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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Hmm.. more time in the pub then.. It wont matter then lol
  2. Did you deserve it? Lol neither does Orca she can find sharks and erm sink when she finds them.. hmm not a whole lot of thoughts gone into this... anyways thankfully there's no sharks on the broads. (Ok I'm taking far too many threads off topic so best get back to work! )
  3. Grace if that's you controlling the camera.. can you move away from the bridge and start the gongoozling please.. Although it looks nasty and gloomy up there today.. hope it's better tomorrow..
  4. Oh Iain.. if they do.. you can take the blame for putting the thought in their heads! Although perhaps we should do it at yarmouth too, although free for southern based boats.. Stop the northerners invading (is that better Steve?!!)
  5. I think this will be good... Putting a nice floating marina in Ranworth broad would be brilliant and remove the problems at the quay... Whenever we go to the visitor centres there never any birds there anyway... Seriously though, I understand the need for Private broads but still we can live in the hope of more broadlands becoming available but I doubt it would happen... Perhaps they should bring back peat digging and make new ones...!
  6. Geez how long was we away lol I guess with the investment and the size of these new boats it's probably a good idea to have.. Let's hope they can improve the operational hours though.
  7. I remember going through wroxham myself.. is this pilot a relatively new thing there?
  8. I've heard lots of good things said about the Canal du Midi too. It's south so (as usual) the weather will better and apparently it comes out close to the Med. I've never been though.. if you (or anyone) goes please do a tale as I certainly want to go one day.
  9. Hi Fishfinder, Congrats on the addition of a dayboat! I hope it comes with the addition of an optional fish finder (Now there's an idea!) it looks like you have done really well restoring the boat though! I hope it serves you well.. Good luck. Purely being constructive here, I agree with Smellyloo (lol I really don't like calling you that!), the clients looking to hire the day boat maybe more interested in what they will see when they hire, so perhaps when she's on the water, as suggested, some pictures of the local area will be good use for the image slider Perhaps also consider adding the rates to that day boat page to (or at least putting a link on the see out Rates page).. I had to think for a few moments and look for the prices but thats a webpage usability issue. I've added your pump out to the forums list. Good to see you do calor gas too as we only carry small bottles and sods law will run out up there! If you do diesel let me know and I'll add you to that list too. Good luck again hope to stop off sometime this year.
  10. I believe Norfolk starts to wake up around Easter.. Although it should have been so quiet up there.. Try and come back a bit later next year (After easter is a nice time), everything should be open, perhaps don't go for a sliding roof model September should be good though, although still a bit busy but you will get a warm welcome down south. Please do a holiday tale and some pictures next time.. Everyone loves these.
  11. Can't help it Steve.. it's just so pretty... (as in the line from the film "Ant's" where the fly flies into the fly killer cause the blue light attracts them).. When the north clears out though we can go there.. it would be nice to see the bright lights one day lol
  12. Hi Cheesy, Welcome to the forum! Glad to read that you made a come back visit. I was similar, I had a sailing boat away from the broads and returned to the broads a couple of years back after some years away.. Naturally I noticed differences. Can I inquire what time you visited? I understand the yacht stations are closed out of season but all should be open now. The draught issue may sadly be intentional as to allow for ventilation. I think your review is however very constructive. The northern broads are known for being very busy and sadly as you say the reduction of hire yards certainly around Wroxham does cause problems for overnight moorings. Sadly as we have our boat, Wroxham is really a no go area for us But to be fair and honest (and with respect to yourself) I'm not quite sure this has changed dramatically in recent years as I always remember the busier bits being busy. Also for me I then to stay away from the larger parts or if I visit I stop via the pub and refuel! For me a trip to the broads is to get as far away from people and population as possible, although I do understand people want to visit the busier areas but again this is possible but it may take some planing (and calling the pubs to book a mooring spot!). The southern broads in comparison to the north are very quiet (And in recent years have largely got even quieter) and in my opinion much prettier, you feel closer to nature and much more relaxed. Again if you visited out of season I understand Richardsons (and others) advise against a passage south for a number of reasons. Also although the hire fleet is going up market and some pubs are suffering with "chip basket syndrome" (Chips being served in mock chip baskets instead of on the plate) as Robin pointed out, there are some exceptional deals to be had even with the same yards offering these state of the lightships! and there still are tranquil parts to explore. Hopefully you can make it back and possibly considering coming south next time @Clive, Whilst it's really kind of you to keep all the boats up north away from us southerns.. It really is Could you perhaps consider rewording that notice, I think adding a paragraph.. "Whilst we encourage you to stay north for logistical reasons. Please be aware that staying north will mean you will miss out of the peace, and tranquility of the magical southern broads. A place full of charming pubs.. etc etc).." The southern business's really do need the business, you know use it or lose it (Although last week it felt like the north! and I've not seen it that busy for years! - So perhaps do 50% for now lol), which will probably make the north even more congested over time. (Geez I'm starting to sound like a tourist agent..)
