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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Can you screenshot the screen showing the reply box you are seeing? (I'm thinking Java is disabled?). (Not sure how you do it on a hudl) (try this to take a screenshot - http://ttselectrical.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3865/~/taking-a-screenshot-with-the-hudl2)
  2. Dad you can go through beccles, don't forget I've done it lol. You need to go through around low tide when it's dry! (and don't hang about!)
  3. The locks inn is a really nice pub, full of character (I won't ruin your visit without going into too much detail). We have actually driven up for the day from Kent just to go there before!. Be careful with Beccles bridge though although the height is 8'6" the river does flood so make sure you talk to the chaps in the harbour office before going through and don't cut the corners if it's low as we have touched bottom before.
  4. JawsOrca


    Someone somewhere is very very good at marketing you can give them that!
  5. This was the very first meal we had on a boat on the norfolk broads. Brought from the little shop at cantley.. Served with bread and tinned new potatoes.. I've never had it again! lol
  6. Get well soon Robin.. You need to get up to norfolk and get some fresh air in you! Hope you feel better soon
  7. Steve, does debs not read the forum? lol David we will be about may bank holidays which is the same time as you too I think so look out for us! We probably won't venture far from somerleyton though.
  8. Ok I'm guessing you are using the TapTalk app which as far as I can see on my mobile doesn't allow formatting. On your tablet; - open up a new internet browser and enter this http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum - It will prompt you to "Get the app", Click the "X" to say no! - It should then open the full internet version (which is still usable on a hudl). - IF it doesnt and still opens in taptalk (you will know because you see an icon of a T) scroll to the bottom and click "Full Version". The full version allows you to do formatting etc (when you go to reply you will see the normal formatting toolbars as you see in word etc).
  9. I must admit we drive up to coltishall with the car and have lunch in the pub by the river (I always get confused as there's two there)... It's a nice spot. We've only been through by boat a few times and it is a lovely spot... if you go up go past colishall (you can turn around carefully) and sit on the bow as the water past the pub is crystal clear and you can see the fish... certainly one of the best spots.. Don't forget upstream Beccles too, that comes a close second.
  10. i'd chuck it in any day and move to norfolk and do anything boaty... One day
  11. (4 days and counting ) then three weeks till the lorry arrives! (with 6 working days left!)
  12. Iain, I really hate computers... One day I'll get a proper job working with boats... Wussername are you accessing the forum on a computer/laptop or mobile phone/ tablet?
  13. Thanks again all, I'm going to simply print this off and get shopping!! Iain..you missed out on that slightly.. it's "You're gonna need a bigger boat" lol
  14. I think she really brought it for herself! I don't think my dad was overly impressed and its certainly far from fitting lol Anyways happy birthday dad
  15. I happily stand corrected. I'm sure I had heard this from boat yards although sounds like a myth
  16. to the forum Paul. As per others I've really enjoyed your videos! Very well made. Thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to the next installments.
  17. Personally and don't take this the wrong way! But I think it's a bit selfish for a boater to say "Remove the Bridge", although I don't think anyone is actually saying it (My previous comments have always been tongue in cheek!). Potter bridge is lovely and it's a asset to potter and it was be dreadful to see it played around with too much. This problem isn't limited to the broads and I'm sure the argument is always resolved with an "Oh well" attitude.. There's not much we can do about it .. the bridge was there before us so lets go the pub! I do suspect we have a slightly unique problem whereas the pesky bridge keeps sinking and arguably something probably should be done about that, either try and restore it to its original draft or at least stop it from sinking any further, but I suspect that would be a very costly and it's probably not the best use of money considering the very few it would affect (It does make me wonder why road traffic is still permitted across considering this and considering it's a nasty bridge to try and cross on foot). Don't forget also potter new bridge just the other side which is the main A road is only a foot higher so there is no way that will be moved! Thankfully we have had some of the best nights afloat on upstream of the bridge when hiring with Marthams so I do hope at the very least these boats can still get through and all they are IMHO one of the best yards on the broads and well worth looking at when hiring! For me who only started boating in the late 90's it was brilliant to experience a "proper" boating holiday away from the plastic boats! With regards to the broads condition, I don't know enough about it to understand the problems although I hope something can be sorted soon the broad sounds like it needs a helping hand Please keep us updated.
