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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. And how much is a good old pint of wallop, Eric?
  2. I think that's a bit harsh, Mark. They aren't getting through 100's of 1000's of litres a week, are they? You can always shop around North or South for cheaper fuel.
  3. Welcome Aboard the good ship NBN from us, Tony!
  4. And I, completely agreeing with Iain, think that Strow has summed it up very well. Please don't force us to end it but just let's let it die now, PLEASE!
  5. A lovely start to your holiday, Biscuiteer, please keep it up! :clap (May I use your name, please?)
  6. Kev,Hi, and Welcome Aboard from us.
  7. Biscuiteer, Hi, and a warm welcome from us aboard the good ship NBN!
  8. Can you remind me, please, Howard?
  9. Chelsea14Ian, on 28 Oct 2014 - 8:03 PM, said: Instead of foil try baking parchment it won't stick.To cut down on washing up,use one or two pots.Chicken casserole,onions and carrots diced,lightly colour in a fry pan diced chicken or chicken fillet lightly fry.Season and add mixed herbs,use about one and a half pints of chicken stock reduce in you fry pan whisk in some gravy mix.cook in the oven for about One hour.If you wish buy a dumpling mix available in most shops.Make up , and rolls into small balls place in your casserole and cook for another half hour.Try a rough cut of veggies,Ie carrots leeks new potatoes etc,season and lightly oil and bake for about the last 40 mins of your cooking time. Give it a go Ian
  10. Peeps, Hi. If you have a recipe please put it into a "New Topic" with an appropriate title. (Ian, I've done that with your recipe above).
  11. Neil (SPEEDTRIPLE) suggested this last night and we thought it a good idea. So let's have your favourites, please!
  12. Good idea, Neil.. perhaps "Boat Food" as a title? I'll float it by the others today.
  13. Sanderson were £1.40+/L a couple of weeks ago. GCM ( Goodchilds) were £1.13/L
  14. Not guilty, Peter. We Mods decided some time ago to speak together before removing a post. Also to leave an explanation and Mod's signature to it.... Just to add that in the downtime last night some other posts (including Mods') were lost... sorry peeps.
  15. You'd really have to find a floating pontoon, such as at Oulton Broad, Mandy. It would be well worth phoning ahead! :naughty:
  16. That loo's a bit public, ain't it, Trev? :naughty:
  17. . With regard to the flush the pros and cons re river water flush and fresh water from on board tank Trevor and Deirdre There is an unlimited amount of river water!
  18. Welcome aboard from us, Sarah!
  19. It is indeed, Strow, and well put. Despite which I do find the occasional irrelevence exhibited here to be an altogether enjoyable addition to the sometimes more serious content.
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