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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Hold on!! That picture is from Clive’s database and shows a woman who no doubt has nothing to do with the issue!
  2. Holly is in training for climbing the rigging on a proper boat. 😋 IMG_3297.MP4
  3. We owe them a debt that can never be repaid.
  4. Polly

    My Day

    I did a 4 hour Zoom this morning with a school in Cumbria, my first paid work since last March! They were lovely people and the time flew past. It was so good to do something positive.
  5. ‘Sorry’ is a current and long-term favourite in our family, though it is for 4. we have a Downtown Abbey game for 8 and that is more fun than it sounds. 🙂
  6. And thanks to the Chairman himself who carries on through thick and thin, and carries us with him.
  7. Polly

    My Day

    Holly is a sweetie and a clever little cat. I am hoping she will be up for caravan and or boating with me.
  8. Polly

    My Day

    I have a new arrival, Holly is a British Shorthair kitten, born on September 24th
  9. Merry Christmas everyone
  10. Thanks Arthur, your quiz room is much appreciated.
  11. Yes the scooters at odd places in MK and Northampton look seriously untidy and a hazard to pushchairs I would guess.
  12. Quiz tonight 8.30 ish all welcome Topics
  13. She will make her own place in your affections and will fill her own boots in time.
  14. Hope you both had a good time
  15. In Brilliant on a cold night I wear a fleece and pull up the hood, and joggers and socks! Have as much bedding under as over on the bunk if possible. Using heating when you are asleep on a boat is not something I would do.
  16. The quiz is deferred until next week on account of various gallivanting regulars being away enjoying themselves. 🙂
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