  18. Surely any change is a good thing Peter? as long as they have some idea of what the job entails and/or common sense to make informed sensible decisions. I'm sure as you also agree it makes no different what type of human they are, he / shes, indigo colour skin, pink/purple etc. As long they do a bloody good job Good luck to them
  19. Lol thanks guys some good tips (prayer book lol defo need that!) albeit some strange ones Fifty shades Grace? lol Viagra?) but I know what you lot are like Keep them coming!
  20. Ok thanks.. does this mean the machine will cope with it? we just had the wrong needle (It actually almost finished this first job before breaking though)..
  21. I must admit Grendel sewing for some strange is something I know nothing about! I actually can't even work out how the machine works! I've googled about and notice Hobby craft sell needles.. Assuming the machine accepts these type (they all seem universal??!) but are these what you mean?? http://www.hobbycraft.co.uk/hemline-machine-needle-assorted-leather/567052-1000
  22. Hi All, Ok so I'm looking for everyone's suggestions! What do I need to put aboard the boat to make it comfortable and fully stocked?? Beer Mooring Lines Fendoffs Matches ???
  23. Sounds good Mum, we will speak before friday This morning dave tried the sewing machine on the hatch cover and the annoyingly the needle broke so that was cut short, we will get more needles and try again. Over on the boat, he put the sterndrive drive shaft back in as it had a bit of play in it and unfortunately we wont be able to fix that but it's not too bad. We had to cut some new thread for some locking pins on the transom mount so thats done too. We've been given some pig iron (150lbs) for ballast so I put some paint on them. Dave spent the afternoon doing the final silicon edging, he's done the kitchen and the floor. Dave also put the windscreen wiper back on, these didnt quite work with the flat battery but now the batteries are charged they worked well. The tables also gone off to the commodore who has said he will fit the trims as he said I made a mess before! but I'm not complaining, although I hope he varnishes it too! There's still lots to do, including the final anti-foul coat, paint the wheelhouse floor, cover the wheelhouse seat, install a helms seat. Next weekend we are going up to the broads so this means we have easter and a following week to finish so only a few more posts left (No pics sorry it looks the same as before just a bit neater although I'll post some more up before "the end" ).
  24. Sorry Grace but I'm not really showing off But just to say this time in 4 weeks we will in the pub with the boat moored nearby! and even this time next week we will be in a simular pub as we are going up next weekend to look at the marina and do a bit of relaxing! lol (But this would be be the first time we been up there since july ) Sorry also no pics today... nothings really changed it's all finished really and I've put a ton of weight on so you dont want pics of me lol So today an odd job day, Dave changed the seal in the engine water pump which sprang a leak and we had the engine up and running for a good hour and leak all sorted. The hot water tank although decided to leak next so once that was tested it finally warmed the water up and we got hot water through which was the last thing to tick off. I oiled the timber on the swimdeck and it went on well so it will probably only need another coat. We also changed the waste pumpout fitting as it looked too small, and one on leesanitations website was only a tenner so i brought it and thankfully our one was too small so it's good to change it.. Dave struggled but managed it... We had to stop for abit though as the sea water once again breached the banks here and we was left wading in a few inches of water.. Thankfully it was around lunchtime so we just had a longer lunch break and some "drinks". This afternoon we hung the curtains and the bars on the bottom to hold the curtains back.. this was easier said than done as we have the pelmets with hidden fixtures so it means a long screwdriver with limited access but its done. In the week I ordered some canopy fabric (and seating vinyl for the seat in the wheelhouse), the canopy fabric is for a hatch cover so Dave is going to have a go making this up, although I'm good with fabric and bits I can't work out a sewing machine so he can do it! I'll get some pictures of the tomorrow for everyone (and Gracie)
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