  13. HI Gareth, Certainly sounds you had a nice chilled break! Sadly it looks like your pictures aren't coming through. Can you try again for us. (You won't be able to edit old posts) So on a new post click "More Reply Options" then Click "Choose File" then click "Attach this file". You should see a small sample of your picture below. If you are on taptalk (Via a mobile phone or tablet): Click the "+" icon beside the reply option it should then show your phones/tablets gallery so click on the image. Please try again, we all love to see pictures.
  14. Sorry guys.. I'm staying out of this one.. I use win xp in work (which is a FTSE 100 company) and windows 7 at home.. Both my work and myself are tight when it comes to spending money on IT stuff! Personally I've never been compiled to run out and upgrade.. I'd rather spend money on the boat etc it's well known Microsoft are pretty good at releasing software far too early and largely untested. So I'd say stay away until the first (ideally second) second service pack comes out.
  15. I don't really drive that way although coming back from Wroxham the other day via Norwich I was so confused how (By following the ring road signs for ipswich) it led me pretty much into the center of Norwich.. Over a tiny little old bridge over the river (sorry I don't norwich at all ). I expected it to lead me on a dual carriageway and over the postwick viaduct etc.. I guess basically I thought this road already existed?! Personally I find it really shocking that Norfolk/suffolk have suffered with the lack of a decent road network and it's probably about time that some money was spent in updating the roads. I 100% agree that this rural affect is part of the attraction to visit and I wouldn't want to see 5 lane motorways all over the place (and it would be dreadful if the villages are overly populated) but I think the main roads certainly could do with the odd improvement here or there. I dread to think what weekday rush hour is like for you locals. There should be at least more than one dual carriageway linking the area up to the rest of the world!
  16. (Hi Gareth, if you are on taptalk its the little "+" icon beside the reply box).. looking forward to seeing the pics and reading your tale!
  17. Thanks for sharing Robin. As always I love being noisy with you!. A really good review and a very well priced boat considering for the size.. A couple of hundred quid, two couples sharing for 5 days is amazing value. I personally think the boat has lots of character, I'm not sure I could cope with the visibility issue as I'm a bit short although a burgee pole may help on the pullpit (together with an NBN flag )
  18. Hi. You need Frank (Mowjo).. He maybe on his boat so try and PM.
  19. That's kind of you Clive.. Big shame you can't cover us southerners though
  20. it looks really good Carol.. Thanks again for taking your time to do this project!
  21. Just to add to this.. considering we had a little breakdown last weekend and we will venture north soon (and I'm dreading breaking down so far from the marina). Near Beccles.. Call Rowan Craft - 01508 518208 Near Reedham/Loddon Call Maffetts - 01508 520344 Near Brundall/Norwich Call Kingfisher - 01603 858453 (Is that OK Andy?) (Do we suspect these companies would tow us back to our marina - Obviously at a charge?) A southern based boat broken down up North.. Richardsons - 01692 668 981, Boulters - 01692 630498 (anyone else have a tug boat?). (Aside does anyone know what we should do if we break down up north, should we try and get the tug to bring us back to or home marina? (would they even tow over breydon?) or will a yard find a spot for us to either to do the repair or let us stay until we fix it.. Sadly for us any breakdown will probably be an order in part as we aren't using common parts.. yup bad decision that one).
  22. You neglect the even more dodgyness there Steve.. Black van driver.. Not even a white van... we all know how dodgy black van drivers are... Although I dread to think how dodgy we look in a battered astra estate me dressed like a chav and Dave sporting his mohawk and marylin manson tshirt .. as if anyone believes we own a boat! (Obviously they will soon understand when I start talking with my right ole queens English.. enit.. ).
  23. Gene Hunt style Stuart! (there's a 22kg mudweight on my boat if you want to borrow it)
  24. How long have you been away John? Embrujo closed as did the hermitage restaurant.. although Embrujo has moved to the hermitage... Probably best for the embrujo as I suspect overheads are more manageable.. reminds me I must try and get in there one day soon.. Lovely pics John.. I've never been up that early but do mean to try one day.. Please keep the pics and tale coming!
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