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Everything posted by SweetKingfisher1

  1. Well thanks all. We did get up last Saturday and got the boat out and back before the heavens open. As for the driving not too bad. As for the second op, not sure if I will go through with it , if I do it won't be till next year, as I can't get the time off work with pay. We will be back up on the boat for our 2 weeks hols, 3 weeks Saturday. Where the hell has this year and summer gone? Anyone else up for the first 2 weeks of September? We will be heading from Brundall on Saturday 2nd Sep and going over Breydon Water on the afternoon tide (early/mid afternoon) then may head up to Thurne for the night. Still won't be sure how far up The Bure we get until the day. So north river for our first week and back down to south river around our second Monday. Regards Marina
  2. Ok, today have had the stitches taken out . I want to get my hand up and going, so Saturday we can pop up and take the boat out . Fingers crossed I can start driving again with out problems. Regards Marina
  3. Thanks all, but one thing I have leant this pass week is, where there is a will there's a way of doing everyday things . Ok, even like entering this message is taking me time with one hand, but it can be done, by giving your self time. As for gadgets out there, I do agree to getting those which make life a lot easier . Regards Marina
  4. How would I deal after my Carpal Tunnel Operation? That was a question I had asked my-self and thought it was going to be hell for me, but I was going to be a nightmare for dear Ian living with me. I am a strong independent person and for those who know me, I might be short (or petite) but nothing is too big or too small for me. I had my operation last Monday at Farnbrough Hospital, Kent (not my local hospital). Ian and my niece helped with being my taxi and company. The operation is a simple operation of cutting into your lower part of your hand and cutting into the roof of the Carpal Tunnel (I am sure thats what the Doctor told me). The op only took about 20mins. Ian had to go to work on the Tuesday, leaving me home alone (apart from our 2 cats) leaving around 11:30, but he had put together a sandwich for my lunch and something to go into the microwave for my supper. This Ian has been doing every working day for me. My life changed on that Monday, because I could not use my left hand or to get that hand wet. So still for me to have my independent and not to put too much on Ian shoulders, how to wash and dress my self, but with having easy clothes to wear was a good idea and worked. Well I have leant and learning how to be using just one hand. It does take me a lot longer to do the washing up and to do the drying up. How to open a screw bottle top can be hard, but I can open it once Ian has left the top loose. It is not easy living with one of your limbs out of action and when you know it is only for a short period, you cope, but for those who have lost a limb. I hold my hand up to you them. Ian help me on Thursday to change my dressing, as this is what the Hospital had told us, but I was only given 2 new dressing, which are not idea for a hand operation as the dressings do not stick for long. A visit to my own Doctors on Friday for another change of dressing, still another rubbish dressing put on. Saturday a visit to our local chemist and this time a guy took time to help with dressing my hand. This dressing will last until next Monday and at last the stitches come out. One more week of working and keeping that hand dry, then I hope to be able to start to use both hands and slowly getting back to driving the car and hopefully be able to get up to the boat and out on the Broads. Ian is really missing the boat. Fingers crossed my next couple of weeks go well and I can get back to normal. I would like to thank everyone who has been giving Ian wishes for me. Thank You. Regards Marina
  5. Well today is our special day. Our Ruby Anniversary 40 years. He did know what he was letting himself in for all those years ago . Like mother like daughter as the saying goes.
