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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Nice to see you were both wearing your LJs Iain
  2. Steady on Simon, Vaughan is a tad more than fifty, but I don't think he built Captain Bligh's, Bounty! Iain
  3. Check Trev n Bob's thread. Think that may answer your question, Ray.
  4. Now Ray knows why he never saw any posters or flags, at Wroxham, they were too busy watching you pair Iain
  5. Hi Alan, You will require another holiday to recover from all the work you have done this past week ! Chill out! Iain
  6. Hi Jules, Welcome to the NBN Forum Enjoy your Broads holiday. Iain
  7. Morning Eric, Another route I have taken is down all of the M6 to Junction 1 for Lutterworth. Head for Market Harborough and across the Fens to Wisbech and Kings Lynn. Alternatively head for the A11 one off the M6/ M1. Its longer but can prove quicker. Overall though I would go M74 M6 A66 A1M A17 A47. Aint they lucky if live just a few hours from Norfolk! Iain
  8. Oh dear ..oh dear ....oh help !
  9. I expect they will make the jokes section? Hmmmm maybe not ! Iain
  10. Can tell your still a nipper Richard ....you havent mentioned the Flowerpot men or Andy Pandy ! Iain
  11. Sunday nights were Gunsmoke, Rawhide or Maverick, then bed ! Iain
  12. What was the question again....please??? Iain
  13. Your lucky Grace, us poor down trodden Mods have to read the Team threads also ! Iain
  14. There you go MM all info on the subject ! https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=modified+sine+wave+inverter+circuit&oq=modified+sine+wave&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3j69i60l2.10081j0j4&client=tablet-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=sHMztvfPZyMSKM%3A Iain
  15. It was bramble hunting for me. Great fun that was.
  16. Oh how true is that! Charlie
  17. Congratulations Geoff. on the latest arrival Now you are classified as really old ! A healthy baby is all one can ask for. May you as a Grampa have many happy days with the bouncing bundle. Iain
  18. As ever Eric, have a safe and stress free journey. Iain
  19. Hi Tim, Just below the browser link Activity you will see Calender, you can select your dates and details there. Iain
  20. Must mention the meander down the Chet to Loddon, JM. As I have said on here many times, above Wroxham Bridge to Coltishall is a delightful streach of water. We all have our favourites, is what I am trying to put across. Iain
  21. Personal choice, comes to mind Marshy. I would have thought it depends possibly where you moor your pride and joy? Iain
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