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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. NeilB

    Wroxham Bridge

    Most picnic boats are pretty low so you should be ok, you could ask the yard what the air draft is and keep an eye on the Barnes webcam as they point it at the height marker for few seconds.
  2. I've given up now so this is my last post on the subject ! Earlier Grendel said to follow Government instructions which is good advice, whether you follow the legislation or guidance is up to the individual.
  3. I don’t have much knowledge on outboards but as they are raw water cooled I’m not sure it would have enough temperature or flow to heat a calorifier. Plus if you went through Yarmouth the salt water would soon turn the coils to dust, I presume they are still made of copper. Couldn’t see much on Google either.
  4. Lots of organisations making up their own rules or advice but the new legislation makes no mention of staying local. As long as you stay within your bubble in your own accomodation you can stay overnight.
  5. This is the legislation coming into force on 29th March https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2021/364/pdfs/uksi_20210364_en.pdf In lots of cases the “guidance or guidelines” do not match the legislation which in itself is not clear.
  6. Funny you should that Paul, I'm 48 and had a text about an hour ago. Booked in for Monday at the very nice Warwickshire Golf and County Club which is a nice 30 minute stroll away. Probably have to drive as supposed to be working. The system said I would be contacted shortly to book the 2nd appointment which would be 11 week later. Only issue is thats the same week as Seawork so have to keep an eye on that - show might be cancelled anyway!
  7. There's a Polish restaurant I've been to in Gothenburg a couple of times that has the perfect solution to the dilemma of not being able to decide what to order from the menu. They offer 1/2 plates so you can have both !! Not seen this in the UK so could be something different.
  8. Sounds about normal for the DVLA, hope you sent the documents by recorded delivery......
  9. The issue appears to involve the Enviroment Agency who own the pilings but will no longer maintain them due to the new flood defences. I'm wondering if there are any other moorings that could have the same issue when leases become due for renewal? Does the land belong to the Church?
  10. This does'nt sound good, has'nt something like this hapened before resulting in the loss of moorings?
  11. NeilB

    How Much????

    I went on board one at the London Boatshow a few years ago. For such a large boat I thought the lounge felt cramped and smaller than the Broadsman style, despite being the same hull.
  12. So does my wife but for the sake of my health I'm saying nothing......
  13. Should have gone for this !
  14. We're due to be the first on board, albeit a few days later than planned but a short break is better than no break. Apart from needing a dust she's all ready to go and I did mention we'd like an early start on the Monday, whether I can turf my wife out of bed earlier is another matter !
  15. I always wince when I see someone has removed a bulkhead in this way, in a lot of cases they are part of the boats structure.
  16. That sounds painful, can you get cream for it?
  17. Could it be one of the Easter weeks you are looking at? These would be a lot more expensive.
  18. That's a shame as I had a chance of making a resheduled meet in August but I fully understand and support the reasons behind this decision. We won't be on Moonlight next May so when we have a date I'll start working on a weekend pass !!
  19. Perhaps see how things go over the next few weeks, could there be a chance of a meet later in the year? I’d vote for the last weekend in August but that’s mainly because we will on the northern Broads then! 😉
  20. Exactly what I was thinking, especially as we're due up on the 10th ! We'll wait until full details are published as to whether we can still leave on the 10th, if not it looks like an early start on the 12th !
  21. We’re due on Moonlight Shadow the 2nd week of Easter, while it would be good to visit a few pubs we’ll be ecstatic just to be on the Broads. We’ll just find a few quiet moorings with a bottle or two and watch the world go by.
  22. Le Boat also seem quite expensive compared to another well known and very well regarded boatyard on the Thames. Just had a quick look and over £400 cheaper for a nicer boat for a week in September. They did go downhill slightly in April 2000 but looks like they are doing OK without me....
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