  6. Ian keeps putting his little bit, so it is my turn. Grace, as Ian said. Yes I needed to go shoe shopping, which I did get, great news for me. Berlin, for me is a place I had been many times, but it has changed for the best, but still a great for a holiday or a long weekend. The photo I hope to attach is not brilliant, but has Ian with a little glass in his hand. Regards Marina
  7. Local shops and the one we love to visit is called Ramblers at Thurne. Great little shop and one selling Ice Cream and Sorbet, as I am unable to eat ice cream. What has happen to the post office / shop at Reedham as it's stock has gone right down? This was once a great little shop . Regards Marina
  8. Looking at the live webcam there is no NBN sign or are we missing something? Regards Marina
  9. Hi All, this is for all of you who may be driving on the A12 this weekend. I had put this on Facebook, but those of you who do not use Facebook. From Saturday 20th May at 10pm till Monday 22nd May 4am. Re-install a bridge between junction 23-24 northbound and 25-24 southbound, diversions will be in place. Sorry to say we will not be going up to the boat this weekend, so to all of you this weekend have fun and enjoy. http://www.edp24.co.uk/motoring/drivers-using-a12-to-expect-disruption-this-weekend-1-5023837 Regards Marina
  10. I just wish we could buy Wonky veg more often, as the ones we had brought had been good and a lot cheaper . Regards Marina
  11. Hello Grace, I have signed. Regards Marina
  12. Hi Alan and Tan, have a great time and if you are still there on Saturday, we may see you out on the Yare :-). Regards Marina
  13. Sunday morning heading back to Brundall we met some sailing boats and it took us some time to get pass all of them, but there was one in front. A bloke on his own. In the end we got pass him, but the guy would not slow down and the next moment we looked around and he was right behind us, so close. I said to Ian "that is what you say right up your a--, in the end he turned. The guy was only thinking of him-self not of us or of the danger if he touched us, we had been giving him right of way. What a prat and give sailing boats a bad name. All the other sailing boats thanked us, but not him. Regards Marina
  14. When we visit Norwich we love to visit the Colman’s Mustard Shop, but reading the EDP today they are closing the shop shortly, but they are going to reopen in a new location. The new location is still unknown, but they hope to open around September. The reason for the move they say is the high rent, so fingers crossed it's not too far away from the centre. Regards Marina
  15. Hi, can I just clear this issue regarding Maffett's, please. I spoke to Graham this morning as he is our boat engineer and we needed to arrange the service. We had spoken to Graham earlier this year to book us in his diary for once the boat went back into the water. So when I heard regarding this post I new I had to speak to Graham to double check if we had to look for a new boat engineer. Graham has NOT stopped looking after Nanni engines, but he has been doing a large engine work / job, so he is running late starting on other work. As he works on his own, he has to prioritise who requested first. Sorry to say, but if someone has only just request his service, then they will join the back of the queue. Regards Marina
  16. Great news and to NBN. We will come to see you during the season. Regards Marina
  17. What a site , if only I could enjoy a piece of it. Regard Marina
  18. Stay safe to you and your family . Regards Marina
  19. 337 items in the bathroom where the hell would you find somewhere to put all that, well not me, ok I am not a normal female , oh yes 20 items for Ian with all his after shave . Gracie you will beat me on the shoes line also , because I hate buying shoes . Regards Marina
  20. We have the old dipstick because our boat (Sweet Kingfisher) was once Barnes Brinkscraft and before that the French Canals. We have used the dipstick in the early days of ownership, but we have got to know her, but we have keep the dipstick sitting on the side (just in case it is needed) . Regards Marina
  21. I second that , Gracie you would be good after all everyone listen to you. Regards Marina
  22. Hello jevski better late than ever to NBN. I agree with you I love being on the Broads, as we live down south on the Kent London border not nice . Enjoy being back to the place we all totally love . Regards Marina
  23. To everyone it is count down for this year / season 2017 . We will be up and on the boat for Easter , but first we need to do some work on the boat with dear JawsOrca (Alan) help . We got told yesterday (at the moorings) the crane has been booked for Wednesday 5th April to put all boats back into the water . Then Good Friday and till Easter Sunday we will be on her and give her a good clean and enjoy being back on the water. Regards Marina
  24. Another great place to moor is How Hill . That can be a short stay or over night. It nice to moor and have a walk around the museum. Last year we brought ice cream / sorbet there (if anyone can remember September last year ). Great place and yes you may see otters at How Hill, we did a couple of years ago. Regards Marina
  25. This guy walking on the ice at Whitlingham Broad, but not only that, but carrying a child . I saw this in the Daily Mail today, but I understand it is in the EDP. I just can not understand why this guy would want to see how thick the ice . All I can say is, it is a good job the ice did not break, for the child not for him. He needs his head checked over. Regards Marina
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