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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. I have 2 children in secondary school, 1 in junior school and my wife is a special needs teaching assistant in a 3rd school. My eldest come home with tales of replacement teachers and others brought out of retirement, the 6th form were also sent home for self isolation. Since September by wife has had to self isolate once and yesterday I collected my daughter at lunchtime as she needs to self isolate as well. I've had to cancel 2 trips to customers, luckily nothing that cannot be delayed a while. As to catching Covid in hospital, that's why we recently scattered my mothers ashes to join my dad at their favourite stretch of river near Coltishall. This may all appear to be one big mess, but hopefully in a year or so we can all look back, be grateful it's in the past and try not to worry too much about how were going to pay for the cost. As long as we have enough funds to cover a few trips to the Broads.
  2. Yes, unlimited calls and texts except for the usual premium rate numbers. It does go back up to £20 per month from January though.
  3. Just signed my wife up to a Smarty unlimited data SIM only for £18 per month, the idea being we can hotspot off it while on holiday and elsewhere, we used to use a MiFi but the prepaid data sims are a little expensive when you have 3 kids! It's owned by and uses the Three network and the fair usage policy is 1000GB per month !
  4. I'm also a member on Moonlight Shadow, my wife works at a school and we have 3 children so want school holiday dates. I know Thunder has school holiday shares but I believe it's the only BCBM broads boat that does. All the members of our syndicate have been very friendly, helpful and willing to swap dates, I'm sure Evening Shadow and others are the same but I would check how many owners require school holiday dates. Don't forget, some may have grandkids as well. We have managed to secure school dates for all our allocation but understood when we purchased the share this may not always be the case. Don't be concerned over winter weeks either, the days are shorter but you'll be able to visit moorings like Horning and Ranworth without the crowds. We'll be onboard from Boxing Day and we're really looking forward to it. I think one downside, although only a minor one, is you will be classed as a private boat which can restrict your mooring choices a little. You can still moor in most hire boatyards but it won't be for free - Barnes charge £15 plus £2 for electric - Herbert Woods advertise £20 on their sign but only charged me £10 including electric and I think Faircraft don't like private boats at all ! On the plus side I did hear Richardson's were free to anyone. You will also develop an attachment to the boat and do things you wouldn't on a hire boat, like scrubbing the waterline clean - or is that just me?
  5. I know there's been differences in the past but Craig's database is just too damn good to lose. Perhaps a word with Richard Tearle to see if there's anyone on the "other side" who could help?
  6. I actually prefer the old fashioned filters as per Fishfoxey’s photo. It’s not unheard of for the actual inlet to become blocked so it’s easy to push something long down the tube to unblock it. With a basket filter you have to remove the hose to clear this type of blockage, this is normally below the water line which creates more issues !
  7. MS has nav lights ! Wroxham bridge may be an issue though.
  8. Make sure you do plenty of miles the first couple of days, then take your time coming back......
  9. The guy on Brooms fuel berth told me yesterday they were hiring up to 21st December, I didn't ask about any restrictions though.
  10. We’re on Moonlight Shadow over Christmas and really looking forward to it. I’ve moved boats in winter for work but never for pleasure. We’re onboard now and had strong winds and torrential rain at times but there’s not been any leaks and virtually no drafts. For a centre cockpit this is pretty amazing and I’m very impressed.
  11. Don’t you just love iPhone predictive text !
  12. I was hoping the pesky day boats moored on the electric point would disappear, naturally they did as soon as I stopped at Pedros ! Batteries were being a bit temperamental so wanted to plug in. i must have had my head in the bulge or something!
  13. Couldn’t get around the front without climbing over lots of boatyard junk, thought it may look a bit dodgy! They had another new Alpha flybridge Inside the shed but it was shorter than 46/50.
  14. I’m moored in Barnes now, there was a hull floating behind the crane. Might go for a wander!
  15. If it's going to be a bumper year then why are so many boats being sold off? Some of the Richardson's boats that have been sold were still in good condition so could have been let next year, unless they were let go before the bookings surged, or perhaps they are concerned about a 2nd wave.
  16. Looks like these were withdrawn a year or so ago, I'd go for Morse as well plus I think they look nicer.
  17. You can leave comments on the discussion section on their YouTube page
  18. This is a pretty good read, very funny and at times very sad. https://www.amazon.co.uk/This-Going-Hurt-Secret-Diaries/dp/1509858636/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=this+is+going+to+hurt&qid=1602089881&quartzVehicle=842-813&replacementKeywords=this+going+to+hurt&sprefix=this+&sr=8-1
  19. Thanks Helen. I've already purchased a roof box the size of a small moon to accommodate everything !
  20. We’re enjoying this blog, especially as it’s our 1st week at half term. Is that oil heater kept on MS or is it your own? We were looking at buying a couple of 600w ones for when on shore power.
  21. Start the engine and let it run at tick over. Have a watering can of anti freeze mix at the ready. Turn sea cocks off and slowly pour the antifreeze mix into the filter, you can speed up or slow down depending how fast the mixture is sucked through. You’ll probably need the whole can but keep going until the mix is flowing out of the exhaust. If you have two filters you can pour some mix down both. Turn off the engine and make sure there is a clear note at the helm that the seacocks are closed.
  22. I don’t think they have thought this through. Even with high water levels they will go aground on the lower Bure....
  23. Mum and dad stayed at the Pickeral for their Honeymoon, August 1955. Seem to remember them talking about a boat man called Harry there?
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