cheers Iain

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I wonder how much proof a printed insurance certificate is these days too, no holograms or even watermarks, so easy to forge on a simple computer printer with photoshop. My bona-fide one is actually supplied to me as a PDF that I print myself.

The only real solution is for the insurance companies to make their records accessible to the BA electronically, like the DVLA do. They could tie in the BSS certificates too.

Insurance certificates are not worth the paper they are written on!

Policies are easily cancelled or a monthly payment missed once the certificate has been issued.

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I suppose the interesting point here is that the BA were keen on bringing in the requirement for insurance in the first place. I don't disagree with that, but then surely you need to follow that through to conclusion with the appropriate checks. The legislation through parliament cost money, I know that Insurance wasn't the only thing pursued, but why bother if you don't have the money to regulate it?


The problem with declarations is that we now have a situation where laymen, or women assume they have the appropriate insurance, and it is looking increasing like they may not? I'm not a lawyer so don't know. The other problem with declarations is that someone may not have insurance, but have every intention of renewing in a week or twos time, so declare they have Then another bill comes in and it gets pushed back another week and so on. All good intentions, but ultimately no insurance.


Producing a paper certificate may not be perfect and can be fairly easily forged, but that is the point. You have at that point shown intent to deceive and if and when found out should be treated appropriately.  

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I can confirm that NO shops or units were broken into at Ludham Bridge so I don't know where that rumour has come from :norty:

If you had read a previous post you would have been informed that i was told by the locksmith that secured our door that  unit 3 at ludham bridge had similar repairs done on the morning of thursday last week due to similar circumstances. cant think why he would have said that if it was untrue.


But anyway you obviously seemingly doubt my version of events or the fact that we were broken into or the validity of the events.that happened to us why else would you feel the need to pick holes in my version of events. ludham bridge aside i hope this never happens to any of you. Frankly I am dismayed at of all the small minded and irrelevant pettiness that has taken over this thread. when it was initially meant as the sharing of  a happy resolution of a rather nasty event that could ruin any small business.


in fact very few of you have actually offered sympathy .preferring to pursue conspiracies and irrelevancies and promote your own somewhat negative  views   . that in my mind shows your true calibre

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.....Producing a paper certificate may not be perfect and can be fairly easily forged, but that is the point. You have at that point shown intent to deceive and if and when found out should be treated appropriately.  


Yes, you make a valid point there.

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  • 4 months later...

Due to questions raised in another place, I checked the website referenced by Pally above and it would appear to have been updated. It now states that Northern Reef are NOT authorised to act as underwriters in Spain, and the new addition appears to be that Edward William are not authorised to act as brokers in Spain.
The following website http://www.dgsfp.mineco.es/sector/entidadesnoautorizadas.asp gives all the details. It is in Spanish, but Google or Bing translate should help. The website is the DGS which is the Spanish equivalent of the UK FSA.


My personal opinion is that anyone with Edward William insurance will fall foul of part C of the BA declaration on insurance.

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My personal opinion is that anyone with Edward William insurance will fall foul of part C of the BA declaration on insurance.





.     If this was the case then surely the BA would have said something.      We have been with them for years,  the same as many many others.       Why this campaign to discredit them? 

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I doubt the BA look too closely and it's not really for the BA to say anything, It's the boats owners responsibility to ensure that adequate cover is provided in line with byelaws. If what kfurbank has said is true and looking at the link it appears so then I too would assume that insurance services provided would not be adequate. Therefore If I was insured with them I would be looking to insure elsewhere. It's to easy to be paying into a policy for years but it being completely worthless when you need it.


"There's no smoke without fire" but naturally though there's two sides to a story and it would be good to hear what these companies have to say.  

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I have sent an enquiry to the Broads Authority, bringing their attention to this issue. I will post their reply in due course.



.       Why this campaign to discredit them? 



Far from being a 'campaign to discredit them', my concern is that I may be the innocent third party to a claim with no satisfactory outcome party !

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No campaign to discredit them. Someone asked on a different forum for advice on which insurance company to use. Someone advised that they should try EW which is IMHO is bad advice. It is worth pointing out that Edward William do not meet the requirements. The declaration is clear in that any overseas insurance company must meet the equivalent of the UK FCA. The Spanish equivalent is the DGS. Their website makes it plain that both the underwriter and insurance broker are NOT authorised to act in Spain.


I used this forum to find the link that I wanted to use to back my claim and as the link had been updated since Pally posted it here, thought it worth updating the info here as well.


I'm sorry if you think it's a vendetta or me trying to discredit a business, but if someone asks for advice are we not allowed to give it, especially when bad advice has already been given?


Too be honest I don't really care what people think my motives are, the BA introduced the insurance measures to protect us all. Like Poppy I don't want my boat moored near someone who is not adequately insured.


You yourself contacted Edward William and they gave you misleading information, so to be honest I don't understand why you defend them so staunchly. There is no such thing as The Spanish Financial Services Authority, so why would they fob you off with that one. Spain has the DGS and that is where my link and information come from.


Everyone has a choice whether to follow advice received or seek further opinion, but I have read enough to ensure I would never use them.

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I am surprised that this matter is being allowed to disappear off the current threads list. The points that kfurbank makes are so important to both private owners and hirers. On the face of it there are a number of boats on the Broads that may have invalid insurance or no insurance at all, that means in the event of a tradegy there will be no compensation for 3rd parties, is everyone happy with that situation?


The Broads Authority administer the system and they must have a duty of care to all users of the navigation, its no good relying on declarations made annually when there is considerabe doubt about the validity of some so called insurance.

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We have all seen or have heard of a number of boats that are on the Broads that have not paid any river toll, in these cases more than likely they will also have no insurance.


If they do have insurance does anyone know if the insurance is invalidated because they do not have a river toll?


We all complain about paying out to keep our boats on the Broads, sadly there are people among us that have no intention of paying their way.



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I would have thought it unlikely for insurance to be invalidated due to having no river toll. I cannot find any mention of that in my policy, besides it would depend where you kept your boat as to whether you would have to pay BA toll, EA toll or harbour dues.


What would be interesting is to know what the BA penalty or actions are for having no insurance, or inadequate insurance. They introduced the requirement for insurance as a part of the act of parliament, however like a lot of things they do, it doesn't seem to have been comprehensively thought out. Whilst the requirement for insurance is there, no real checking is involved and as far as I can see no byelaws have been introduced to cover penalties for not having insurance?

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