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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Hi Misty great to see you here and to see that you launched the boat. Good one!
  2. Bittern, yes twice, and often heard. Swallowtail joined us on the tiller for the start of the 2008 3RR, made us late but who cared? Otters yes. Coots hatching yes, two woodpeckers on either side of the same post, was that a competition? Marsh Harrier flew close alongside when I was ghosting along in the dinghy, looked astonished when he finally noticed me and peeled off. Just a few of the breathless wonders of the Broads.
  3. Early morning and evening light airs for me. Team Brilliant's Easter menu also slow roast leg of lamb, in red wine with rosemary. Simnel cake, and choccy eggs of course.
  4. Love them! And the others mentioned, plus the blokes on the beach. The one I loathe is the Damian Hirst at Barnstaple.
  5. And provide great taxi services ?
  6. Awesome, Maxine, lovely to see you here!
  7. Yes, Happy Easter everyone.
  8. You could call your kitting out section, 'Ebay and Amazons?'
  9. Actually, I'd be bored! There is lots to do all the time sailing, and you don't have the engine noise. On the other hand, we do spend a lot of time pottering locally, sailing Wroxham or Black Horse, rather than making the much longer trips that motor boaters make. It depends on what er... Floats your boat?
  10. It's the end of an era for Brilliant and her crew. So much quality skilled work, such great friendship, so many cups of tea, and setting the world to rights. We will miss LBBY sorely, but the friendships will go on. Thanks for everything!
  11. Would I wind up a Stinkie? Heavens no! Perish the thought! I have been bullied round Malthouse Broad by BA when sailing the Whimp though... Had to head for the reeds in the end! Lol
  12. Welcome, how often do you get to your boat?
  13. Arghhhhhhh! I'd stay making the tea, looking at that for any time would do your optic nerve no good! .....and I like purple, but!!!
  14. Great series, I think. I do cringe at the crashing about, though. Having owned and hired on the cut, I prefer the Broads for flexibility, and of course, mudweighting off for the night on a broad is the best way to spend the night. I read Tom Rolt's book some long years ago and would recommend it highly. I also loved Sheila Stewart's 'Ramlin Rose' pub Oxford. This is a composite reminiscence based novel about the life of 'Rose' a canal woman.
  15. The roll method works, but the openings on my duvet covers are fairly narrow, so there is still a bit of wrestling. No need for safety pins though.
  16. Nowt is as bad as Griff! I like Uncle Albert's notion of growing old disgracefully, and agree that sailies should always indicate their intentions, if they know what they are!
  17. This is a fantastic idea. Hope one will be open when we come to Norfolk. Good luck with the venture.
  18. Keep it coming, I love reading these projects.
  19. Well done Gracie. just keep in mind that we are out to get you! Lol
  20. That is why I said I might get modded! Lol
  21. I watched the tv coverage and the dig coverage in the car park. I thought the Sunday coverage was fun and loved the Knights in armour escort. I am so shallow! I don't think taxpayers will have shelled out on the events either. Coming from near Grafton Regis, I'm prejudiced and pro princes in the tower . however as a lit bod, I'd readily subscribe to the view that Shakespeare did a thoroughly political job on his reputation, nothing to really rely on there. I think we are not able to call this, we don't have medieval mind sets so the ruthless power struggles of that period wouldn't sit well with our values. Just have a look though at a few hot spots in world news..... I wonder if I will get modded......
  22. A lot are now transfers. There was one 'proper songwriter' a few years back, but I am not sure if that is still the case.
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