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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Lets hope Clive's team manage to get it moved Iain. It's a huge shame its spoiled your holiday like this and it would be sad if it ruins anymore. Hope you are feeling better though and get back down soon
  2. Ohh Iain.. I can feel your pain here mate.. I hope that poxy fire extinguisher met its fate and is now swimming with the fishes?.. please tell us some good news and you was running around the boat feeling all fit?
  3. Probably the pubs Neil... we picked us up at waveney river centre a few weeks back.. although one of the brooms hire team there probably have a load..
  4. Soo rude... Although it's nor far off the truth.. I keep pressing the 160db air horn button instead of the "Norfolk" horn button... did you stop and catch a glimpse Iain?
  5. Welcome back Iain lol.. I hope Clive's security guards wasn't too harsh on you Hope you are all recovered too. Take your time with the write up.. no pressure at all.. but we are expecting a good one and millions of pictures!
  6. Yeah.. don't like it... looks terrible It's good to see it all finished after seeing it being constructed in the thread and It's nice to see such a high quality of boats coming along.. Shame I will never be able to hire one though. Well done all involved and I hope she's well looked after whilst on hire!
  7. Hi Paul, Good tips already. With regards to antifoul, I wouldn't go near it unless it's coming off and if it is then scrape it off. Certainly don't sand as it's nasty stuff and even with decent respirators you will probably get a bit sick. If you really want to take it off then use a stripper such as Dilunette (http://www.tcschandlery.co.uk/owatrol-dilunet-marine-strip-paint-antifoul-stripper/p8967?gclid=Cj0KEQjw1duqBRDPlLKsuJCUiuABEiQAxgHwJyh5I1DVXaiUC576PosyfpJBgiFwZOe6hv5ZoeZo_boaAjxn8P8HAQ) but be careful as it can burn your skin if you aren't careful. Also you should really only put recoat with the same as that's on there as they aren't really compatible. We are obviously new to Norfolk and on the coast here I used to antifoul every season so compatibility didn't really matter as it never really worked anyway. I understand Hemple Broads antifoul is good for the broads. I used Hemple classic as I couldn't get broads down here in Kent (and everything else was for salt water) but at present it's doing well in somerleyton. As Samuel said if you take it off then get back to the gel coat and 2 coats of good underwater primer then 2 coats of suitable antifoul.
  8. Warning: Atten Clive (Richardson)... I think tomorrow is Broadways handback day.. Don't forget Iain (broadscot) is from Scotland so best to have security at the ready as I'd be worried he will need to be physically removed from the boat and escorted away from your yard (Make sure he's not hidden any keys on his person too). Hope you have had a brilliant time Iain (even after that pub brawl or "Fire extinguisher incident").. Looking forward to hearing all about your trip!
  9. Hi Jon, certainly sounds interesting. Let us know the dates, if I'm there I'll try and get over. Would you be doing a list of what's available beforehand if so please share. Good luck.
  10. We so need to do the NBN calendar this year.... Lovely pictures Jill
  11. John from what i can see behind the scenes you should be able to reply to Mark even though you aren't a full member. Do you get a message telling you otherwise? Or is the reply button just disabled?
  12. If anyone (sail, motor, Dinghy) needs a hand/tow and i'm there just shout/wave (PMR 4 (when i work out how to use it .. V8vogue I'll be PM'ing you shortly!!) or VHF 77).. I'm more than happy to help.. Although I would find it rude to ask a sail boat if they aren't making progress if they need a hand so I probably wouldn't ask... Should I ask? Good to hear you got unstuck safely though.
