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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. I used Summercraft in the days of Dick and Gwen Sabberton running it, the boats were a dream to handle, reliable, and very well turned out even as Neil says in late season. I was spoiled then, as I used Alan Johnson, in the Summer as starting from Acle was ideal for the fortnight, but, used Summercraft, Easter and October. A boatyard I have always considered to be one of the best for smartly turned out boats. IMHO. Iain
  2. Hi Polly, I too have a magnetic bracelet for my psoriatic arthritis, I don't keep it on all the time, but have felt benefit from it. I suspect our - excuse the pun - metabolism, has something to do with it maybe ? Iain
  3. Wow ! Those mozzies at OBYS sure like their gin! Or more likely, someone with a shakey pouring hand ! Iain
  4. I think John would like to sample one of those coffees ! So would I too also !!! Iain
  5. Enjoy the company and the guid ale, for now. Pics and vids later, thank you. Iain
  6. May I suggest you contact Jon at Wayford Boat Sales http://www.wayfordmarineservices.co.uk/product-category/boats-for-sale/ He may well be able to help. Iain
  7. So long as your boat can fit through the Wroxham Bridge, Bob, get up there....slowly, and enjoy the trip. Always a good chance of seeing a Kingfisher en route. Iain
  8. Awe come on Mark, since when did this forum do jokes ! Anyway its not April 1st ! Iain
  9. Just how wide is the gap at Reedham Swing Bridge? Iain
  10. Hi Grace, Did you not know that Charlie was a very musical person, yup its true, at every meet he gets Brahms inclined to Liszt ! Iain
  11. Just the tonic you were requiring, Neil. I don't fish, but agree you can watch them wheeching up n doon at Coltishall. Next time get a harpoon tae catch them up there Iain
  12. Ah, perhaps Griff was being booked up for BGT I have read on here that his jokes are amazing, or something like that, Mark !!! Iain
  13. Hi Frank, Well done sir. Now if you have not met John (Hockham Admiral), Fridag Girl, his cruiser should be there 10.15am ish, tomorrow morning. Enjoy the weekend with the members. Iain
  14. Will it require to come out the water every two years or so to be anti fouled !
  15. Wow !!! The NBN now has a TV superstar Best get autograph pics Griff for all your adorning fans ! All kidding aside, great to see such ideas and planning come to fruition ! Iain
  16. A certain BA executive, appears to think so ! Iain
  17. Look on the bright side Eric, its just sailies and plodders tomorrow to avoid ! Delighted though you have arrived safely. Iain
  18. By all accounts Tim, it spends a lot of time being repaired ! Iain
  19. How to confuse the tourists....Leeds as in Yorkshire....but its Leeds - as in Kent - Castle It is a castle I have not visited. Does look nice though. Iain
  20. That explains all Alan, the BBC these days are from a different planet !!!
  21. Which planet was that June on? It was persistently tipping it down through most of June !
  22. Now, now, young Alan, no violence allowed on this Forum if you please, Gracie get the 6"heels on please, Mark requires a gentle reminder ! Iain
  23. There is a cure for the HBGs....copious amounts of Glenmorangie n ice, the ice stops the headache ! Oh yes, and you forget completely all about the HBGs Iain
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