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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Polly

    My Day

    Today I am playing with my overlocker. I abandoned a cover for the dinghy a few years ago as the plastic sheeting wouldn't go through my machines without an almighty fight. I made the cover with imitation gore-tex instead. I tried the overlocker with this plastic/vinyl/goodness knows what and it is a much better prospect, so I will finish it today. It should look tidy for towing The Whimp. Tomorrow I am getting a ply delivery so as to make a solid, but foldable, storage cover for the Whimp. It's too heavy to just turn it over and everything I cover it with lets in if its sagging too much after rain, soooo it's going to be a lid, and the aforementioned fake gore-tex over the top. I am not making the attempt to make the lid watertight, I want it to fold, but will get a coat of varnish on to protect it from damp.
  2. Thinking about your references to fingers Tim, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Niroflex-fm-Chain-Mail-Cut-Resistant-Butcher-Glove-Stainless-Steel-Ambidextrous-/172417634750?var=&hash=item2824e451be:m:mHv8LWnJBpHTip4wMYrdCog
  3. We usually know......honest! That is what I don't get about mobos--no thrill of uncertainty boring innit?
  4. Polly

    My Day

    Happy Retirement !!!
  5. Well we all need something to aim at!
  6. Polly

    My Day

    Spent part of yesterday making a pirate cake with 3 year old assistance, it is Daddy's 40th. Today I have big plans! I bought an overlocker sewing machine last weekend before heading for Kent, now home, I get to play with it! Joy!
  7. After that particular paddle in good company I bought a longer quant pole, one that would reach the river bed!
  8. Well I always try to give clear signals and always say thanks. Sailing being what it is, it's sometimes hard to say exactly where you are going next but the effort is always made. Him indoors so hates inconveniencing Mobos that we end up motor sailing rather than tacking against the wind. Personally, I think a bit of tacking does no harm at all!
  9. Well I always try to give clear signals and always say thanks. Sailing being what it is, it's sometimes hard to say exactly where you are going next but the effort is always made. Him indoors so hates inconveniencing Mobos that we end up motor sailing rather than tacking against the wind. Personally, I think a bit of tacking does no harm at all!
  10. Helen, is that a Border Collie? My favourite breed!
  11. All of the above. If you are new to boating as such, ' Slow you down' is good Norfolk advice. Wear your Lifejackets whenever out on deck. Always keep one hand on the boat and one on whatever task. Step off never jump. Plan ahead on mooring. Have lines ready, make sure crew and you can see or hear each other, keep giving little burst touches on the power rather than revving. Accept help, it's often offered, the Broads are friendly and we all were novices once and all still make a pig's ear of stuff on occasion, so don't worry. Lock the dog in the cabin when mooring! Apologies if this is all well known to you! Have a good holiday.
  12. Yes Sahouse Broad, is a great spot for a friendly get together. Do come if you can.
  13. I think we now have an inkling of what 'it' must be!
  14. Polly


  15. Ah but TW is an 'actor' Seriously though, how interesting. I think an eel catcher had a melal dory at Ranworth a while back.
  16. We are coming boatless on Sunday, do we need wooden clogs as we will walk in?
  17. With apologies for the delay, especially to Vaughan; the proximity of the Birthday Party date to the usual Autumn Meet, plus team availability issues means that it isn't possible to run an 'official' NBN Meet this Autumn. However Vaughan has shared his plans and there is wine(!) so I am sure an 'unofficial' gathering to share beverages may develop amongst members who are about at that time.
  18. Welcome, I hope you have a great holiday.
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