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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Clutter fairies! Well elves then.......
  2. A bit of brain reflection. If you are anxious, your lower, reptilian brain kicks in, cutting out the cognitive functions. It's the survival brain; higher order thinking, logic, reason etc just go clean out of the window until the anxiety passes, so Vaughan is spot on the money with his teaching methods
  3. It's a new hirer thread, there is no doubt that many hirers are really skilled and experienced.
  4. If you shower under way you don't need to run the b****y engine to get hot water! Please check if moored to a lower craft and you decide you will run the engine (please see above) that the exhaust is nowhere near them....if it is, DON'T! Sorry, rant over. Now, yes, I agree with all the advice above, and we will always help newbies as much as they ask for, they are supposed to be enjoying a holiday and it can mar their enjoyment if they are worried about boating. one other point: Think ahead. When planning to moor. Get your ropes laid along the deck where crew will be standing, in their Lifejackets ready to step off. Crew Have a system of hand signals to the helm if s/he can't hear over the engine, and if you are the helm, look out for what the crew is doing. They can help if you are reversing but only if you are aware of them.
  5. Dreams can come true Robin, way to go!
  6. Polly


    Andrew don't apologise! You are amongst friends.
  7. Polly


    Being a bit deaf myself, I can see how Andrew gets Hydric from listening to conversations about hydraulic systems.
  8. Excellent! I just hope we will have Brilliant! Keep them coming folks!
  9. Yes folks it's on! We have provisionally booked Sahouse Broad for the weekend of May 18th to 20th 2018. I have asked for 20 spaces at this point but of course that can increase! We plan to build on the format of the successful 2017 meets so more to follow nearer the time. I am happy to have sign ups as from now, please reply on this thread. Forum Name. Boat Name. Number of crew Friday. Y/n. Saturday.y/n. Sunday . Y/n
  10. No but only be a cause I am not afloat, maybe buy one as a gift for the good Doctor?
  11. Oh dear! That sounds like a long walk!
  12. Yes that is right Vaughan, I will get a proper thread going today, it's been on my 'to do ' list for a fortnight!
  13. I like to see something done properly and this show has top production values.
  14. Welcome! Have a good holiday!
  15. Polly

    New Crew Member

    Great news John, congratulations!
  16. Feel good factor with a bit of jeapoardy thrown in to give it edge.
  17. I like her and think Darcy is fine with it. Both ladies give great advice.
  18. From Lisa How very nice! Please send our thanks.
  19. Trust me I tried to get shut of it from the outset, but this was purchased as Windows 8 so 7, which I wanted, wasn't an option. So instead I bought a Mac. Fine but the Embroidery Machine is happiest on PC, I got the despised PC out from under the sofa and the rest is aggravation!
  20. Windows 10!,,,, I really loathe it! I just spent the best part of two days trying to get a big machine embroidery app installed, but the operating system + the very few apps I hadn't deleted was taking all but 4gb of my hard drive. THEN it updated and took 2 more! Argh! I have now put the boot in on the laptop and reset the lot, if I am fast enough I can get my software installed before Windows 10 fill the whole 28gb with goodness knows what!
  21. Congratulations to Keith and Lisa on the arrival of Alexa May, very lovely all doing well.
  22. Driven in, I think, others will know for sure. The ground is really soft so you see new piles being put in from time to time. More methods may be coming in as technology improves I suppose, some of the big riverside houses in Horning seem pretty solid compared with their neighbouring bungalows.
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