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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. So am I John! And as you have attended the last 2 spring meets, I'm quite surprised you haven't noticed I don't organise them........but maybe I'm not James, Hi. It was your statement to Jonzo (above) that made me think you were organising this one or had some insider "Mod" info... (and it's the last three we've attended!) Gav, Hi Repartee?
  2. This should confuse things even more for you, Dave! Jimbo (James) is a Moderator and we're still waiting to hear when the Spring Meet will take place.
  3. Perry, Hi What compound/polish/sealer did you use to get that fantastic finish?
  4. Jim, Hi I made mine up and used Terry clips to hold them on the rails. Remember to take them off when you go to sea!
  5. James, Good Morning. Probably at the Southern Meet at Beccles last year, 19 boats. viewtopic.php?f=29&t=10284&start=120 Wx was bloody awful...let's hope for better this coming 21st April!
  6. Look forward to it, Andy! John, Mary-Jane, James and Jo, Friday Girl, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Barry and Sharron, Alex's Star, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Col, Lou, Jay and Connor, Happy Jax3, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Gavin and Annie, Escape, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Luke and Claire, Job Done, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Wayne & Tracy, Black Diamond, Side on, Yes, Fri/Sat, Ian, Heather, Rachel and possibly Tom, Clandestine, stern, Yes, Sat. Mark and Sue, Secret Lady, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Amanda, Richard, Zoe & Laura, Jasperoo, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Steve and Babs, Sensation, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Andy, Sally, Megan, Lyndon and Sharin, Evening Star, Stern, Yes, Sat 11 boats, 30+ people... Party, Time?
  7. John, Mary-Jane, James and Jo, Friday Girl, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Barry and Sharron, Alex's Star, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Col, Lou, Jay and Connor, Happy Jax3, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Gavin and Annie, Escape, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Luke and Claire, Job Done, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Wayne & Tracy, Black Diamond, Side on, Yes, Fri/Sat, Ian, Heather, Rachel and possibly Tom, Clandestine, stern, Yes, Sat. Mark and Sue, Secret Lady, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Amanda, Richard, Zoe & Laura, Jasperoo, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Steve and Babs, Sensation, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Mark, in the words of the Immortal....."Job Done"!!!
  8. Come on, folks, Roll up! This promises to be some do! John, Mary-Jane, James and Jo, Friday Girl, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Barry and Sharron, Alex's Star, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Col, Lou, Jay and Connor, Happy Jax3, stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Gavin and Annie, Escape, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Luke and Claire, Job Done, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat/Sun Wayne & Tracy, Black Diamond, Side on, Yes, Fri/Sat, Ian, Heather, Rachel and possibly Tom, Clandestine, stern, Yes, Sat. Mark and Sue, Serenity, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Amanda, Richard, Zoe & Laura, Jasperoo, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat Steve and Babs, Sensation, Stern, Yes, Fri/Sat
  9. Welcome aboard, Dave. You'll find lots of friendly information here!
  10. Oh My! It's not supposed to be funny laughing at others misfortunes!
  11. Welcome aboard, Misty! What are your interests mainly in regards The Broads?
  12. Previoiusly we spent 20 years in a heavy displacement motor sailor (7.5 tons dry!) up and down the East Coast and over in Holland. We found the CQR-type best for all round holding ability both at sea and inshore. We still have a 35lb one in good nick for sale. Make us a sensible offer and it's yours!
  13. Everytime I try to log on with my Android phone it just brings back the same log-on screen complete with user name and password... any ideas, please?
  14. Showing -9.8C on the digital and -10C on the mercury here in Gt Hockham at the moment.......... Luckily it's flat calm!
  15. Just exactly where is Granary Staithe? Does it include the Public Moorings? http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/campaign_la ... _1_1201588
  16. Mark, you're a braver man than I if you start "ripping out wires"... and my other hobby is Amateur Radio!
  17. For those of us who don't get the EDP here's the latest news. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/mystery_dea ... _1_1201136
  18. Neil, HI I would have thought that Swallow would get under the Thorpe bridges OK? It's only a short bus ride into the city centre from there and the Oaklands Hotel provides the best value carvery we've come across.... anywhere! We moor at Bells now; when a floating mooring came up we couldn't afford to miss it!
  19. Give Bells a ring, Neil; we moor there and you may mention our name (if you dare!). If we're not there you may use our mooring if they agree. Also I know Brundall Bay have visitors moorings but they do charge, see below: VISITORS MOORINGS Daily Visitors' Mooring includes all facilities: £16.00 Per day / night
  20. While we're on the subject of diesel heaters I was told many years ago to always start and close down on full heat for a few minutes to keep the whatsit clear of carbon... Any truth in this?
  21. I take it you're not a Tractor Boy then, Steve?
  22. Give Sonny a call in the morning. he's very reasonable and I'm quite sure he'll respond. (Sonny Boulter).
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