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Bob and Jo`s beano on the Broads


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Been back a week from our first trip on the Broads, spent a week on the Broadland Mars hired from Richardsons. After a decent training trip with Des, we set out to have what turned out to be one of the best holidays we have ever had. We had two twelve year olds with us and they had a smile on their faces all week.

met some lovely people, saw some great sites and became a life long fan of Adnams real ale.

already booked up for next years trip.

using this forum to gain some boat handling tips and advice on getting some more adnams( why none of the shops we went into dont sell it is a mystery)

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Hi Bobscott and :welcome: from me. Sounds like you had a great time.

i'm a bit of an Adnams fan as well (and a Woodfords and a Badger and a Humpty Dumpty etc. etc...... ) you get the picture

we can get Adnams beers in Tesco up here in the North East and have seen it elsewhere as well

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Hi Bob and Jo. :welcome: from me.. :)

I've kinda converted to Woodfordes as adnams are everywhere and thankfully woodfordes hasn't quite made it down to Kent yet :) 

Enjoy the forum.. Perhaps don't read my blogs too much if you want to learn boat handing skills.. ;) 


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Hi from me too, I'm a relative newby to the forum but everyone is really friendly.

I'm not normally a bitter drinker but I have to admit that a pint of Adnams broadside always goes down a treat, our local wetherspoons seem to have it permanently n draught but somehow it's always my turn to drive!

You can buy it in bottles from tescos too but its not quite the same! X

Sent from my Hudl HT7S3 using Tapatalk

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This would be ideal if you had a fellow drinker on board ! A Tinny each maybe should last for a little while ! Only problem I can see is leaving it 24 hours before opening ?...


Edited by Boaters
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