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Stolen Property Identification Please


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Ladies and Gentlemen of the Forum,


A large quantity of property has been recovered which may be linked to marine thefts in Norfolk, enquiries are still ongoing to establish the owners of this property but as you may appreciate some of the items are very hard to link to a particular crime, if indeed it has ever been reported to the Police. Therefor can I respectfully ask that if you or you know of someone who has been an unfortunate victim of a theft, whether reported or not please email me with a description of the stolen items in as much detail as possible. Please include any identifying marks or features, be it scratches, stickers or anything which can be used to reunite the owners to the property, please include a crime number if you have been given one.


This is a mammoth task, and I will do my best to return all the property that I can, I am currently looking at the items taken in all reported crimes and cross referring this against the property list of recovered items.


Your help would be appreciated.



Moderators can I respectfully ask this is made a "sticky" to allow as many people as possible the chance to contact me.






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Seriously though,


If an insurance claim is made, and subsequently payed out, does the recovered property automatically become the property of the insurance company who then have the rite to dispose of it as they see fit and try to recover at least some of their losses?. 


The reason i ask, is if someone DOES get payed out for claim, and the property is recovered, if it is returned to who it was stolen from, and they sell it on, are they then guilty of defrauding the insurance company?.

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I have a quantity of fuel tanks which have been recovered and as yet few reported crimes of similar items, no matter how small or irrelevant stolen items may see, and maybe regarded as not worth reporting please do let me know. Someone somewhere has lost these to criminals.



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  • 1 month later...

I lost a small mariner 2hp with a bit of wire tied to the throttle, found the boat it was on but thats not the bit I wanted!




Have you got a picture by chance, so I can peruse some of the items we have, failing that a crime number please?



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Hi Stu, 

I never reported it as I assumed my kids did not tie it up properly but I think was taken as I saw the boat in a salvage yard and was told that it had been found in Wroxham without an engine.. 

no photo either but it did have a bit of wire attached to the throttle which was odd!


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