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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. Just had a Google. As Andy says TUI sold the Travelopia division to private equity firm KKR, this also includes Sunsail who have quite a few boats worldwide.
  2. They may take the insurance money and not replace them at all.
  3. My wife had hers a week ago, she felt a bit rough for a couple of days after. Most of her school had the vaccine over the same weekend so they were all a little subdued on the Monday!
  4. That's not good ! One of the comments shows a photo of one pinned against a bridge.
  5. We had to lift an engine up on a Horizon 35 once, it’s fitted in the middle of the galley with no hatch. Cut hole in roof so we could pass a chain through and this was then disguised as a roof vent !
  6. Looks like a ferry or one the those glass bottom boats you see around the Med ! Not really to my taste but I'm sure someone will hire it.
  7. I know we've arrived when my wife stops saying are we nearly there yet! Yes, I do mean my wife and not any of my 3 children.
  8. NeilB

    My Day

    Got one of those on my car, thought it was another useless gimmick until it got cold but use it all the time now!
  9. Sorry to hear this. As above don't rush, get some advice and take it one step at a time, also check if there's a will as she may have expressed her funeral wishes in it. From when my mum died last year I found there's a tell us once service which covers all government agencies and worked well for us. https://www.gov.uk/after-a-death/organisations-you-need-to-contact-and-tell-us-once You'll find getting anything organised will take 2 or 3 times longer than usual due to the current situation. I hope tomorrow goes as smoothly as it can in the circumstances.
  10. Apparently special needs school teachers and assistants are now eligible so my wife is booked into Warwick Hospital for her 1st jab next Sunday. 2nd jab is on 11th April but we were planning on being on the boat from the 10th ! Oh well, holiday probably won't happen anyway and if we get lucky and it does we'll just start a day later.
  11. NeilB

    My Day

    Yesterday the forecast was for the odd light shower, started snowing about 15 mins ago and the forecast is now for 3 hours of heavy snow followed by light snow for another few hours! The teenagers are still in their pits but my 7 year old and dog are getting excited. Any snowmen will have to be on the green though as the garden may have a couple of doggy land mines 💩
  12. For some reason the website is unnecessarily complicated but there is a FAQ section which gives some answers as to who is involved - https://broadlandfuturesinitiative.virtualeventspace.io/files/Broadland Futures Initiative FAQ.pdf
  13. I tried the search but could not find any reference to the above which is regarding flood risk management ? I've not had a good look yet as I'm at work but I will later and thought some of you would be interested. https://broadlandfuturesinitiative.virtualeventspace.io/ There's also a survey, again I've not looked yet - https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/BFISurvey2021
  14. I know about the Kris Cruiser ones, I worked on them! Bill Maxted was involved with them for a while although the two at KC now have normal hulls and Nannis as opposed to the pontoon and outboard versions which were sold off.
  15. It's a pontoon boat, although it looks like the side railings have been removed. There are quite a few on various lakes in the USA and they can get a move on with a big enough outboard. There was one pottering about Wroxham a few years ago but no idea who owned it.
  16. I agree with every word and I'm going to show this to my wife !! It's been nice knowing you all....
  17. Of course this is completely unrelated to the above but a pub quite close to me had been closed for a few years awaiting planning permission..... Some locals may have been a tad suspicious and the below appeared on the hoardings.
  18. I thought I was seeing double, I've not even had a drink... yet !
  19. My wife is a teaching assistant at a special needs school which is fully open, they are short staffed so my wife is floating between several classes. PPE is virtually impossible as some of these kids go into meltdown if they see someone in a mask and their idea of bubbles is to blow them, not stay in them. They have no idea what social distancing is and some are in nappies, some spit, some kick etc, etc. I would class this as high risk but she's gets no priority whatsoever.
  20. I noticed the Police used the registered keepers address from the car registration. Lets hope Warwick Police don't check my car as it's registered with the lease company in Swindon !!! Although the longest round trip it's done since October is 20 miles and that was for a Covid test.
  21. NeilB

    Boat Show

    Earls Court had a good atmosphere, but it was a pain during build up and breakdowns especially upstairs having to share the lifts to move equipment around. Excel was good in the early days and access was fantastic, no where to eat in the evenings without a cab journey though.
  22. NeilB

    My Day

    Our 2 cats used to wash each other on a regular basis, also sometimes ending up in a fight! Sadly we lost one about a year ago so she now picks fights with the dog instead, he stays well away from her !
  23. NeilB

    Boat Show

    London Boatshow is long gone now, the last couple of years we’re not very good. Both Seawork and Southampton are still going ahead, we’ll start planning and organising in January. Just have to wait and see if they go ahead...
  24. All I can say is I’m so glad we invested in a smart tv as the vast majority of normal tv has been dire for several years now.
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