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If you can pronounce correctly every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world

After trying the verses, a Frenchman said he’d prefer six months of hard labour to reading six lines aloud, and we’ll be honest with you, we struggled with parts of it.
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1 hour ago, JennyMorgan said:

I would struggle with the French alternative, fact, but surely the average, reasonably educated Englishman could cope with the above. Suspect a Scotsman would struggle though;)

I suspect that would depend on whether you allow Birmingham, Liverpool, or Newcastle or any other of the stronger accents.

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I know one strong Norfolk Accented person, yes he couldn't cope with the text, these days the strong  Norfolk Accent has mostly disappeared, I'm more likely to hear SAAF Essex, or Yorkshire or Lithuainian accent than strong Norfolk.

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3 hours ago, TheQ said:

I know one strong Norfolk Accented person, yes he couldn't cope with the text, these days the strong  Norfolk Accent has mostly disappeared, I'm more likely to hear SAAF Essex, or Yorkshire or Lithuainian accent than strong Norfolk.

How roight yew are bor! All them b***** foriners wot cum up hair! 

For our continental friends the above is English how it should be spoken, only incomers from other parts of Britain have diluted or even smothered the local Norfolk dialect. You are now about as likely to meet an empty dustbin on the river bank as you are someone genuinely speaking broad Norfolk as their grandparents would have done. 

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40 minutes ago, BroadScot said:

They say those from Inverness are the finest speakers in the UK, would find that a breeze!:naughty:


As I went to School at Inverness High School that would be why with added time in England have no trace of a Scottish accent at all, (and have an accent from nowhere in particular)

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7 hours ago, TheQ said:

I know one strong Norfolk Accented person, yes he couldn't cope with the text, these days the strong  Norfolk Accent has mostly disappeared, I'm more likely to hear SAAF Essex, or Yorkshire or Lithuainian accent than strong Norfolk.

In NE Lincolnshire (Grimsby to be exact) there is absolutely NO dilution of accent, Queren. 

I suppose if you live in "a fishing village at the end of a railway track" then you have to expect that?

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I did a 'programmed learning' linguistics course back in the day. It was American, so that affected pronunciation, then our tutor was a Scot who made constant reference to the 'pure vowel sounds' of the Edinburgh accent; and we were mostly English, some from Bradford, still others were from Eire. It made for a complicated set of course adjustments! :)

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My friend Rosemary came from a fairly posh family. Hard 'a' as in bath or path would be a hanging offence. :) 

As university beckoned she chose a business course at a Birmingham University. She told her mother of her plans and the balloon went up. 

'Rosemary, I forbid you to use such common pronunciation, it's 'Arseton' not 'Aston' ! ' 

That  caused some amusement in our sixth form. :D

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On 19/02/2016 at 2:41 PM, BroadScot said:

Where is the cricket ground there? I've been to the footy ground many times, have stayed in Dingwall for short breaks, never saw a cricket ground though.


School teams don't generally get to play in a proper cricket ground, it would have been on the school playing fields. Only once did we not play at a school and after all this time I'm not sure where but I think it was Cooper park Elgin.

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