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Everything posted by Polly

  1. I tried to pick up some of the registration numbers, only found S442 Dabchick. I am intrigued by M12 with a Martini logo on the sail.
  2. Reminds me of the hilarious BBC 'rebranding' on the sitcom.
  3. Loved that! Can't wait to get back aboard Brilliant!
  4. I thought it looked fair. JM.
  5. I love visiting London, was impressed with Leeds when the brat was in the Leeds International Festival, would I want to live in either place? Well no. I would like to live in Ludham, or Upton, I am most unlikely to do so however. If I did, wouldd it be as great as I think I would be? Probably not, holidays are essentially different from being a resident, also there is work and family to consider.
  6. Wherries are an asset, I would be happy if my tolls subsidised them.
  7. We were the next. I loved Churchill's comment made to his peers on his 90(?) birthday in Westminster Hall. 'The British people were lions, I supplied the roar.' Together he, George VI and the Queen Mother were inspirational, Hitler called the QM the most dangerous woman in Europe. She refused to take her family out of danger when London, and indeed, Buckingham Palace was bombed. To me, that whole generation was amazing.
  8. Sue may have overstated it, but I would rather sign than not on this issue. It calls for a review and that will balance the evidence if granted.
  9. Polly

    Quiz Time

    The Yogi Bear theme music, ..tenuous link here to Yellowstone National Park
  10. Bigger mast means bigger sails? Are you aiming to fly over the bridges?
  11. Brilliant draws 3' that is pretty standard. Oh, and being brilliant, she has a built in wine cooler.
  12. He wasn't in the Grey Funnell Line. Although I agree an obsession with helicopters is telling.....
  13. just wondering if we have a streak of royal blood in the Forum. They say genes will out, or something like it...now here is my 'evidence'. A certain member is known to have loyally served in the Grey Funnel Line, but 1. Indulges in grouse shooting 2. Made himself right at home on the Royal Barge 3. Has been known to graciously attend a Royal Garden Party. 4. Sails, yes he does, and may have even been to Cowes 5. Unshakable faith in the superiority of his place of residence It just needs a share in a racehorse IMHO others may be able to support or disprove my hypothesis: Maybe a few generations back a royal personage mingled with the hoi poloi and we get to experience the outcome!
  14. We use Nav and Gen and are really happy with them.
  15. I love haggis and looked for one when I did the food shop, no luck.
  16. I expect to vote in local and county elections, any body with some control over area conditions should be accountable to the residents, and business community, I think.
  17. We will be in to visit Brilliant in a week or two, she is ashore of course, tucked up and under the watchful eyes of LBBY so all should be well. We couldn't contemplate leaving her afloat, really, being a woody.
  18. Too right! Statistics are also set up as infallible in some quarters. School stats are a real issue, they are taken from samples so small that a single pupil or maybe two will skew the results, then they go off to the likes of OFSTED who 'pick over the entrails' and sometimes use their oracular findings as though they were all there is to know about schools. The only relevant stats are when most of the kids do less well or when many schools have combined data, that tells you a lot but not otherwise. Maths Misused could be the name of the current set up. Rant over
  19. Tiling would weight Nyx down for Potter Bridge, could set a trend.
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