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Paul last won the day on March 21 2021

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  1. An interesting news update from Auntie Beeb bbcn1002.pdf
  2. The Bridge Inn at Acle or the Recruiting Sergeant at Horsted, no others sadly, but that is just my opinion Edit to add the Nelson's at Horsey, plus the Swan at Stalham is nice depending whats on the specials
  3. Sad to report that Rosy Lee's has closed, I will not go into the reasons here and would ask others not to conjecture. Sadly it looks like this might be the end of Rosy Lee's in Loddon.
  4. Ooops - I should have added "allegedly"
  5. why does the phrase compulsory purchase order keep popping into my head, surely someone could find a loop hole or some kind of excuse? Owner being a ******** maybe?
  6. Paul


    Surlingham Broad and Bargate are separate stretches of water. The navigable broad is Bargate. Surlingham Broad is shallow and navigable only by small craft. If you enter by the upstream dyke from the middle of Brundall turn left for Bargate or right for Surlingham. Surlingham Staithe is also up there. We made it up in a dinghy some years ago but I believe tree falls have now blocked access
  7. Paul

    My Day

    is that code-speak for "called in at the paddle makers arms and purchased some operator lube"
  8. not quite, the Arum is Brosimum aethiopica, the one kept in a pot by annv is likely to be a Peace Lily or Spathiphyllum which are excellent house plants and supposedly improve the air quality around them. This is Lysichiton camtschatcensis, has the common name Asian Skunk Cabbage and is not considered invasive YET, but is a plant of concern on the RHS list. There are a whole family of skunk cabbages, some of which are truly repulsive with flowers carrying the scent of rotting flesh and some are highly invasive with the capability of covering acres of bogland in a single growing season
  9. I know little of Mr Goodman, but may he rest in peace, and deepest condolences to his family and friends. It is easy to overlook the fact that the personalities we see on our televisions are still husbands, fathers grandfathers, etc. Someone I knew much more about also passed away on Saturday, Barry Humphries. Through his alter ego Dame Edna Everage, he made me howl with laughter time after time, across a whole lifetime. I recall on one occasion he gate crashed the Royal Box and took a seat next to the then Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall. When an equerry appeared to remove "her" Dame Edna simply looked at the Prince and said "Excuse me, but they have found me a better seat" A true entertainer. a commander of the British Empire and member of the Order of Australia, the Australian equivalent of Knight of the Realm. RIP "Sir" Barry
  10. maybe this could be your next project Grendel https://www.facebook.com/reel/561389952462407
  11. Overseas holidays should not, the law changed many years ago to stop holiday companies advertising prices that were not reflective of the actual price you would pay, so any unavoidable room supplements, taxes, etc must be included in the advertised price. How UK holidays get away with all of these things I'm not quite sure.
  12. I'm sure the B.A. will not mind me adding this on their behalf
  13. Paul

    My Day

    A sad day today, an entertainer who not only made me laugh, made me smile and once or twice even cry but a man I was privileged to call a friend. R.I.P Paul
  14. just boringly mundane, which of course is exactly what it's meant to be. 30 years ago I was driving a Rover 600 which hit 60 in under 7s and went onto 145 so I guess it's what you're used to. Even now in my dotage when my right foot barely gets past 90 degrees I still like to drive something that makes me smile
  15. The big difference between those examples is in the parentage. Skoda and Kia both have parent companies capable of building reasonably reliable cars and passing that "DNA" down the chain. Dacia meanwhile are owned by Renault .........
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