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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. NeilB

    My Day

    Looks nice and calm in those photos, whoever I go out of there it’s blowing a bit ! Here’s a view from the river.
  2. Sorry Paul, couldn't find any sea trial reports on a Sessa 42 so the above is the best I can find. One of the databases was closed a while ago so we lost some of the older reports.
  3. This is only a rough guide and it may vary slightly depending on the boat, loading, conditions etc. 1500rpm = 7.8 lph 2000rpm = 15.2 lph 2500rpm = 26.2 lph 3000rpm = 21.6 lph 3500rpm = 64.1 lph There's also a graph on the attached PDF. I'll see if I have any info on the Sessa 42 itself tomorrow. D6-310_DP.pdf
  4. I’m afraid not, you can downgrade a higher version to a lower one if required for engine replacement but not the other way. What boat is it by the way?
  5. I’m afraid you need EVC-C to add the trip software, this was launched mid 2006, shame as there’s an offer on software at the moment ! I’ll dig out the official fuel consumption figures later but they are only a guide.
  6. Any boat fitted with Volvo Penta D3 and larger diesel engine models from around mid 2006 could have trip computer software as an option. Amongst other things this shows the fuel rate and is very accurate, this is why I asked what version of EVC Paul's D6's are. If they are EVC-C or newer he could arrange for the software to be uploaded, it would require a boat visit so would have to wait until restrictions are lifted. Paul - If you're not sure what EVC version they are send me the serial numbers and I can check for you.
  7. Hi Paul, which EVC version are your D6's?
  8. NeilB

    My Day

    This was just jointing sand which included weed killer, the photo was about 4 years ago. I did it again last year and sealed the drive with some stuff from Screwfix! A year later the weeds don't seem to have taken much of a hold yet so the sealant is doing something!
  9. We have a cottage booked for mid August, they have offered to change dates FOC, probably wait another couple of weeks before deciding. May move it back to August 2021 and if the situation improves we'll take pot luck with a last minute holiday.
  10. NeilB

    My Day

    What have you got in those joints Griff? Doesn't look like jointing sand? Mine needs doing again but it's just plain jointing sand which is a pain to keep clear of weeds, plus my assistant below is now a teenager and not so keen to work !!
  11. We're using Microsoft Teams, seems to work well and we've had some good banter and funny photos. We're only a small team of 23 people plus the dealer network, some of whom are still partially open as they need to cover essential services like fishing boats, wind farm support, MOD etc. I'm not sure how many yet but some people have just been put on furlough, I'm ok for now but the company is making up the difference so not too bothered if it happens to me - my wife has plenty of jobs lined up around the house !!! I've saved nothing at all working from home as the office is a 20 minute walk and the company car is sat on the drive doing nothing except collecting bird poo !!
  12. I had to google that !! Released in the year I was born !
  13. A lot of Sainsbury’s now have an Argus store inside them, I’ve heard some of the food storage was taken over by Argus storage!
  14. I popped into Morrison’s today as I happened to be passing and noticed it wasn’t too busy. Apart from no eggs and bread running a little low we’re ok for food despite 2 x teens and a 6 year old who could give a plague of locusts a run for their money! Still no eggs, toilet roll or medicines and while stocks were a tad low there was a lot more on the shelves than I was expecting. Hopefully the idiots have realised there will be enough food !!
  15. Not really a dream car, more like a company car but this is due by the end of March.
  16. Spot on !! We had no idea what to call them so I jokingly said Mork and Mindy, my wife loved it so my protests that I was only joking were overruled !
  17. This is Oppy, nearly 4 now and still trying to steal my beer - never going to happen !! He likes Mindy but Mindy does not like him so he does not encroach on her 3ft exclusion zone!
  18. This is Mindy, nearly 17 and still stupid !! In this photo she's just crawled out from under the sink where I was fixing a leak. Sadly her brother passed away a few months ago, we'd had them from 8 weeks old.
  19. My wife has a cough and is a teaching assistant, it was an existing cough with no other symptoms except a lingering cold and guidelines said to isolate if you have a NEW cough. However, when she called the school after the guidelines were updated on Friday she was told to stay home for 7 days Now the guidelines have changed again so it looks like I’m working from home and my 3 children are off school for 14 days. They were quite happy until my wife pointed out she will make sure they have some work to do !! Most of the offices around Europe have already changed to home working so not a huge problem. I do have a few projects on the go which may suffer from not being able to visit but in the grand scheme of things nothing that cannot wait. Most boat shows will probably be cancelled anyway !! Through my wife I know most schools are trying to prep for home learning and I suspect a lot will close early for Easter. Our Broads holiday isn’t until August plus it’s a self catering cottage so hopefully will be ok. My biggest upset is my mums carehome closed to all visitors last week, it’s 90 miles away and she’s not in the best of health as it is...
  20. Same in Warwick, last delivery was Friday so we're OK for a week. Hopefully calm down in a few days time....
  21. I bought the cheap ones and the kids have been warned !!
  22. What makes me angry is the panic buyers are depriving normal people of everyday items. Our shopping delivery arrived this evening without any toilet rolls which we were half expecting, we have about 3 days worth left and the local shops have none. They had kitchen towel so that will have to do if necessary. There's plenty to go round if everyone is sensible, but sadly common sense also seems to be in short supply !!
  23. We started restricting travel about a week ago, only allowed to travel if we can show it’s business critical and has to be approved by very senior management. Our customers appear to be taking similar precautions which is good. We can all work from home if necessary but our customers cannot as it’s a bit tricky to build a boat from home! My kids school have mentioned moving the Easter break earlier but nothing confirmed yet. My wife works at the same school so if if closes at least childcare will be ok for us, not so good for lots of others who cannot work from home.
  24. Sadly this is my experience as well. My son is mildly autistic which became more apparent towards the end of junior school. His secondary school were and are fantastic but the waiting time for an official diagnosis from the local CAMHS was nearly 3 years. Luckily we have health insurance via my work so could go private but even this was not straightforward as CAMHS changed the diagnosis process and guidelines so we had to have additional reports and tests. The general consensus was the change was made to try and slow down the amount of people going private as once the diagnosis is confirmed you can apply for extra help with schooling etc. This obviously costs money that councils don't have !! As it happens my son is quite mild and while he has issues we can manage them and he's actually doing fairly well at school. Sadly that's not the case for everyone. On the plus side he's had zero issues with bullying as at 14 he's 6ft 3 and built like the proverbial outhouse, for those that know him he's a gentle giant !
  25. NeilB

    My Day

    Couple for Griff, live from Lymington ! Storm Dennis is starting to brew so no sea trials today!
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