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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Just spoken with OBYS and confirmed our requirements so far. They will try to get us all together!! (excluding James and Jo! ) So, John and Mary-Jane, Friday Girl, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Barry and Sharron, Alex's Star, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Col, Lou, Jay and Connor, Happy Jax3, stern, Yes Gavin and Annie, Escape, Stern, Yes Luke and Claire, Job Done, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Wayne & Tracy, Black Diamond, Side on, Yes, Fri/Sat, Ian, Heather, Rachel and possibly Tom, Clandestine, stern, Yes, Sat. Mark and Sue, Serenity, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Amanda & Richard, Jasperoo, Stern, Yes, Sat James and Jo, Volvo Lorry, Anyway, No, Sat
  2. Brian, in my Air Force days we never flew on Friday, 13th..... used to do ground-school and revision work until 12.00 and then it was off to the bar!
  3. It brings to mind an old Aviation saying... something about amateurs playing as ............... and the air is even more unforgiving than the sea
  4. Hi guys. Of course you can! As Jill says it's everyones meet and all are welcome! I will only book the floating pontoons. So here's the latest (to celebrate my 2000th post!): John and Mary-Jane, Friday Girl, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Barry and Sharron, Alex's Star, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Col, Lou, Jay and Connor, Happy Jax3, stern, Yes Gavin and Annie, Escape, Stern, Yes Luke and Claire, Job Done, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Wayne & Tracy, Black Diamond, Side on, Yes, Fri/Sat, Ian, Heather, Rachel and possibly Tom, Clandestine, stern, Yes, Sat. Mark and Sue, Serenity, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Amanda & Richard, Jasperoo, Stern, Yes, Sat
  5. Here's the latest: John and Mary-Jane, Friday Girl, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Barry and Sharron, Alex's Star, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Col, Lou, Jay and Connor, Happy Jax3, stern, Yes Gavin and Annie, Escape, Stern, Yes Luke and Claire, Job Done, along, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Wayne & Tracy, Black Diamond, Side on, Yes, Fri/Sat, Ian, Heather, Rachel and possibly Tom, Clandestine, stern, Yes, Sat. Mark and Sue, Serenity, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat
  6. I've got you down for that, Gav.... what nights will you make?
  7. Here's the latest: (I shall ask for all on the floating pontoons) John and Mary-Jane, Friday Girl, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Barry and Sharron, Alex's Star, stern, Yes Col, Lou, Jay and Connor, Happy Jax3, stern, Yes Gavin and Annie, Escape, Stern, Yes Luke and Claire, Job Done, along, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Wayne & Tracy, Black Diamond, Side on, Yes, Fri/Sat, Ian, Heather, Rachel and possibly Tom, Clandestine, stern, Yes, Sat. Mark and Sue, Serenity, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat
  8. Pls go ahead, Mods. I originally posted in the Members' section 'cos I just guessed it might prove contentious for some members... we don't wash in public, do we?...............
  9. I've decided to start a new (hopefully less controversial thread!)........... In fact I've just spoken to OBYS and both weekends are free.... We are ambivalent as are most so far... but Barry and Sharron have asked for the 21st.. so, unless any objections let's decide on that, eh? If so pls indicate names, boat, along/stern, leccy or no, nights. Here is a provisional list along with my best guesses as to your wants! Pls indicate if I'm wrong and how many nights you want: John and Mary-Jane, Friday Girl, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Barry and Sharron, Alex's Star, stern, Yes Col, Lou, Jay and Connor, Happy Jax3, stern, Yes Gavin and Annie, Escape, Stern, Yes Luke and Claire, Job Done, along, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Wayne and Tracey, Katakalose (?), Stern, Yes Mark and Sue, Serenity, Stern, Yes
  10. PGM, Hi. What a rotten way to finish '11........... But anyway, welcome to the friendly net!
  11. Jonny, Hi. We wanted some work done on Friday Girl over the Winter and were offered a reduction of £8/hour in Jan/Feb.......... from £38 to £30............
  12. The night's are drawing in... Spring's around the corner... Whoopee! Here's a pic from last Spring, "Waiting for the Tide".. and we didn't pay!
  13. It could ONLY happen in France.....................
  14. It makes me remember a bygone era of my earlier life when things were very much simpler and easier to cope with! Many thanks, Gav!
  15. She sounds lovely... any pics, please?
  16. David, Hi If your beer vouchers cost the same as mine (£3 each) that's a lot of dosh! Even so, to add an extra £500 to a visit to Belgium is something I wouldn't bother with.. I'd just head to good old Holland and take my chances!
  17. "Just a price hike", David, indeed! Any ideas just HOW much the fines are? Also I just can't see retailers wanting to change over... it would mean completely emptying their tanks and then having them totally cleabed out... surely neither a cheap nor quick job to do? (perhaps Clive would comment?).
  18. Is this the beginning of the end for foreign cruisimg?
  19. Good to hear from you, guys! OR ???
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