  13. Tomorrow is that John? I hope you won't hesitate in uploading..!
  14. I've just watched the video.. and certainly agree Robin did just what I would do (Probably/hopefully!). Engine off in less than 2 mins was brilliant! As I mentioned earlier I would have opened the engine bay and yup left the helm if required.. I believe you do need to work out how serious things are. With regards to mooring at the island, I certainly think this was best it got the engine off and clearly you wasn't injured (as per my earlier comment) so the main priority therefore was to get the engine off. I've broken down on the broads a few times and the mechanics have lots of way getting out to you (it just takes longer).. once we was rescued by a tug boat on the Ant although we wasn't bothered we just done some fishing! Your knowledge you boat systems clearly helped get it fixed quickly Again I hope it didn't spoil your trip and thanks for sharing and even grabbing the video when events happened perhaps it will even help someone decide what to do if the worst should happen. I must admit I'm a bit worried about the isolators though, although previous posters have worked out that these wouldn't have helped much for this problem, I understand the logic why they should be marked and accessible. From what I can see from Robins video is that they aren't clearly marked and accessibility is questionable. In fact both are a BSC Requirement: 3.6.5/R REQUIREMENT: Is the location of all battery isolators, or the means to operate them, in open view, or their location clearly marked? (Check that all battery isolators, or their means of operation, are in open view with all removable lids, deck boards, curtains, doors, etc in place. If not in open view, check their location is clearly marked in open view.). If this is not the case then I understand the BSC is not valid. Not that I want to cause any arguments but I think it's something, if true, should be redeemed ASAP. (http://www.boatsafetyscheme.org/media/164496/bss%20guide%20chap3.pdf).
  15. I certainly enjoyed too David. Shame it's over it's been my wake up read for the week or so It was a pleasure to meet you guys too and I'm pleased you weren't disappointed with Orca lol As Steve said roll on September and we will have to catch up for a beer!
  16. Good luck guys.. Just keep the stinkie close by for when you get bored, it rains, there's no wind, there's too much wind, you get hurt (its not called a boom for nothing), something breaks and/or you just want to get to the pub today!
  17. I've not seen this episode Robin but it sounds like the outcome wasn't too serious and hopefully you wasn't too shaken up. Personally it sounds like you did the right thing. Although perhaps heading to an island wasn't the best idea, encase you were injured and needed rescuing although I guess as long you safely vacated the boat and left it away from others it probably wasn't too bad of an idea. Switching the engine off immediately would depend on where you are and the circumstances, if you are at sea away from shipping channels and in fair weather than certainly worth doing as the grater risk is the fire but on a full ebb down at yarmouth then certainly not as theres a grater risk of hitting something and sinking.. Although I guess you could call for help at least and drop the weight but should a fire break out you probably wont have long (well 3 mins if the BSC is correct!? Yeah right!)... I doubt that SOB will have got to you in 3 mins so it's still probably safer to continue to dry land. (Another reason why all boats should have a (free) tender)... But as you say it's all very tough choices and very hard to say without being there.. I probably would have reduced the revs and like you had a look more to work out whats up (Thankfully I know my boat inside out so that would take all of about 2 seconds!) I understand my engine can run with the isolators off so they would been switched off too and if that reduced the fumes then head for shore.. Should a fire have broken out (and the extinguishers not have helped) then it would be a Mayday call over VHF and then into the wet stuff... (Or in the dinghy if it was inflated!).. Touch wood this is a very rare occurrence and doesn't happen again and certaily never causes a serious fire. If I understand the cause correctly, I've been advised never to fit the auto isolators as they do play games at times so we have always been advised to fit our boats with 2 way manual isolators (Although I guess they aren't in hireboats because they need manually changing over). I certainly agree that they should be marked although I guess there's only so much the yards can explain and do in that short induction (for something which may not cause an issue).
  18. David... you are pretty good at photoshop, we will give you that...
  19. JawsOrca


    Thank you for the update Amanda. It's good to know you have taken such action.
  20. "date back to a time when the Broads was a thriving holiday destination".. good piece of advertisement from the EDP.. Although its not as thriving as it once was that line probably could have worded a bit better.
  21. Hi Eric, Try and click here: http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notificationlog I'm guessing you may have too many notifications for that box to load. (Although I've got 19 pages and mines ok) Steve (steveanddebs) reported the same thing yesterday but on an ipad (is that what you are using?) If no better or you can't see that screen let us know and we can look further.
  22. Very very sad news. Thoughts are with the family.
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