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Odd things have been happening....

Act 1

Firstly, I got up yesterday to see that our valuable  gangplank wasn't there. :) it had left Brilliant, sandwiched as she was between two other boats on a calm night,  and vanished entirely.

i had spared no expense making this item from an old bookshelf and the remnants of a tin of varnish; indeed, the budgie grit in the last coat has been known to attract the odd seagull, it is a work of art. 

Act 2

Broad Ambition to the rescue, did I mention that Griff was moored nearby? He kindly offered to check the margins out on his way to Wroxham and later Griff texted to say he had found the item at the end of the broad, sticking out from the reeds and that it was aboard. I think he thought we were headed for Acle, but we weren't... :)


Act 3 

The plank returns. Moonlight Shadow on her northern progress took the plank aboard at Acle and delivered it it me in the Whimp in the middle of Malthouse Broad, Keith and Lisa then set off in a balletic manner pirouetting up Ranworth Dam. Was it relief at a treasure restored? Is it a new stinky fashion to wreak vengeance on ziggy zaggy sailies? 

As I said.....odd, very odd. :)

Edited by Polly
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I would just like to say that Act 4 passed off uneventfully and we spent a pleasant few hours rafted up, sampling Lisa's excellent sloe and vanilla Gin and catching up. Thanks to Pauline and Phil, we were treated to an excursion down the broad and back in Brilliant and I even got to take the helm for a stint - absolutely Brilliant! , before a passing shower forced us back to Moonlight Shadow. Lisa discovered her saily side in The Whimp  - I have never seen a boat steered by a wooden spoon before!  Meanwhile, Keith, Phil Nikki and I chilled out on the amazing Moonlight Shadow, which became our official "mother ship" for the day.

Sadly we had to leave mid-afternoon to come home, but a very pleasant time spent in fine company made one of the highlights of a very memorable short break.



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