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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Hi Tim, Welcome back to the NBN Forum. All the Pacific boats are well looked after. Look forward to your holiday tales. Iain
  2. Come back next weekend 23/24th to Oulton Broad, Frank, and meet all the alcoholics...ooops meant Forum Members Enjoy your time on the Broads. Iain
  3. Do you mind Charlie....i'm trying to eat my breakie ! Iain
  4. I'll keep that in My Docs file for future reference ! Iain
  5. Thank you Vaughan for all your stories, history and anicdotes you have had on the Broads over many decades. May I wisb you a safe journey home to France. I look forward to even more input from you in due course. As for talking behind your back, nah wouldn't hear of it, we leave that to Gracie Bon voyage, Iain
  6. Let's hope all goes well for you. These races take a lot of organisation. Iain
  7. Ok,ok so i've got thick fingers typing! it was .... WAS ! Iain
  8. Well, as a passed hirer, I hope they send me a piece of the birthday cake ! Trouble is, if its a chocolate one, JA will scoff the lot ! Iain
  9. Whatever you do Grace, don't go sailing on the Med, we passed David Hasslehoff's version, Lady Miranda on our trip into Palma for the day ! Oh and yes, he wax on board ! Iain
  10. She must still be on the same crabbit pills, Ray !!
  11. No NBN Burgee showing on the last pic ! Iain
  12. That sounds pretty straight forward. Iain
  13. True Mike, But as I try to read every post I discovered the star or dot handy for me.
  14. A mini garden centre? Liberal Party conference? FA new manager committee room? Meeting room for ex GPO Telephone engineers, the options are endless! Iain
  15. If you click the little star or dot at the start of a thread I think you will find it takes you to the latest reply on that thread. Hope that helps. Iain
  16. Stupidity of the highest order ! JM....Crazy!!! Iain
  17. Thanks Alan, We didn't go to OB last year. So its just the Beccles ones that are still in the Victorian age ! Iain
  18. Well seen JA that your crew never watched Blue Peter. Some sticky back plastic, paper mashie and you would have been back on the Broads by now! Iain
  19. Our national bard, Robert Burns,. I was brought up but two miles from Alloway, Burns Cottage, in Ayr. Iain
  20. The book MM mentioned..... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Crabtree-Goes-Fishing-Bernard-Venables-ebook/dp/B00GL7O87C/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1468003108&sr=8-1&keywords=mr+crabtree+goes+fishing Iain
  21. Well, well, we have found Marshys weak spot.... wetsuits !!!!
  22. First Stuart, now you Ray.....Grace will be uncontrolable once she is on line ! Iain
  23. So a smashing time was had by all !!!
  24. Many of the larger Aston boats were also single berth, good thinking i'd say
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