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Everything posted by SweetKingfisher1

  1. Hello Wussername, i am replying via my Iphone on Tapatalk. I love useing this way when at work or away from home. Its a great way to keep in touch. Regards Marina [emoji311][emoji120]
  2. Hello All, can anyone tell me why my profile photo has vanished, please ? Regard Marina
  3. Hello Paul, yes we are on the waiting list for Cove Marina. I spoke to Dave last month and we agreed to speak again in January, but because of her size we need a moorings as you also said on the other side. Yes Alan, you are on my Dart Account, so coming back on Sunday is all ok for you. Also remember Alan dear, CaptMatt / Paul that we are old neighbours from Eastwood . Alan have a great weekend. Regards Marina
  4. Hello dear Son, the pictures look great and oh dear the rain will find it's way through the smallest hole and don't we know that . So your way back next weekend it will be under the new Dart Charge, which of course you are ok for crossing the bridge . I could do with a couple bottles of Wherry, please . Have a great time next weekend and don't forget to relax . Regards Marina (Mum)
  5. Hello Neil, yes please let Alan know when you and Karen will be down Alan's way and we will love to meet you at Alan's . Regards Marina
  6. Thanks for the reminder . Regards Marina
  7. Hello Sean, I can guarantee that everyone on NBN are very friendly and will help and advise if you ask . They have help me with many of my questions . Welcome and enjoy . Regards Marina
  8. I had over time send letters to be publish, but not one letter had ever been printed , so I gave up sending any more . Regards Marina
  9. Iain and I thought you could keep a secret . Regards Marina
  10. Tony I can't give you any advise, but I can welcome you to NBN. Maldon is a lovely place we got a trip on a Thames Barge as a present and sailed on the Blackwater, great time . There is also a great pub there . Regards Marina
  11. Ok everyone and my dearest Alan. I would love to be on our dear girl in the winter, but Ian says it's too bloody cold. The heating does work, but without a thermostat it get too warm, so you turn the heating off and within a moment it's already gets cold . Alan christmas presents, oh I thought you said you would like coloured fenders pink mermaid ? Regards Marina ( mum )
  12. This had been our last trip out on the broads this weekend. We collected Sweet Kingfisher from Graham at Maffett,Loddon. The horrible rubbers going down the haul have gone. Great weekend, Saturday was great on the river and we passed about 8 -10 private boat and all waved and said hi. Regards Marina
  13. Hello Beano and welcome , sorry we were having our last trip out on the broads yesterday. Welcome . Regards Marina
  14. Not sure if any of you saw the EDP yesterday Saturday, also I have received my email regarding the new Dart-Charge. As from Sunday 30th November the new payment system come's into place . Regards Marina
  15. One week on the broads is never long enough . Instead of rushing around try to relax and enjoy your week . Regards Marina
  16. This morning I went to see the poppies before I went to work and it was the best time to go . I am glad I went to see this as it is a one off . Regards Marina
  17. Hello Dogpawz, glad you had a great week, so will you be back? Once bitten with the broads and the rest is history . Regards Marina
  18. We had had a great evening last night and no we did not see any ghost . They were there . Regards Marina
  19. I thought it would be good to see what everyone is doing or has done on Halloween . We are going on a Halloween Ghost Tour at Firepower Royal Artillery Museum, Woolwich . It's ok Ian does not believe in ghost, so I am going to tell them to play on him ha ha. Our daughter is also going, but not with us with her friends. JawsOrca was invited by his sister . Have a good evening everyone . Regards Marina
  20. Welcome Biscuiteer and have a great time cruising the broads. Regards Marina
  21. Hello and welcome Kevin to the NBN . Have a great time on Pacific Princess . Regards Marina
  22. Yes we / I have it well planned and no no wobbling. Once we meet up it is dinner somewhere in Norwich or Brundall. As for Chelsea what can I say . Regards Marina
  23. The Broads or going abroad that is the question . Well Ian and I next year are the big 60 and we were thinking of going abroad, but I want to have a extra time on the boat, because that is what we enjoy and where we will relax . We are still considering what to do or where to go. The thought of flying and airports no way. We can get in the car and drive up to Norfolk . Regards Marina
  24. I can ensure you all, we never starve, so give Ian's dish a go . Ian is a chef and he does all the cooking at home and on the boat. We have some great dishes when we are on the boat, but mainly on our two weeks holiday will he cook on the boat . Regards Marina
  25. Ian travels up by 1st on the train and I drive up by car, which I agree with you Baitrunner . Once I am through the Dartford Tunnel and heading north I feel I am going where I belong Norfolk. I am sorry to say Kent has nothing for me anymore and me being a Kentish Maid. I love my drive up to Norfolk and I loveee driving around the country lines . Ian and I meet up at Norwich train station around 18:22 when his train get in. We both are starting to relax for the weekend . Regards Marina
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