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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Or you might try this? http://bit.ly/1t4e4be
  2. I can reset your password to what you want if you PM your choice?
  3. Oy! Watch it! I'm a Vice Admiral.....
  4. I was 17 years old and the proud owner of a Singer Flying 9. When the local PC knocked on our door my Mum told me to keep quiet and out of sight. (She assumed it was about me...). "Does the owner of a Singer Flying 9 live here?" "Yes" said Mum "But it wasn't him" (whatever I'd done) "He was seen doing 35mph down Cromwell Road" (nearby home in Grimsby). "Well that's definitely not his fault" said Mum......... "How do you know that?" "His speedometer doesn't work!" PC Plod disappeared down the yard in nigh on hysterics...
  5. They do come in a bit low, don't they Ray?
  6. Morning, Eric. It's a bright sunny morning onboard here in Brundall, temp 8degC and wind a gentle NNE/10kts! P.S. We had our second pub Christmas Dinner last night... Monday night at The Ferry House, last night at the Strunpshaw Shoulder of Mutton, with Alan & Tan, and tonight will be the third at The Yare here in Brundall! Life's pretty good!
  7. When we return from Yorkshire or Scotland we never turn off at Newark and accept the extra 20 miles going via the A14/A11. Likewise going North. With the Barton Mills/Thetford bit opening in 10 days it will be even easier! The A17/A47 is just too much trouble............
  8. Welcome aboard the NBN, David. Peachment in Brundall know about as much as any with reference to Nanni's Franglais! Very helpful too. http://www.peachment.co.uk/about-nanni-diesel/
  9. Welcome to the NBN, andy. I'm sure you'll get an answer pdq!
  10. And this, Peter... http://www.thirdsector.co.uk/charity-commission-assess-complaint-rspb-spends-little-conservation-work/governance/article/1318815
  11. That seems a lot of sodium bicarb, Dave?
  12. Well if this doesn't stir 'em up, MM, I hardly dare to think what will.......... :shocked Perhaps better posted in Members out and About?
  13. Great story, Gramps. :clap We've never been quite that close to darkness in this boat but we do carry a very powerful torch with us JIC!
  14. I've thought of moving it to "Technical Questions and Answers", Alan, and perhaps change the header to "Winterising your boat"? Any other suggestions, please?
  15. A very warm welcome aboard the NBN, Sean! Hope to hear lots more from you!
  16. As P&L says, we can always take you, Robin........... just ask!
  17. Alan, Hi Sorry to contradict you but the electrical element in our calorifier does do just that... heat all the water within to whatever you set the thermostat at (in ours 60degs). Tony Hi Good luck with all your winter work!
  18. Welcome Aboard the good ship NBN from us, Beano!
  19. A great start to your story, Gramps! Looking forward to the rest of it!
  20. Go to 'More Reply Options' next to 'Post', then at bottom of screen click 'Browse'... then upload your pic and attach it.
  21. Here in rural Norfolk it was pretty quiet last night as we have a communal bonfire and fireworks night on Saturday.............. :shocked
  22. Welcome to the NBN from us, SweMathias!
  23. You continue to amaze me with your variety of skills, Alan!
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