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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Yup.. two of the beauties but rebuilt 400 hours ago
  2. Hello and welcome.. hopefully not my own section As we now own a Broom (as in a boat not a cleaning device.. ) I'm reaching out to other Broom owners (hopefully someone out there can help us understand this maze of cables ) Please share away if you own a Broom.
  3. We looked at a 414 and that twin 40b's, that should have done 25kts apparently and as low as 1/2mpg Not sure what the revs were .. 3900 sounds a bit high to me. May be worth given Northgate marine a bell (http://www.northgate-marine.co.uk/) we had a good chat to him and he is clearly very knowledgeable. He's should give you some idea. (If he can't no one can).
  4. My ears were getting warm?! Looking good Steve. So pleased it's all moving forward .. We have used normal grab adhesive. Although I'm not sure it would stay up (depends how clean the fibreglass is).. Glassing is the best thing to do although it's gonna be messy and a right pain (get debs to do it).. but it will work then. The ribs you mention there should do the job... just remember to use smaller screws (but all it needs to do it bite).. Please though use 6mm wbp boarding though.. anything else will sag and you will hate it. (Plus make sure you got enough timber to screw in.. I always bully dave by saying.. "Make a square" (i.e every edge needs a bit of timber to go into). Bit annoying we can't be around but this had to happen (It's not a bad time I guess).. Will defo be up there soon.. (Just message me if you need me)..
  5. aint that the same thing lol. I've not steered a twin screw boat before so I need to learn and quickly.. it has a bow and stern thruster though so I maybe ok lol
  6. That's mine How large is large? we could do with a good sized one for Orca's mooring.. and I need some good ones for the new boat because erm the wind will be a constant pain and will push me into everything (whilst I work out how to drive the bloody thing). Happy to donate to the RNLI or local charity for any that I can't salvage myself
  7. from me too. Lovely looking boat. Enjoy your time. Certainly enjoyed the video, please try to get your crew to do more.. the world looks much better from the air (2nd from the rivers of course!).
  8. You wimp by not recording Perhaps this is a job for a pro if you aren't patient lol What's the diameter?, I will be in most of our chandlers down here in the next couple of days and I'm sure I've seen one a large base one in stainless somewhere, I can grab and get it up to you. The UV damage will stand out like a sore thumb and you will hate it.. trust me.. well worth a good look about.
  9. Yeah I'd dremel it as strowager mentioned (although I'd probably try to do a 1/6th cut out like a pizza). but be very careful not to go all the way through which will be very hard. Then carefully with something thin and blunt like a kitchen/table knife just see if you can get under it and release any sealant that was used and also try to just snap off the last bit which you've you've cut out and lift out (If you can get it lifted even slightly then attack again with the dremel but that would give you the bit of clearance needed to ensure you don't mark the floor.. You may need to gradually reduce it down by cutting off more pizza slices. Good luck. I'd be worried you would mark it, but take your time and go gentle.. It is lovely flooring and would be a shame to mark it (Although I suspect the UV damage will give you a noticeable circle anyway). Please replace with a stainless steel version.. worth the extra couple of quid I think you should video the process and share with us
  10. Hi Andrew, from me. The chat room is mainly used for a quiz every monday evening. Sadly it is a case of the quickest to type wins. (Sadly I think it actually goes further than that; "Those with a super fast internet connect wins" although on balance that helps to rule out locals with superior knowledge and typical slow broadband speeds! (although at times google can still stil be a quick win so it's worth joining in). You can just go into the chat and hope someone joins you for a 1 2 1 chat (and people do), these people will, I'm sure, be patient and you can have a good conversation. As a general thread typing speed isn't an issue so just as you did when you created this thread complete your post and click "Submit" once completed. The speed of replies shouldn't be an issue for you either. I believe the forum supports speechwriters so if you are using one of those then that should give you full support (and perhaps an advantage in the quiz (Oh no did I just give a cheat away there!).
  11. Sadly we are home in Kent. Didn't manage to get up.there for easter. Although I'm kinda glad as Orca doesnt like wind and would be a bit stuck. Hope it doesn't affect yours etc others holidays too much.
  12. When it's like this link. Living on.a boat is such a stupid idea.. thankfully we have (Had) a sheltered mooring but still meter swell here and debris everywhere. And me and the cat got no sleep. (Cats a wimp).
  13. Sweden looks amazing. I wanna go look for myself.. I wonder how long it would take to send Orca over??
  14. Flat domestics is my guess.. Or a wiring issue to the domestics.
  15. Ok good.. Feel free to tell us all a bit about yourself.
  16. Shreak. Hope you aren't here to troll..
  17. You will well cared for with moonfleet liberty.
  18. Surely it's what you can't see that's the worrying thing. I suspect Mc'ds have huge standards in place for hygiene and freshness. A small (potentially underused) pub may potentially cut corners.. I for one expect 5 stars and even question a 4 star.. Sorry but it's the profession of the business to work to the best if they can't do that then I won't go there. I do feel though that they should be inspected more than once a year so they can be regraded if improved quickly.. potentially a bit unfair.
  19. Have a brilliant time Sarah. Fingers crossed the weather improves for you. I'm so annoyed life has got in the way and we aren't up there for easter
  20. Safe flight Eric. have a brilliant time.. looking forward to the tale
  21. No not a current operator but an experienced yard. This aside the service I had from people like yourself and others did restore my faith I'm sure you will agree though Robins advise of getting your own insurer involve is good advise to protect ones own interest. Sadly our own insurance surveyor put a recommendation on Orca's policy which meant I had to get her resurveyed after the repair to get insurance again so that's something people need to be aware off to.. Apols for drifting off
  22. Hi Andy... As you have seen there is one yard up there who I wouldn't trust to get anywhere near my boat... Funnily our insurer never dared asked if that was an option for us... They knew the answer . The majority of yards are without doubt brilliant but sadly from experience now, there's exceptions
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