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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. Hippersons had room in their wet shed a few months ago, not sure if it’s still available though. Fantastic boat by the way, any pics or info on the restoration?
  2. Just found a couple of photos of LL Cruisers, 1st taken mid 80’s at the front and the 2nd round the back. Looks like tha Alpha is moored in the same location as CambridgeCabby’s boat. 2nd was taken summer of 1987 when we popped in to say hi and found the owners had disappeared and Summercraft had taken over. Never did find out what happened!
  3. John Freeman started to build the Freeman 22 in 1957, he was also building caravans up to 1960 !
  4. Yours look like the"S" rating which equates to Light Duty Commercial. If Yanmar have different service items for leisure and commercial use no wonder they are so expensive ! Not sure about Yanmar but VP offer the choice of green or white on all engines from D3 to D16 regardless of use so colour is not always an indicator. Some areas like the USA prefer white engines while other countries are not bothered.
  5. As others have stated the river around Henley week is heaving with long queues at locks. However, the majority of locks below Oxford now have power 24/7 so are fairly easy to operate. We always recommended people pass though Henley early morning to avoid the queues, once a couple of locks past it quietens down. Datchet to Henley is a fairly long day but not an unusual distance.
  6. Definitely Kris Cruisers for both day and longer hires. I'm probably biased as I worked there for 10 years but as Vaughan says there's not much left on the Thames now. Hobbs have some day boats which are very basic but do have a couple of nice Linssens for hire.
  7. NeilB

    My Day

    Working for Volvo Penta can be tough at times!! At Seawork all week.
  8. Low tides last week and probably this week as well. Seawork was delayed a week due to low tides in Southampton and another week due to clashing with another show.
  9. Remember being cast adrift at Thorpe many, many years ago as a teenager with my parents. Mum came into my cabin to wake me so I could help dad. Apparently I said ok, turned over and went straight back to sleep!! Must have been over 30 years ago now!
  10. This was a few years ago now in the US, pretty sure they all received injuries and some were quite severe. Doing those sorts of speeds you want to be strapped in with some safety gear. A bikini doesn't cut it - especially with my figure !!! :-)
  11. If everyone switched to electric cars by say 2030, or trucks, buses or boats etc. Where is all the energy going to come from to power the fast chargers required for commercial use? How “green” will they be? The National Grid would have a meltdown !! I believe coal power stations are being phased out or converted to gas and their input to the power grid is the lowest it’s ever been. There have also been some planning restrictions lifted which will enable more windfarms to be constructed but this will all take time and is not enough. Electromobility is the new buzz word, there’s a serious amount of development and big advances going on behind the scenes in all automotive areas but infrastructure development seems inadequate. I’ve no idea what the answer is and I hope someone in government is taking a long term view ! I
  12. Your memory is still good ! I have a picture somewhere of myself as a 4 year old in a Loynes dayboat with a red ensign. Yes, colour film was around then so it’s definitely red !!
  13. I've done this many times on the Thames when it's in flood, stronger flow than the tides at Yarmouth. In everything from a 25ft Hampton to a 44ft Bounty, loads of different styles in-between and the odd narrow boat as well. You only need small rudder movements and only for a short period before returning to straight ahead. You need to keep the angle fairly shallow, too steep and the boat starts going backwards and you loose control. When getting closer to the bank steer the opposite direction slightly to cancel the sideways movement. You can always practise somewhere where the flow is strong but away from the bank, other boats etc to see how your boat handles. All will do it but some are more responsive than others. I've seen a Dutch barge go through a bridge backwards in a strong flow and maintain perfect control - I've never handled anything that big so the bridge may have ended up as a pile of rubble if I tried !!
  14. Hot and sunny in Warwick !
  15. Garmin have a remote you can use if you don't like the touchscreens, can also vouch for their customer service.
  16. We knew the owners of Bure Croft and LL Cruisers many years ago before Summercraft bought them. Directly behind Cambridge Cabby's boat was the slipway and LL Cruisers boatshed where Bure Bank now sits. Early 80's Faircraft had their boatyard in the same dyke along with Falcon and it was still quiet ! I was only a young teenager but helped wash boats for use of LL's sailing dinghy !
  17. Some were built by Cheeseman Rollo on the Thames, late 70,s / early 80's. Had 2 where I worked and I think Bridge Boats in reading had a couple. No idea where the EBay one comes from but I think it has the same dashboard and throttle as the Cheeseman Rollo boats, they had BMC 1.8's as well. One of them sank in Windsor with water about a foot above the cockpit floor, I was one of the 2 people who raised it. Oddly enough I'm pretty sure it was Vaughan who drove the crane from Staines to Datchet to lift it out the water ! Was back on hire the following week.
  18. Hi Robin, you could have waited a while longer and purchased this one!! Speed boat, hot tub, car and a helicopter. What more could you want? Perhaps stabilisers looking at the draft and height above water but perhaps best not to go there! Sorry, couldn’t resist but it does look impressive! https://www.theyachtmarket.com/boats_for_sale/1600051/?searchid=15302121&page=5
  19. That would explain why they have been up for sale for so long!!
  20. Waterside marine sales at Potter have an AF Pearl 38 and a few other Centre cockpit boats for sale. Norfolk boats sales had a Pearl as well, ex Moore’s.
  21. Hope you all have a good time. Sadly having to co-ordinate 2 x jobs, 3 x kids, 2 x cats and a dog we keep missing it this !
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