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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. NeilB

    My Day

    Yes it is, are you in Warwick as well?
  2. NeilB

    My Day

    Pretty high near me as well, the below is one of my local pubs which is an old mill on the river Avon.
  3. Exactly - https://www.crownoil.co.uk/faq/hvo-fuel/
  4. NeilB

    My Day

    I think it’s because the tier guidance is just that - guidance, there is no actual law preventing travel between tiers. Like a lot of people we’re following the guidance, but a lot are not.
  5. Either the plan or the photo is incorrect, the photo shows a AF Pearl 38 and the plan looks like a Bounty 40 which is backed up by the dimensions shown.
  6. Hi Simon Nice to see you here and thanks for the warning. I've checked and Moonlight Shadow is currently with MS Amlin although it is due for renewal in January. I'll inform BCBM so they are aware, they have quite a few syndicates and I doubt all the policies expire at the same time.
  7. I'm trying to leave all this to our business support team but I know complete marine engines will have a 2% import duty depending on what type of vessel they are being installed in, most Broads boats would fall into this category. If your boat is RCD category A or B you won't incur the import duty. I have no idea what happens to boats which predate the RCD which started in the late 90's
  8. Similar happened to my dad in the mid 90’s I think. Part exchanged his old car and received a visit from the police a few months later as it was still registered to him. Apparently it was used in an armed robbery which I found hilarious as it was a 1.3 Austen Maestro!!!!! They could have run faster!
  9. Do you have hydraulic drive? Could be an issue with the hydraulic oil cooler.
  10. Don't need to marinize one, take your pick and buy it - https://www.volvopenta.com/marine/products/inboard-shaft/inboard-shaft-engine-range/d3/ The old version from 2004 to 2009 did have a few issues with inhaling the air filter and the variable turbo linkages seizing up. Once fixed it was ok and the new version from 2009 onwards has been fine, we had lots of comments that we changed it because of all the issues with the old version. Truth was it was replaced as Volvo Cars stopped making it !! I wouldn't fit anything above around 50hp to a pure Broads cruiser, mainly because you don't need any more plus a lot of new engines from mid 50hp upwards will now have a turbo to meet emission regs.
  11. We had one of the Bounty 37's called Tahiti, pretty sure they had some Horizon 35's as well.
  12. Mixer Marine were based in a dyke of what is now Broads Edge, the one where the Ant splits off to Richardson's. My parents hired a boat from there sometime in the early eighties.
  13. "Keep an eye on the guy with the beard and the hat", said King Harold. "He'll have someone's eye out with that thing".
  14. Not sure of the year but I would guess early 1960’s. Grandad is helming, he was in the Navy 1917 to 1932 and again 1939 to 45. Apparently couldn’t swim despite being sunk once and wasn’t much good at keeping a straight line, despite training D-Day landing craft crews! The 2nd is a very young NeilB, mid 70’s !
  15. The year is 1956, Reedham and Beccles on board Eastern Sun with family.
  16. I’ve raided some of mum and dads old photos, I think the first 2 were taken in the Pickerel pub August 1955. One of the inside with my dad on the left and another of a boatman called, I believe, Harry with my mum. No idea who the rest are as I know mum and dad were staying in the pub on their honeymoon!
  17. Hi Robert We had one of the interesting brown AF42's when I worked at Kris Cruisers, it had NBYCo on the backs of draws etc. I think it was a Diplomat but cannot recall the number as it was probably over 25 years ago I was last on board ! It's an even more interesting brown now and the last I heard it was ashore in Loddon looking a little sad, it's now 856E. It had a BMC 2.5 and was a dream to handle.
  18. I could not find any official info on travelling from a new tier 3 to a tier 2, but I did find this in the Guardian who spoke to the department of health. If I live in a tier 3 area, can I go on holiday in tier 1? Asked specifically whether someone living in tier 3 can go on holiday in a lower tier, the Department of Health and Social Care told the Guardian: “In tier 3 the government strongly advises against travel and overnight stays in/out of the area, other than for reasons like work or education. This means that holidays – including internationally – are advised against, but are not prohibited.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/nov/26/englands-new-covid-rules-what-is-allowed-in-tiers-1-2-and-3 I could be wrong, (probably am), but it appears there is no law stopping you from travelling to any tier, just "strong advice". My area will jump from Tier 1 to Tier 3 overnight despite falling infections, mainly due to a town 20 miles away. Hospitals also have capacity but apparently they have to draw the line somewhere. I would have been happier if they had drawn it a few miles away from me! Stratford and Warwick councils are jointly appealing the decision so we'll see what happens on 16th Dec. We were supposed to be on board for a few days over Christmas, my wife works in an extremely high risk setting but has well over a week off prior to travelling to ensure she was clear. Still pondering what to do....
  19. NeilB

    Hampton 25

    Shame MauriceMynah has found a mooring, he could have your 46' side on. You could then open an onsite bar and retire...
  20. There are some aftermarket wireless boat controllers available for electronically controlled engines, apparently if dropped the engines go into neutral. Not sure what happens if you go overboard clutching the controller though - hope they have good insurance !
  21. Mum and dad used to hire the lodges from Summercraft when cruisers became too much effort for them, I sometimes popped up for a day or two but don't think I ever met Sue. Sounds like I would have remembered if I had ! Their boats were always immaculate though.
  22. We had Drakes Dyke from Riverside Rentals a couple of years ago, really nice ! I also heard they were very fair in their dealings over Coronavirus cancellations which is something to bear in mind at present Summercraft also used to have some 4 person lodges with dayboats, not sure if you have to book via Hoseasons though which is not so good.
  23. MM, ref your other post on Wroxham bridge height. A couple of 50 gallon tanks either side would help with the air draft !
  24. Think it’s their own design, only 6ft 5” air draft so has a chance of getting under Potter as well. Suspect the 10ft beam helps with this as well.
  25. NeilB

    My Day

    Only letters I’ve had from HMG recently are to ask for more tax ! Spent a few hours doing some decorating prep in my son’s room while everyone else got stuck into the usual weekend cleaning chores. Just sat down to relax and see if the rain stops so I can take the dog for a walk, he point blank refuses to go out in the rain!!
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