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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. I was saving this one for Saturday in exchange for a cake! 🤣
  2. Really looking forward to this, been a member since who knows when and this the first meet I've been to. Have a customer meeting on Thursday which luckily is about 1/3 of the way between home and the boat so will be giving her a wash down Thursday evening. I've booked the Friday off work so will be around Ranworth staithe lunchtime onwards, if there's room, but I'll probably retire to the Island for the evening. I can raise/lower the fenders solo, especially in the middle of a broad but it would then expose Rosie's dirty bottom..... Actually the fenders are not exactly clean either!! I've tried scrubbing it with Jif and a pad but the accumulation of over 3 years grime is not moving. She has an appointment with a roll of 80 grit and a Black & Decker but a certain well known woody has decided to block Sutton Staithe's boatshed for longer than expected....
  3. Have you tried turning it on and following the noise? Or doesn't it work?
  4. Work asked me a while ago if I wanted to swap my company car early as there's a shortage of 2nd hand cars. My circumstances have changed so I don't need a large XC60 plus we're now allowed to order hybrids and full electric which means a huge saving in BIK tax. I thought, I'll have some of that so duly placed an order for a hybrid V60 as not convinced full electric is suitable for me at present. I placed the order this March and delivery has been confirmed as 31st March 2023........
  5. Some boats like the San Remos don’t have any room on the rear superstructure for a name. Superstructure colour is not an issue as the names are printed onto a white wrap that covers the rear superstructure. I’ll try and grab a photo when I’m back up on Thursday.
  6. Couple more from when I said hello on Saturday.
  7. NeilB

    Roadworks 2022

    Left early, just before 4am. Just stopped for a coffee and the roadworks were clear but a couple of trucks were dumping lots of cones northbound !
  8. Just had a look at a Horizon 42 in the yard, on this particular boat it was one huge wrap covering both sides of the rear doorway, the Bounty's look similar.
  9. NeilB

    Roadworks 2022

    Not sure whether to head for home, A11 - A14, tonight or leave very early (4:30), leaning towards very early. Like Lulu I’m heading back on Thursday but via a customer visit so will use the A47 then.
  10. I’m based at Richos and it was an outside firm applying the names to all boats, looks like a white wrap with the name printed onto the wrap.
  11. Sorry to hear the news, condolences to Debbie and yourself.
  12. Taxi rank is free!! I’m the only boat on the side section so looks like I’m scaring them off!
  13. Thanks Peter and Paul. I'll send a pm with mobile number nearer the time.
  14. NBN Marquee collection I'll be collecting the above from Horning Pleasure Craft on the Saturday morning, I've not lifted it myself but I've been told it needs 2 to 3 people. I'll be staying Friday night at Ranworth so could I have a couple of volunteers to assist please, perhaps a spare crew member? Probably depart 9am to ensure we make it back in time for the C-in-C. I'll also need a hand taking it back on the Sunday, probably mid afternoon but not sure yet. Many thanks, Neil
  15. Yes, was originally Malibu 1. Number 2 is still at Woods as Queen of light 3 but has a slightly different layout and smaller saloon.
  16. I've not seen a hire boat with a 32A socket so ensure you have a converter as these are sometimes free. It's nice to plug in and save a battery cycle but the only time I'd seek a point out would be in the depths of winter so I could run my oil radiator. I'd still be OK but reduce the noise from the diesel heater.
