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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. That's classic, Paul! :grin:
  2. Arriving anywhere on the Northern Broads in the Summer and finding a mooring free!
  3. That's your Scott's mind, Iain. :naughty: I immediately thought that Ray was talking about birds! :angel:
  4. Iain, hi and good to hear that you're in good spirits! We hope that you both have a lovely time.
  5. The thing about the Royal Air Force sailing Association, Alan, is that it's restricted to peeps who are prepared to offer "Adventurous Training" to Airmen. When we had our saltie sailie we did just that!
  6. Thanks, Alan.......... but I did spend 18 years in HMFC! Griff might have something to say, too! :naughty:
  7. I agree with you, Keith. In Holland we had to pay a 500 Euro deposit and they were pretty keen on the scrutiny when we returned her!
  8. Sounds like a good start to your hols, Neil, apart from the missing helm screen. Look forward to the next instalment! And did it do no more than just damage a screen?
  9. A warm "Welcome Aboard" from us, Wonderwall. (Didn't the "Kipper Fleet" used to fly out of Kinross?)
  10. Ray, Hi Phil at the Yare will let you have a small container of ice if your fridge can't produce enough! We always call in just before we go to the boat to pick some up....... and have a beer!
  11. Do pay attention, please, Jeff! posted by Two others at 10.38 today!
  12. Grace, Hi. I merged yours with Bryan's as they're both on the same topic...
  13. Oops, we clashed, Steve and Debs... thanks for that info!
  14. Thanks, Bryan. Perhaps you'll update us when it's fully operational?
  15. Cheesey, Hi and "Welcome Aboard". Our boat, I guess, is similar to the one you hired and we have effectively wind-proofed it with half a dozen rolled bar-towels. They are very easy to take out when you do want to open either side of the roof and they are totally effective! I know that this doesn't help retrospectively but for future trips it might.
  16. Dave & Shelagh, Hi. What a superb job you've done on the day boat; she looks immaculate! :clap
  17. Roll up, Roll up! Come and have a day or two or a week or two with Ricco's..... :clap
  18. It was 08.15 before I was underway again and the friendly Ranger gave me a helping hand. The flood was now really in full song and I expected a rapid Breyden passage.... And then we passed under Breyden Bridge! It really was quite exciting although this is one of my earl video-attempts on the Broads. We realy did lift off one or two of the waves and slam down quite hard.. I didn't know an Alpha could do that. :shocked A bit later I saw Spirit of Breyden coming towards me and called them as I passed.. I suggested they take a close look at the conditions between Breyden Bridge and Green 35!
  19. As the Ebb was diminishing we cruised on, a bit slower now, to make slack water at GYYS... I moor and tie up solo and doubted there would be too many peeps about at 06.30 of a morning to help! A friendly couple were sharing a post And another contented pair were enjoying breakfast! We finally arrived just on 06.30 to a really lovely morning, although the wind was now getting up a bit from the SW..... It was now time to start the genny and brew a pot of tea, I'd also got some bacon left over for just this occasion! I sat outside in the warm morning sunshine at about 07.00 with a cuppa and a bacon butty... Life's good! :grin:
  20. For those of you who didn't see it first time around here's the story of "Black Bucc": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2Yl8ntVS-4#t=11
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