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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Yes, Dave. We've been in several times in the last 3 months and we've never been disappointed. :clap
  2. Hope you had a great night out, Iain! (and possibly allowed yourself a wee dram?).
  3. We (the mod-team) have been trying out the new version, Wussername, and if Iain and I can manage it you won't have many problems!
  4. A warm "Welcome Aboard" from us, Myer. What a very interesting first post and we look forward to hearing your suggestions!
  5. When our children were in their 8, 9, 10's and early teens we all frequently swam in the broads whilst mud-weighted but not in the rivers. I don't ever recall anyone being sick as a result.
  6. Ray, Hi. I frequently edit out bits of someones quote, as above, so that it only shows the part I want to comment on.... I can see that if one inadvertently changed the meaning it might be rather annoying to the original poster....
  7. I spent 22 years tramping around the world to out of the way places and earlier this year visited all those I'd missed. I don't think you can beat our own country and I've absolutely no wish to go anywhere else again! The Norfolk Broads are the top of my list of places here!
  8. What a fantastic Test it was! I recorded the Ch5 highlights at 19.00 on both days and re-watched them last night.... brill!
  9. I had a major op on my sciatic nerve where it bifurcates at the bottom of the spine, Tim, about ten years ago. (It took 4.5 hours I was told....). Unfortunately it only worked for a year or so and the surgeon wouldn't operate again.. He wrote to the GP with his advice. My GP prescribed Co-Dydramol tablets which I can take up to 8 per day... they do help a heck of a lot, I must say.
  10. Harsh, perhaps, Keith, but very true............
  11. A truly epic story, Alan and much appreciated. :clap We've been very busy the last few days and I've only just caught up with the story from post #186.... "Stumbled over... tried to take some pictures" ..... I'll have you know that I stumble mostly everywhere with the state of my knees! And it was getting pretty dark while I was trying to take those pics!
  12. Will they NEVER learn, Ray? :cry
  13. "The 3 mast at Wroxham"..... sorry, Polly?
  14. Many thanks, Tom and a warm "Welcome Aboard" the NBN from us!
  15. Wow! Just watched the video in the pub... I had all the locals cheering!
  16. Brill read, Alan, as per! Our first boat was a home-built (by me) wood affair and proved equally as difficult as you describe Orca to be, except in reverse. Dick at Buccaneer Boats, solved all out problems by taking up the internal boards and filling the spaces with concrete slabs. She sat a good 6 or 7 inches lower in the water but the handling problems disappeared.
  17. They'd probably knock the posts down, Andy! :naughty:
  18. How right you are, Graham. I've given up holding up 3, 4 or 5 fingers at passing speeders as I usually get 1 or 2 in return............
  19. That puts it all in a nutshell, Ray. :clap
  20. And sorry to hijack your thread, Andy... the very Best of Luck with your new enterprise! :clap
  21. On our recent ship-trip they had................. OSH in the for'ard Bar! I had to limit my visits to twice a day as it's one of my very favourite beers....
  22. Sounds great fun, Mark...... and we live near the edge of Thetford Forest!
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