  17. After this post I'll be up to date on my rambles so far.. Sat 30th April I’d noticed when away from shore power the batteries were struggling a little so thought I’d move these up my list a little bit, when removed they were marked with a date of May 2017 so were getting a tad old. She has the usual 1 x engine start with another 3 x 110Ah domestic batteries, these are used to power all 12V and 240V equipment of which there is quite a lot - 1 x larder fridge, 1 x larder freezer which appears to be kaput but requires further investigation, 2 x domestic water pumps, 2 x shower drain pumps, 1 x toilet water pump, 1 x bilge pump, 1 x smart TV, 1 x Eberspacher air heater and 1 x Webasto hot water heater. I managed to find some 135Ah batteries that were the exact same dimensions as the existing ones, plus there was just enough room to add an extra battery so I now have 540Ah for domestic, an increase of 210Ah. I do have room under some seating for more but I’ll see how this goes. They are only charged by a single 60A alternator, (plans are afoot here as well !), but she’s plugged in on her home mooring. I also have quite a large aft cabin area so there’s also the option of solar panels, especially if the price of diesel and electricity keep rising! So, with a new starter battery I had 5 large batteries spread about the car along with my usual small bag for clothes, duvet, pillows, tools, etc plus my other suitcase I set off for Heathrow at stupid o’clock on Tuesday 26th to catch the 9am flight to Gothenburg. Before playing around on my own boat I had to earn some money by err, playing around on my employer’s boats for 3 days at our marine test centre – no photos from here I’m afraid ! Another early start on Saturday 30th returning to Heathrow and straight up to Norfolk, unloaded car, popped to Tesco’s for a few things and set off. No particular destination in mind although I fancied an evening walk around St Benet’s, being a bank holiday the moorings were full so found a spot in Fleet Dyke for the evening. Had a good Wi-Fi signal so settled down to watch a James Bond film on Amazon Prime, if anyone’s not aware they can all be streamed free for Prime members, including the latest one. After a leisurely breakfast of fruit, porridge and 2 cups of coffee I started on replacing the batteries, I’d had a couple of cables pre made for the extra battery so it didn’t take long. The plywood top covering the terminals still just about fits so I just had to fit longer straps to hold them all down. A lot will be coming out again in a few months as the wiring is a bit messy with odd inline fuses in random locations etc. Old batteries coming out Had another coffee and was heading to Potter Heigham by 10am, so far I’ve avoided Lathams but I needed a bin and a new scrubbing brush! Pulled into Herbert Woods shortly after Mouldy on Moonlight Shadow so we walked up together for safety in numbers – you never know when some tat may jump into your basket without warning! Managed to focus on the required items although I did also acquire a small folding step, which could 2nd as a small drinks table when sitting on the bank, a cheese & onion pasty and a Belgium Bun, (without cream!). Think I escaped lightly! I still fancied a walk at St Benet’s but there was still no space, the wild mooring near the end of Fleet Dyke was available so I slipped in there and had a walk down the Bure to opposite Thurne Mouth and back again. Settled down to another nice sunset and another Bond. Couple of squatters overnight! Managed to get underweigh by 9am to get past Ludham Bridge before it became too busy, I try and avoid peak times here as everyone bunches up too close and then cannot hold station. There were a few boats about but keeping sensible gaps so all was ok. Once back at Stalham Richardson’s kindly let me borrow one of their rowing boats so I could try and clean the waterline scum from the hull, I suspect this has not been touched since she was on hire over 3 ½ years ago. The muck was so ground in a combination of Jif and a scouring pad made virtually no difference so it will have to wait until the lift out and re-paint, the Herbert Woods blue stripe is going as well. Next job was investigating why the rear shower pump had stopped working, luckily it was only some corroded terminals so I did’nt have to dislocate my elbows to remove the actual pump! I had an early night and pre-packed the car before bed, left for work around 4:45 am on the Tuesday so missed most of the traffic. Next visit will start Wednesday 11th May as I have a customer visit which is about halfway to the boat, seems rude not to work from the boat Thurs / Fri and have a good start to the weekend! Not long to the meet at Salhouse which I’m really looking forward to.
  18. Even if there had been visual indicators showing the 1st station in gear the 2nd throttle can still rev the engine, just pull the lever out and push. You'd need a system where neither the throttle or gear can be moved unless all controls are in neutral, these are common place on electronic engine controls but I've not seen one for mechanical Morse controls.
  19. I'm single handed most of the time, on one or 2 occasions I've nearly cast off a mooring thinking I'll be fine without a life jacket but gave myself a mental slap and put it on! I've taken wearing it whenever I'm under weigh as you never know what situation is looming around the corner.
