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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Guys please Iain has asked for this to be enough as we can rightly or wrongly talk for ever please...
  2. Well said Iain.. time to close the curtains...
  3. May I also suggest Brian Wards.. Service with a smile.. Plus members get a 10% discount for mentioning "NBN"...
  4. Come to think about it.. Beccles does look very similar to Sandford.. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_Fuzz )
  5. It's rough down here.... http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/armed_police_hunt_for_beccles_gunman_for_a_second_day_1_4105106 Seriously though.. shocking news .. Beccles is clearly very lovely and not what we expect.. let's hope it's a mistake or someone just being a bit stupid and no one gets hurt.. Good luck to the Fuzz.
  6. We are round the corner in Somerleyton (since april ).. Will look out for you when out and about!
  7. We tried it locally but the odd weekend sail to Queenborough, the acres of Medway "silt" and Medway councils incompetence in investing in the river meant we ran back to the broads... it's heaven in comparison.. Were are you moored?
  8. Hi Ellaboat.. I believe that's who I used to get my ropes, although I believe I used their ebay shop although it's probably cheaper direct. Very good service.. great price and fast delivery.
  9. I must admit if anyone saw me last weekend trying to handle the boat in that tiny breeze I would dread to think what they would think lol.. I couldn't even moor side on let alone stern on If it was scaled up to a tanker geez I think we would of ended up through the dock... gulp With regards to superior flags.. there is nothing more superior than those with a bloody blue ensign... grrrr lol
  10. ADVERTISEMENT. The nbn burgees can be brought here and add an instant superior feel to any and all boat...
  11. Edited thanks John.. Tut tut Peter. Probably a slow boring day for him... At least they were re-positioned.
  12. Hi Wonderwall, As Peter said above the dinghy tolls are a bit special.. (My dinghy toll cost almost half of what the boat costs.. ) You can get a short visit toll which aren't too bad (If you don't think about it too much). Click here for more details: http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/owning-a-boat/tolls/short-visit-toll. If it's not got a motor then it's a "sail" boat. You can grab these from the BA themselves, or Broads Authority Information Centres, and some yacht stations and boatyards. You will need to get a toll as they are very strict and will probably fine you. Enjoy your trip!
  13. I think as martin said things are going to happen when you get complete novices in holiday mood. I see it every day driving around gatwick airport.. as soon it's holiday mood people just lose all sense of logic.. Personally I think enough is done already.. there's signs on the boats, signs on the bridges match the two together and decide.. there's only so much people can be told and take in during the handovers.. us humans learn our own way through experiencing.. Perhaps the best advise to people is don't do something new without fully understanding what's going on (If you are not read the handbook or call the yard). Has anyone seen mustang out on the rivers? is she all fixed and earning her keep? (Let's hope so).
  14. Hi Tim, Sorry to hear this, if you have a backed up copy then restore it although if you its a recent backup from that server then it's likely that has some dodgy code there which maybe hard to find. If you get it restored I can take a look and advise where people maybe getting in.. also make sure your account passwords are super secure.. probably best to do a computer generated password too. (That includes your FTP password). If you are ok giving me FTP access I can take a quick look at the code and see there too. Sadly it's probably just little kids being annoying, but it's certainly annoying. Good luck.
  15. Don't worry all as per my post I'm not really a good fisherman it's just an excuse to waste a few hours away! We've only done if on the broads away from people too.. But Steve up to learning and I'll try to follow what's being said!
  16. Oh I so can't wait for fishing time!!! I can't believe we are going to back on the broads and waiting for fishing to start! One reason we were sold on Orca was the large out door bit with the hard top roof as a nice wind block but with it also stopping short means that the fishing poles aren't going to catch the roof and that area is large enough for the two (or even three) of us to "fish" without getting in the others way! I never used to "like" fishing until about midway through our time on the broads and I'm not sure how I got into it. For me it's an extension of the relaxing part of being on the rivers. I have no idea whatsoever how to fish.. so what I do is get a beer, find a nice comfy spot on the boat.. yell for Dave to make the rod thing up (magic) (although it's then set for the rest of the year!).. Kinda do a half ass throw thing and the put the floaty thing some distance away from the boat.. kinda watch it (whilst really watching what other people are doing.. but whilst trying to act really cool as if I know what I am doing) and after about 15 mins kinda falling asleep or making sure I'm getting a decent suntan or wonder off and top up the beer which has magically reduced. The only really annoying thing about fishing is when the rod catches something.. Although I normally leave it as manages to undo itself and swim away.. If it don't unhook themselves then I'm normally quick gloat how good I am at this lark.. Grace admit it.. it sounds so familiar ey?? Although I think this year I'll try and learn a bit more the gloating bit is quite fun.. (Steve - We need to do a shopping trip to lathams and you can help me buy stuff .. you up for that sometime soon?)
  17. Kick it?! If you hold the power button in until it switches off it normally forces a check disk.. works for both laptops and desktops lol... Grendal's tips are bang on though... as is Iains lol
  18. "easy come, easy go.. :hardhat:" And erm Neil.. have words with the bridge wreckers please.. wrong bridge... Hope you enjoyed your trip! More more more.. (and don't forget pictures...I'll get grace to tell your some "Jokes").
  19. JA.. Do you think there will be a spare spot for us to bring Orca?... It would be nice to spend more time with some of these boats.. Obviously we are fibreglass (athough there is quite a bit of wood inside (Where it don't rot every year - No offence intended).. If you think there will be would I need to book with the harbour master? ... P.s.. I am so looking forward to this!!
  20. Here's their official reply: http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/ourwork/b/martinharper/archive/2015/06/06/rspb-comment-on-media-coverage-regarding-an-estate-gifted-to-the-charity.aspx
  21. Here's the story.. It's certainly not one charity I would support now. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/greenpolitics/planning/11655089/RSPB-ignores-widows-wishes-and-looks-to-sell-land-for-housing.html
  22. I thought of going through last week but I don't have the guts (Water depth wise) even with two depth sounders. Plus I can't get any details on bridge heights and at 8.6 I'm not sure how far we would get (anyone know what the bridge heights are like?).
  23. Hi Peter, Sorry someones beaten you to it: http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/topic/7552-secret-waterways
  24. Thanks for this. If we ever need such service you I'll give you a bell
  25. @Wehlau/EMS.. I'm just curious. How much is a tow back from lets say Great Yarmouth to St olaves? (I am sitting down lol)
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