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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. We very rarely use cash anymore, but I make sure we have a stash of £1 coins for this very purpose although new hirers may not be aware.
  2. My XC60 holds 2.4 gallons of Ad Blue and is about half full at just under 5000 miles. Just not done any miles the last year or so!
  3. We had a 3 year warranty on our Skoda, is yours still covered?
  4. NeilB


    I think Herbert Woods started using GTL fuel which is derived from gas, GTL stands for gas to liquid and is produced by Shell. It reduces the amount of NOx and especially particulates compared to normal diesel, gas is a fossil fuel so the CO2 reduction is limited. There's another version called HVO for hydrotreated vegetable oil, this reduces NOx and particulates to a lesser amount than GTL but the CO2 reduction is much greater as it's not made with fossil fuel. Due to the low power and small size of boats on the Broads we're not affected by the new IMOIII or Stage 5 emission regulations, otherwise new boats and re-powers would require SCR exhaust systems with Ad Blue etc. As already mentioned these fuels can cause issues with older engines, I understand they can dry the seals out on some pumps although replacement seals which are not affected can be fitted.
  5. Think they have separate ones for berth holders, although I've never used them. The ones in the hire boat section were unlocked all night last year.
  6. Off the top of my head, Richardson’s, Herbert Woods and Brooms, also the yacht stations at Yarmouth, Beccles, Oulton Broad and Norwich. There’s probably a couple more. However, I’m not sure if they are open yet due coronavirus restriction on shared facilities.
  7. NeilB

    My Day

    Sorry to hear this Helen, social services were very good when my mum was in a similar situation. Eventually she had to move into a care home but we found a small one which was like a home from home, she steadily improved and was fairly happy for the 1 1/2 years she was there.
  8. I purchased the below a couple of months ago and they get used every day for walking the dog, they were comfortable from day one on tarmac, grass, canal towpaths and the odd farmers field. walking shoes
  9. I think this would call for another weekend on board ASAP.....
  10. Send your wife outside to to remove mooring lines while you remain nice and warm at the helm sipping a hot coffee. You can show how much you care by offering her a lifejacket
  11. I think you’d be lucky to see 7ft 3” at average low water at Wroxham bridge let alone high water!
  12. You were hard at it when I went past, scrubbing that is.😉
  13. The inside was immaculate and I think someone had given the outside a quick wash but they missed a few areas. it had also been dive bombed a few times, at least a squadron of geese from what I could tell !!
  14. I’m sat outside Stalham Tesco with my dog right now Vaughan. With the amount of time my wife is taking I could have polished the hull and topsides for you by now!
  15. It’s not as busy as I expected, only 3 hire boats at Stokesby and the Pedro moorings at Acle only had 1 boat. If people were not leaving git gaps there would have been room for 1 or 2 more on the free moorings as well.
  16. They also had huge buckets of Nachos that luckily my kids didn’t notice!!
  17. I’ve just pinged them on their Facebook page as I need to know as well, it’s still showing winter hours.
  18. That's a shame, I liked the Duke. Used to see him driving a carriage around the grounds of Windsor Castle when I worked in Datchet.
  19. NeilB

    High Water

    There are far worse emissions from bots than diesel.....
  20. A couple of months after my father in law died my wife woke up screaming "stop it dad, your frightening me". I said what's wrong and she said her dad keeps appearing out of the wall and promptly went back to sleep. I spent the next 1/2 hour or so keeping a very close watch on the walls and struggled getting back to sleep !!
  21. Didn't Vera Lynn write a song about this? Whale meat again......
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