  20. Tried something different for the Easter weekend, left home around 4-45am on the Wednesday, lovely quiet journey and was unpacked and online working away by 8am. Once finished it was a quick trip down to Barton Broad where I stayed overnight and spent the next day working, As soon as the work malarkey was finished I yanked the mudweight up and headed off with no real destination in mind, eventually ended up on Salhouse spit which was surprisingly quiet. Set off around 9ish to find a wild mooring somewhere but as passing through Horning there was a huge gap at the Staithe so I dived in there and was done cruising for the day. However, I was not done scrubbing for the day as it was the turn of the port side decks. These are proving to be much harder than the cabin top as there is some yellowing, going to have to try a few more brutal options than just a scrubbing brush! During all this the local Vicar turned up and carried out a service on the Green, they then started handing out hot cross buns to everyone in sight – very nice they were too!! I’d had enough by mid afternoon and as the sun had made an appearance I settled down to watch the world go by with a glass of wine. The next morning I tool a leisurely cruise towards the Thurne, I’ve paid a couple of visits to the White Horse in Neatishead but was overdue a visit to the Lion. I just relaxed today and did pretty much nothing! The Lion was very good, I had the gammon steak which was an actual gammon steak and not something resembling the sole of a shoe that most places serve up! I’ve trying to prepare more food on board but there are a couple of establishments I just need to visit!! Back to the boat to finish off the bottle of wine from yesterday which watching the sun go down, it was a bit chilly though. There was a fantastic moon rising but my iPhone could not do it justice… It was now Easter Sunday and even Latham’s was closed which was a good thing as I was so close and the temptation was great! Turned around and headed back towards the Ant, I was hoping for a wild mooring. Again, my luck was in and one of the better moorings just below Irstead was available. Made a start scrubbing the aft cabin roof today, by the time I get this lot finished it’ll be time to start again! Easter Monday was just a boat clean through and then I headed for home. My list of jobs is still increasing faster than I’m ticking them off but I’ll just keep chipping away! I’ve caught up with all the trips since I’ve had Rambling Rosie, currently sitting at the end of Fleet Dyke close to St. Benet’s on my latest visit but I’ll post this in a couple of days.
  21. I’d booked Friday 25th March off work so popped into Sutton Staithe boatyard in the morning to chat about a lift out and some work that will need doing and then as it was a beautiful, calm day decided to mudweight on Barton for the rest of the day and evening. Sunset over Barton. Fairly cold overnight tonight and the timer did not start the heating as planned, but I was just about up in time for the sun rise. Checked the batteries and yes they were low, they had been 100% when I’d left Sutton. Managed to find a date of March 2017 scratched onto one of them so I think some new ones are in order. Sunrise over Barton Headed to Neatishead by mid-morning and plugged into the electric, nice and toasty the next morning! Spent the day scrubbing the canopy roof to remove all the spots in the non-slip, it doesn’t show much in the photos but it made a great improvement. I had my electric polisher on me but I’d put the extension lead in a “safe place”, despite turning the boat upside down I could not find it anywhere. I was forced to drown my sorrows in the White Horse instead, as usual the food and drink was excellent. Next day was up to Dilham and yet more scrubbing followed by another great sunset. I can recommend The Smallburgh Crown, it’s a bit further to walk than the Cross Keys but it was worth it – take a torch at night-time though! The next day was back to the Marina and home.
  22. Next trip started Friday 11th for a 50th Birthday party at the Bridge inn, thought it would rude not to arrive by boat….Finished work at 4pm and cast off by about 4:15 heading for Ludham Bridge, didn’t have long due to lack of day light and nav lights, (on the list!). The wind had picked up by now and the only gaps had the wind blowing offshore, it took 2 attempts to judge the wind speed and get alongside long enough to secure a rope. Luckily RR has centre cleats otherwise this would have been even more challenging. I was at Acle by mid-morning so spent some time fitting a few LED lights and a twin USB charging socket to the helm. Had a great evening in the Bridge and managed to chat to Robin, Malcolm, (Mouldy) & Debbie, Jim & Vicky Davies and a few others whom I’m afraid their names have been erased by a few drinks. Had a blown 10A fuse, struggled to find any at first but eBay came up trumps in the end. Obligatory Acle sunset.
  23. Snap! Normally go round the back. They actually sell a very good brush for washing boats with!
  24. I’m just leaving fleet dyke headed for Potter to buy some rubbish in Lathams! I’ll give you a toot if I see you!
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