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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. We booked a boat for the 1st Aug just over a week ago and there was not a lot of choice left then, after the announcement on Tuesday I suspect there won't be many boats left so don't leave it too long. We are planning on heading south but the low tide is 16:02 on the Sunday, may spend a couple of hours at Yarmouth and then punch the last 30 mins or so of the tide across Breydon.
  2. I cannot see this being an issue, plenty of room on even the smallest hire cruiser for the crew to hide for a couple of minutes.
  3. That's OK. I've requested the below as an optional extra !
  4. We are staying in a cottage on the Norfolk coast from Friday 7th Aug. Last week we had an email saying we could not arrive until 7pm as they were having to put extra cleaning in place. This caused us a few issues as we were arriving a little early due to a planned hotel stay elsewhere. So, we took a gamble, delayed the hotel booking and hired a boat for the preceding week!! We can then stay on the boat and move into the cottage at our leisure on the Friday evening. There were not many left to choose from and I suspect what's left will now book pretty quickly. Had a pretty rubbish year so far so really looking forward to our two weeks in Norfolk.
  5. From my unsuccessful experience of water skiing many, many years ago on the Broads there is more than one way of ingesting water !! After skiing along on my bottom after several attempts I stuck to driving the boat !!
  6. Out of interest, Any opinions which network has the best all round coverage of the Broads area?
  7. I wouldn't be too concerned over any mechanical issues for now, if they were left for a year or more there may be issues with seals drying out and causing fuel / oil leaks / impellors etc. As mentioned batteries could be an issue along with condensation in fuel tanks that were not left full. Nothing that a good service wouldn't rectify.
  8. Here we go - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/covid-19-coronavirus-using-a-boat-inland-and-on-the-coast?fbclid=IwAR3eE3W4C8q0DR7fPyKDEt1w8htGeZfcsuQ8k2wDgS3KIG373GGCfUqgtXU I've not read it myself yet !
  9. Not entirely sure, definitely Belmarsh though. When I say young they were late teens, early 20's he was working with - young to me anyway !! Don't see or hear from him much but I'll be seeing him later this year for a memorial service.
  10. My ex brother in law has been at Belmarsh for quite a few years, again as staff and not a resident !! Not sure exactly what he does, he's not a prison officer but I think he works with the younger residents in some capacity.
  11. I like the HW woody in the top photo, also looks like my wife has been helming one of those boats !!
  12. Still do, friend of mine works for a well known Japanese car maker doing nothing but prepping and supporting press cars and events. The cars come off the normal production line but are moved to a separate area to be fettled as Paul says. From what I've heard I wouldn't like to own one of these once they have been thrashed and trashed by the press !
  13. WE had a lady at work a few years ago who suggested when anyone felt ill they could work from home, her exact words were we had to use our judgement and "probe ourselves"..... As you can imagine whenever some said they were not feeling very well or had a cold coming they were instructed to go and probe themselves! She regretted that until the day she left to have a family. I've learned that I'd like to go back to work in the office or visiting customers as there's no kitchen with lots of easily available snacks! I've also learned that it's not easy to home school a 6 year old, and my wife is a teaching assistant !
  14. NeilB

    My Day

    My day has involved my wife and myself painting 16 new fence panels. The kids did help for a while but were a tad messy, still, at least the patio and dog won’t rot!!!
  15. NeilB

    My Day

    We have the same version, every time we use it and see the colour of the water we start thinking about laminate flooring all over the house!
  16. There are a few of us out here, I don't like football either!
  17. Here you go ! D1 / D2 = Perkins D3 = Volvo Car engine but assembled by VP. D4 / D6 = Volvo Penta. D5 / D7 = Deutz D8 / D11 / D13 / D16 = Volvo Group V6/V8 = GM Seven Outboards = GM
  18. WE live about 10 yards from the Grand Union in Warwick, the magnet fishers leave old bikes and other metal rubbish on the edge of the towpath. Over the next few days the local kids return these to the canal so the magnet fishers can pull them out again !!
  19. Only just noticed this so I’ve just made a donation. You’re doing a fantastic job, than you.
  20. My dad was out there in 1946/7. Despite going through Normandy, Holland and Germany in 1944/5 he said it was worse as they were being shot at by both sides !!! Ok, his unit was bombed by the yanks but that was a one off, and they missed !
  21. I do vaguely remember the name, John and myself picked up lots of tips and started practicing so eventually could handle most issues, even damage as bad as the above.
  22. My dad was at Oldham's for 26 years before being given the offer of redundancy or moving to Sun Printers. As he was nearly 59 he took redundancy and luckily his pension shortly before it all crashed. Maxwell was not a popular man in the Watford area !!
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